blob: 9411b2824a639611524f6eea0e3481c02b040328 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was auto-generated by the vanadium vdl tool.
var vdl = require('../../../../../../../../vdl');
var makeError = require('../../../../../../../../verror/make-errors');
var actions = require('../../../../../../../../verror/actions');
var canonicalize = require('../../../../../../../../vdl/canonicalize');
module.exports = {};
// Types:
var _type1 = new vdl.Type();
var _type10 = new vdl.Type();
var _type11 = new vdl.Type();
var _type12 = new vdl.Type();
var _type13 = new vdl.Type();
var _type14 = new vdl.Type();
var _type15 = new vdl.Type();
var _type16 = new vdl.Type();
var _type17 = new vdl.Type();
var _type2 = new vdl.Type();
var _type3 = new vdl.Type();
var _type4 = new vdl.Type();
var _type5 = new vdl.Type();
var _type6 = new vdl.Type();
var _type7 = new vdl.Type();
var _type8 = new vdl.Type();
var _type9 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeArgs = new vdl.Type();
var _typeCompComp = new vdl.Type();
var _typeComposites = new vdl.Type();
var _typeCompositesArray = new vdl.Type();
var _typeKeyScalars = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedArray = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedBool = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedByte = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedComplex128 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedComplex64 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedEnum = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedFloat32 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedFloat64 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedInt16 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedInt32 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedInt64 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedList = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedMap = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedSet = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedString = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedStruct = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedUint16 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedUint32 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedUint64 = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNamedUnion = new vdl.Type();
var _typeNestedArgs = new vdl.Type();
var _typeScalars = new vdl.Type();
var _typeScalarsArray = new vdl.Type();
_type1.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "";
_type1.elem = _typeScalars;
_type10.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "";
_type10.elem = _type8;
_type11.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "";
_type11.elem = vdl.Types.INT32;
_type12.kind = vdl.Kind.SET; = "";
_type12.key = vdl.Types.INT32;
_type13.kind = vdl.Kind.MAP; = "";
_type13.elem = vdl.Types.STRING;
_type13.key = vdl.Types.INT32;
_type14.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "";
_type14.elem = vdl.Types.BYTE;
_type15.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "";
_type15.elem = vdl.Types.STRING;
_type16.kind = vdl.Kind.SET; = "";
_type16.key = vdl.Types.STRING;
_type17.kind = vdl.Kind.MAP; = "";
_type17.elem = vdl.Types.INT64;
_type17.key = vdl.Types.STRING;
_type2.kind = vdl.Kind.SET; = "";
_type2.key = _typeKeyScalars;
_type3.kind = vdl.Kind.MAP; = "";
_type3.elem = _typeScalars;
_type3.key = vdl.Types.STRING;
_type4.kind = vdl.Kind.MAP; = "";
_type4.elem = _type5;
_type4.key = _typeKeyScalars;
_type5.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "";
_type5.elem = _type6;
_type6.kind = vdl.Kind.MAP; = "";
_type6.elem = vdl.Types.COMPLEX128;
_type6.key = vdl.Types.STRING;
_type7.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "";
_type7.elem = _typeComposites;
_type8.kind = vdl.Kind.MAP; = "";
_type8.elem = _typeComposites;
_type8.key = vdl.Types.STRING;
_type9.kind = vdl.Kind.MAP; = "";
_type9.elem = _type10;
_type9.key = _typeKeyScalars;
_typeArgs.kind = vdl.Kind.STRUCT; = "";
_typeArgs.fields = [{name: "A", type: vdl.Types.INT32}, {name: "B", type: vdl.Types.INT32}];
_typeCompComp.kind = vdl.Kind.STRUCT; = "";
