blob: 3de0b339eee8811a34d89230c46f0ed43d2292fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Defines the function that checks for type compatibility.
* This logic duplicates that of v23/vdl/compatible.go
* Compatible: Two types can potentially convert to each other.
* Convertible: A value with one type can be converted to a second type.
* See canonicalize.js for the function that converts a value to a given type.
* @private
var Kind = require('./kind.js');
var Types = require('./types.js');
module.exports = compatible;
* Returns whether or not these types are compatible with each other.
* @param {Type | undefined} a The first type (undefined for native values)
* @param {Type | undefined} b The second type (undefined for native values)
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the types are compatible.
function compatible(a, b) {
return compat(a, b, new Set(), new Set());
* Helper for compatible. Keeps track of the set of ancestors for each type.
* This chain of ancestors allows detection of recursive types. When detected,
* the function returns true (potentially, a false positive).
* @param {Type | undefined} a The first type (undefined for native values)
* @param {Type | undefined} b The second type (undefined for native values)
* @param {set[Type]} seenA The set of ancestor types for type a.
* @param {set[Type]} seenB The set of ancestor types for type b.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the types are compatible.
function compat(a, b, seenA, seenB) {
// Native types are always compatible with everything.
if (a === undefined || b === undefined) {
return true;
// Drop optionals. ?foo is compatible with foo.
if (a.kind === Kind.OPTIONAL) {
a = a.elem;
if (b.kind === Kind.OPTIONAL) {
b = b.elem;
// If the types match, return true.
// Note: Allow recursive types to be compatible to avoid infinite loop.
// Like compatible.go, this returns true if any cycles are detected. This
// avoids infinite loops and simpler checks at the cost of a little more work
// in canonicalize. Recursive types are rare, so this doesn't matter much.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): JS Sets actually allow us to detect shared references
// So this may be solvable on our end. Go cannot do so very efficiently.
if (a === b || seenA.has(a) || seenB.has(b)) {
return true;
var ka = a.kind;
var kb = b.kind;
// Any is always compatible with everything.
if (ka === Kind.ANY || kb === Kind.ANY) {
return true;
// Numbers are only compatible with numbers.
var nA = isNumber(a);
var nB = isNumber(b);
if (nA || nB) {
return nA && nB;
// Booleans are only compatible with booleans.
if (ka === Kind.BOOL || kb === Kind.BOOL) {
return ka === Kind.BOOL && kb === Kind.BOOL;
// Type objects are only compatible with type objects.
if (ka === Kind.TYPEOBJECT || kb === Kind.TYPEOBJECT) {
return ka === Kind.TYPEOBJECT && kb === Kind.TYPEOBJECT;
// Handle string, enum, []byte here. []byte is not compatible with []number
var sA = isStringEnumBytes(a);
var sB = isStringEnumBytes(b);
if (sA || sB) {
return sA && sB;
// Track composite types. Only these can be recursive.
// Handle composites types.
switch(ka) {
case Kind.ARRAY:
case Kind.LIST:
switch(kb) {
case Kind.ARRAY:
case Kind.LIST:
return compat(a.elem, b.elem, seenA, seenB);
return false;
case Kind.SET:
switch(kb) {
case Kind.SET:
return compat(a.key, b.key, seenA, seenB);
case Kind.MAP:
// Note: Swap a and b. The helper needs a map first.
return compatMapKeyElem(b, a.key, Types.BOOL, seenB, seenA);
case Kind.STRUCT:
// Note: Swap a and b. The helper needs a struct first.
return compatStructKeyElem(b, a.key, Types.BOOL, seenB, seenA);
return false;
case Kind.MAP:
switch(kb) {
case Kind.SET:
return compatMapKeyElem(a, b.key, Types.BOOL, seenA, seenB);
case Kind.MAP:
return compatMapKeyElem(a, b.key, b.elem, seenA, seenB);
case Kind.STRUCT:
// Note: Swap a and b. The helper needs a struct first.
return compatStructKeyElem(b, a.key, a.elem, seenA, seenB);
return false;
case Kind.STRUCT:
switch(kb) {
case Kind.SET:
return compatStructKeyElem(a, b.key, Types.BOOL, seenA, seenB);
case Kind.MAP:
return compatStructKeyElem(a, b.key, b.elem, seenB, seenA);
case Kind.STRUCT:
// Special: empty struct is compatible to all other structs
if (isEmptyStruct(a) || isEmptyStruct(b)) {
return true;
return compatFields(a, b, seenA, seenB);
return false;
case Kind.UNION:
switch (kb) {
case Kind.UNION:
return compatFields(a, b, seenA, seenB);
return false;
throw new Error('compatible received unhandled types ' + a.toString() +
' and ' + b.toString());
// Helper to determine if a map and a key-elem combo are compatible.
// Requirement: a is a map type.
// Keys and elems must be compatible.
function compatMapKeyElem(a, bKey, bElem, seenA, seenB) {
// Note: Use a separate copy of the ancestors-seen set for the keys.
return compat(a.key, bKey, setCopy(seenA), setCopy(seenB)) &&
compat(a.elem, bElem, seenA, seenB);
// Helper to determine if a struct and a key-elem combo are compatible.
// Requirement: a is a struct type.
// Key must be string-compatible, elem must be compatible with all struct fields
function compatStructKeyElem(a, bKey, bElem, seenA, seenB) {
if (isEmptyStruct(a)) {
return false; // empty struct can't convert to map/set
if (!compat(Types.STRING, bKey, seenA, seenB)) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < a.fields.length; i++) {
// Note: Each field needs an independent copy of the ancestors-seen set.
if (!compat(a.fields[i].type, bElem, setCopy(seenA), setCopy(seenB))) {
return false;
return true;
// Helper to determine if a struct or union's fields match.
// Requirement: a and b are struct or union types.
// Name matches must have compatible types, with at least 1 match.
function compatFields(a, b, seenA, seenB) {
var fieldMatches = false;
// Go through each field combination.
for (var i = 0; i < a.fields.length; i++) {
var fieldA = a.fields[i];
for (var j = 0; j < b.fields.length; j++) {
var fieldB = b.fields[j];
// As soon as any name matches, stop to inspect.
if ( !== {
} else {
// Note: Each field needs an independent copy of the ancestors-seen set.
var typeMatch = compat(fieldA.type, fieldB.type, setCopy(seenA),
// Return false if despite a name match, the types did not match.
if (!typeMatch) {
return false;
fieldMatches = true;
return fieldMatches;
// Returns a copy of the given set.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): May be inefficient. Used to detect recursive types.
// An alternative is to use branch ids when descending down the type graph.
function setCopy(set) {
var s = new Set();
set.forEach(function(key) {
return s;
// Helper to determine if the type represents a number.
function isNumber(t) {
switch(t.kind) {
case Kind.BYTE: // TODO(alexfandrianto): Byte is not a number.
case Kind.UINT16:
case Kind.UINT32:
case Kind.UINT64:
case Kind.INT16:
case Kind.INT32:
case Kind.INT64:
case Kind.FLOAT32:
case Kind.FLOAT64:
case Kind.COMPLEX64:
case Kind.COMPLEX128:
return true;
return false;
// Helper to determine if the type is a string, enum, or byte array/slice.
function isStringEnumBytes(t) {
return t.kind === Kind.STRING || t.kind === Kind.ENUM ||
(t.kind === Kind.LIST && t.elem.kind === Kind.BYTE) ||
(t.kind === Kind.ARRAY && t.elem.kind === Kind.BYTE);
// Helper to determine if this struct is empty.
// Requirement: t is a struct.
function isEmptyStruct(t) {
return t.fields.length === 0;