_typeCompComp.fields = [{name: "A0", type: _typeComposites}, {name: "A1", type: _typeCompositesArray}, {name: "A2", type: _type7}, {name: "A3", type: _type8}, {name: "A4", type: _type9}];
_typeComposites.kind = vdl.Kind.STRUCT; = "";
_typeComposites.fields = [{name: "A0", type: _typeScalars}, {name: "A1", type: _typeScalarsArray}, {name: "A2", type: _type1}, {name: "A3", type: _type2}, {name: "A4", type: _type3}, {name: "A5", type: _type4}];
_typeCompositesArray.kind = vdl.Kind.ARRAY; = "";
_typeCompositesArray.len = 2;
_typeCompositesArray.elem = _typeComposites;
_typeKeyScalars.kind = vdl.Kind.STRUCT; = "";
_typeKeyScalars.fields = [{name: "A0", type: vdl.Types.BOOL}, {name: "A1", type: vdl.Types.BYTE}, {name: "A2", type: vdl.Types.UINT16}, {name: "A3", type: vdl.Types.UINT32}, {name: "A4", type: vdl.Types.UINT64}, {name: "A5", type: vdl.Types.INT16}, {name: "A6", type: vdl.Types.INT32}, {name: "A7", type: vdl.Types.INT64}, {name: "A8", type: vdl.Types.FLOAT32}, {name: "A9", type: vdl.Types.FLOAT64}, {name: "A10", type: vdl.Types.COMPLEX64}, {name: "A11", type: vdl.Types.COMPLEX128}, {name: "A12", type: vdl.Types.STRING}, {name: "B0", type: _typeNamedBool}, {name: "B1", type: _typeNamedByte}, {name: "B2", type: _typeNamedUint16}, {name: "B3", type: _typeNamedUint32}, {name: "B4", type: _typeNamedUint64}, {name: "B5", type: _typeNamedInt16}, {name: "B6", type: _typeNamedInt32}, {name: "B7", type: _typeNamedInt64}, {name: "B8", type: _typeNamedFloat32}, {name: "B9", type: _typeNamedFloat64}, {name: "B10", type: _typeNamedComplex64}, {name: "B11", type: _typeNamedComplex128}, {name: "B12", type: _typeNamedString}];
_typeNamedArray.kind = vdl.Kind.ARRAY; = "";
_typeNamedArray.len = 2;
_typeNamedArray.elem = vdl.Types.BOOL;
_typeNamedBool.kind = vdl.Kind.BOOL; = "";
_typeNamedByte.kind = vdl.Kind.BYTE; = "";
_typeNamedComplex128.kind = vdl.Kind.COMPLEX128; = "";
_typeNamedComplex64.kind = vdl.Kind.COMPLEX64; = "";
_typeNamedEnum.kind = vdl.Kind.ENUM; = "";
_typeNamedEnum.labels = ["A", "B", "C"];
_typeNamedFloat32.kind = vdl.Kind.FLOAT32; = "";
_typeNamedFloat64.kind = vdl.Kind.FLOAT64; = "";
_typeNamedInt16.kind = vdl.Kind.INT16; = "";
_typeNamedInt32.kind = vdl.Kind.INT32; = "";
_typeNamedInt64.kind = vdl.Kind.INT64; = "";
_typeNamedList.kind = vdl.Kind.LIST; = "";
_typeNamedList.elem = vdl.Types.UINT32;
_typeNamedMap.kind = vdl.Kind.MAP; = "";
_typeNamedMap.elem = vdl.Types.FLOAT32;
_typeNamedMap.key = vdl.Types.STRING;
_typeNamedSet.kind = vdl.Kind.SET; = "";
_typeNamedSet.key = vdl.Types.STRING;
_typeNamedString.kind = vdl.Kind.STRING; = "";
_typeNamedStruct.kind = vdl.Kind.STRUCT; = "";
_typeNamedStruct.fields = [{name: "A", type: vdl.Types.BOOL}, {name: "B", type: vdl.Types.STRING}, {name: "C", type: vdl.Types.INT32}];
_typeNamedUint16.kind = vdl.Kind.UINT16; = "";
_typeNamedUint32.kind = vdl.Kind.UINT32; = "";
_typeNamedUint64.kind = vdl.Kind.UINT64; = "";
_typeNamedUnion.kind = vdl.Kind.UNION; = "";
_typeNamedUnion.fields = [{name: "A", type: vdl.Types.BOOL}, {name: "B", type: vdl.Types.STRING}, {name: "C", type: vdl.Types.INT32}];
_typeNestedArgs.kind = vdl.Kind.STRUCT; = "";
_typeNestedArgs.fields = [{name: "Args", type: _typeArgs}];
_typeScalars.kind = vdl.Kind.STRUCT; = "";
_typeScalars.fields = [{name: "A0", type: vdl.Types.BOOL}, {name: "A1", type: vdl.Types.BYTE}, {name: "A2", type: vdl.Types.UINT16}, {name: "A3", type: vdl.Types.UINT32}, {name: "A4", type: vdl.Types.UINT64}, {name: "A5", type: vdl.Types.INT16}, {name: "A6", type: vdl.Types.INT32}, {name: "A7", type: vdl.Types.INT64}, {name: "A8", type: vdl.Types.FLOAT32}, {name: "A9", type: vdl.Types.FLOAT64}, {name: "A10", type: vdl.Types.COMPLEX64}, {name: "A11", type: vdl.Types.COMPLEX128}, {name: "A12", type: vdl.Types.STRING}, {name: "A13", type: vdl.Types.ERROR}, {name: "A14", type: vdl.Types.ANY}, {name: "A15", type: vdl.Types.TYPEOBJECT}, {name: "B0", type: _typeNamedBool}, {name: "B1", type: _typeNamedByte}, {name: "B2", type: _typeNamedUint16}, {name: "B3", type: _typeNamedUint32}, {name: "B4", type: _typeNamedUint64}, {name: "B5", type: _typeNamedInt16}, {name: "B6", type: _typeNamedInt32}, {name: "B7", type: _typeNamedInt64}, {name: "B8", type: _typeNamedFloat32}, {name: "B9", type: _typeNamedFloat64}, {name: "B10", type: _typeNamedComplex64}, {name: "B11", type: _typeNamedComplex128}, {name: "B12", type: _typeNamedString}, {name: "B13", type: _typeNamedEnum}, {name: "B14", type: _typeNamedUnion}];
_typeScalarsArray.kind = vdl.Kind.ARRAY; = "";
_typeScalarsArray.len = 2;
_typeScalarsArray.elem = _typeScalars;
module.exports.Args = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeArgs));
module.exports.CompComp = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeCompComp));
module.exports.Composites = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeComposites));
module.exports.CompositesArray = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeCompositesArray));
module.exports.KeyScalars = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeKeyScalars));
module.exports.NamedArray = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedArray));
module.exports.NamedBool = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedBool));
module.exports.NamedByte = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedByte));
module.exports.NamedComplex128 = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedComplex128));
module.exports.NamedComplex64 = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedComplex64));
module.exports.NamedEnum = {
A: canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedEnum))('A', true), _typeNamedEnum),
B: canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedEnum))('B', true), _typeNamedEnum),
C: canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedEnum))('C', true), _typeNamedEnum),
module.exports.NamedFloat32 = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedFloat32));
module.exports.NamedFloat64 = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedFloat64));
module.exports.NamedInt16 = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedInt16));
module.exports.NamedInt32 = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedInt32));
module.exports.NamedInt64 = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedInt64));
module.exports.NamedList = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedList));
module.exports.NamedMap = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedMap));
module.exports.NamedSet = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedSet));
module.exports.NamedString = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedString));
module.exports.NamedStruct = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedStruct));
module.exports.NamedUint16 = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedUint16));
module.exports.NamedUint32 = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedUint32));
module.exports.NamedUint64 = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedUint64));
module.exports.NamedUnion = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedUnion));
module.exports.NestedArgs = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNestedArgs));
module.exports.Scalars = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeScalars));
module.exports.ScalarsArray = (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeScalarsArray));
// Consts:
module.exports.Cbool = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.BOOL))(true, true), vdl.Types.BOOL);
module.exports.Cbyte = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.BYTE))(1, true), vdl.Types.BYTE);
module.exports.Cint32 = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.INT32))(2, true), vdl.Types.INT32);
module.exports.Cint64 = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.INT64))(new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x3])), true), vdl.Types.INT64);
module.exports.Cuint32 = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.UINT32))(4, true), vdl.Types.UINT32);
module.exports.Cuint64 = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.UINT64))(new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x5])), true), vdl.Types.UINT64);
module.exports.Cfloat32 = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.FLOAT32))(6, true), vdl.Types.FLOAT32);
module.exports.Cfloat64 = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.FLOAT64))(7, true), vdl.Types.FLOAT64);
module.exports.CNamedBool = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedBool))(true, true), _typeNamedBool);
module.exports.CNamedStruct = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedStruct))({
'a': true,
'b': "test",
'c': 0,
}, true), _typeNamedStruct);
module.exports.Ccomplex64 = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.COMPLEX64))(new vdl.Complex(8.000000, 9.000000), true), vdl.Types.COMPLEX64);
module.exports.Ccomplex128 = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.COMPLEX128))(new vdl.Complex(10.000000, 11.000000), true), vdl.Types.COMPLEX128);
module.exports.Cstring = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.STRING))("foo", true), vdl.Types.STRING);
module.exports.Cenum = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedEnum))('A', true), _typeNamedEnum);
module.exports.Cunion = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedUnion))({ "a": true }, true), _typeNamedUnion);
module.exports.Carray = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeNamedArray))([
], true), _typeNamedArray);
module.exports.Clist = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_type11))([
], true), _type11);
module.exports.Cset = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_type12))(new Set([
3, ]), true), _type12);
module.exports.cmap = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_type13))(new Map([
[1, "A"],
[2, "B"],
[3, "C"]]), true), _type13);
module.exports.Cargs = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeArgs))({
'a': 1,
'b': 2,
}, true), _typeArgs);
module.exports.CScalars = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(_typeScalars))({
'a0': true,
'a1': 1,
'a2': 2,
'a3': 3,
'a4': new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x4])),
'a5': 5,
'a6': 6,
'a7': new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x7])),
'a8': 8,
'a9': 9,
'a10': new vdl.Complex(10.000000, 0.000000),
'a11': new vdl.Complex(11.000000, 0.000000),
'a12': "abc",
'a13': null,
'a14': canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.BOOL))(false, true), vdl.Types.BOOL),
'a15': vdl.Types.BOOL,
'b0': true,
'b1': 1,
'b2': 2,
'b3': 3,
'b4': new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x4])),
'b5': 5,
'b6': 6,
'b7': new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x7])),
'b8': 8,
'b9': 9,
'b10': new vdl.Complex(10.000000, 0.000000),
'b11': new vdl.Complex(11.000000, 0.000000),
'b12': "abc",
'b13': 'B',
'b14': { "c": 123 },
}, true), _typeScalars);
module.exports.True = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.BOOL))(true, true), vdl.Types.BOOL);
module.exports.Foo = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.STRING))("foo", true), vdl.Types.STRING);
module.exports.Five = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.INT32))(5, true), vdl.Types.INT32);
module.exports.Six = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.UINT64))(new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x6])), true), vdl.Types.UINT64);
module.exports.SixSquared = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.UINT64))(new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x24])), true), vdl.Types.UINT64);
module.exports.FiveSquared = canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.INT32))(25, true), vdl.Types.INT32);
module.exports.CTypeObject_bool = vdl.Types.BOOL;
module.exports.CTypeObject_string = vdl.Types.STRING;
module.exports.CTypeObject_bytes = _type14;
module.exports.CTypeObject_byte = vdl.Types.BYTE;
module.exports.CTypeObject_uint16 = vdl.Types.UINT16;
module.exports.CTypeObject_int16 = vdl.Types.INT16;
module.exports.CTypeObject_float32 = vdl.Types.FLOAT32;
module.exports.CTypeObject_complex64 = vdl.Types.COMPLEX64;
module.exports.CTypeObject_enum = _typeNamedEnum;
module.exports.CTypeObject_Array = _typeNamedArray;
module.exports.CTypeObject_List = _type15;
module.exports.CTypeObject_Set = _type16;
module.exports.CTypeObject_Map = _type17;
module.exports.CTypeObject_Struct = _typeScalars;
module.exports.CTypeObject_Union = _typeNamedUnion;
module.exports.CTypeObject_TypeObject = vdl.Types.TYPEOBJECT;
module.exports.CTypeObject_Any = vdl.Types.ANY;
// Errors:
module.exports.NoParams1Error = makeError('', actions.NO_RETRY, {
'en': '{1:}{2:} en msg',
}, [
module.exports.NoParams2Error = makeError('', actions.RETRY_REFETCH, {
'en': '{1:}{2:} en msg',
'fr': '{1:}{2:} fr msg',
}, [
module.exports.WithParams1Error = makeError('', actions.NO_RETRY, {
'en': '{1:}{2:} en x={3} y={4}',
}, [
module.exports.WithParams2Error = makeError('', actions.RETRY_REFETCH, {
'en': '{1:}{2:} en x={3} y={4}',
'fr': '{1:}{2:} fr y={4} x={3}',
}, [
module.exports.notExportedError = makeError('', actions.NO_RETRY, {
'en': '{1:}{2:} en x={3} y={4}',
}, [
// Services:
function ServiceA(){}
module.exports.ServiceA = ServiceA;
ServiceA.prototype.methodA1 = function(ctx, serverCall) {
throw new Error('Method MethodA1 not implemented');
ServiceA.prototype.methodA2 = function(ctx, serverCall, a, b) {
throw new Error('Method MethodA2 not implemented');
ServiceA.prototype.methodA3 = function(ctx, serverCall, a) {
throw new Error('Method MethodA3 not implemented');
ServiceA.prototype.methodA4 = function(ctx, serverCall, a) {
throw new Error('Method MethodA4 not implemented');
ServiceA.prototype._serviceDescription = {
name: 'ServiceA',
pkgPath: '',
doc: "",
embeds: [],
methods: [
name: 'MethodA1',
doc: "",
inArgs: [],
outArgs: [],
inStream: null,
outStream: null,
tags: []
name: 'MethodA2',
doc: "",
inArgs: [{
name: 'a',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.INT32
name: 'b',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.STRING
outArgs: [{
name: 's',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.STRING
inStream: null,
outStream: null,
tags: []
name: 'MethodA3',
doc: "",
inArgs: [{
name: 'a',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.INT32
outArgs: [{
name: 's',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.STRING
inStream: null,
outStream: {
name: '',
doc: '',
type: _typeScalars
tags: [canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.STRING))("tag", true), vdl.Types.STRING), canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.UINT64))(new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x6])), true), vdl.Types.UINT64), ]
name: 'MethodA4',
doc: "",
inArgs: [{
name: 'a',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.INT32
outArgs: [],
inStream: {
name: '',
doc: '',
type: vdl.Types.INT32
outStream: {
name: '',
doc: '',
type: vdl.Types.STRING
tags: []
function ServiceB(){}
module.exports.ServiceB = ServiceB;
ServiceB.prototype.methodB1 = function(ctx, serverCall, a, b) {
throw new Error('Method MethodB1 not implemented');
ServiceB.prototype.methodA1 = function(ctx, serverCall) {
throw new Error('Method MethodA1 not implemented');
ServiceB.prototype.methodA2 = function(ctx, serverCall, a, b) {
throw new Error('Method MethodA2 not implemented');
ServiceB.prototype.methodA3 = function(ctx, serverCall, a) {
throw new Error('Method MethodA3 not implemented');
ServiceB.prototype.methodA4 = function(ctx, serverCall, a) {
throw new Error('Method MethodA4 not implemented');
ServiceB.prototype._serviceDescription = {
name: 'ServiceB',
pkgPath: '',
doc: "",
embeds: [{
name: 'ServiceA',
pkgPath: '',
doc: ""
methods: [
name: 'MethodB1',
doc: "",
inArgs: [{
name: 'a',
doc: "",
type: _typeScalars
name: 'b',
doc: "",
type: _typeComposites
outArgs: [{
name: 'c',
doc: "",
type: _typeCompComp
inStream: null,
outStream: null,
tags: []
name: 'MethodA1',
doc: "",
inArgs: [],
outArgs: [],
inStream: null,
outStream: null,
tags: []
name: 'MethodA2',
doc: "",
inArgs: [{
name: 'a',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.INT32
name: 'b',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.STRING
outArgs: [{
name: 's',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.STRING
inStream: null,
outStream: null,
tags: []
name: 'MethodA3',
doc: "",
inArgs: [{
name: 'a',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.INT32
outArgs: [{
name: 's',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.STRING
inStream: null,
outStream: {
name: '',
doc: '',
type: _typeScalars
tags: [canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.STRING))("tag", true), vdl.Types.STRING), canonicalize.reduce(new (vdl.Registry.lookupOrCreateConstructor(vdl.Types.UINT64))(new vdl.BigInt(1, new Uint8Array([0x6])), true), vdl.Types.UINT64), ]
name: 'MethodA4',
doc: "",
inArgs: [{
name: 'a',
doc: "",
type: vdl.Types.INT32
outArgs: [],
inStream: {
name: '',
doc: '',
type: vdl.Types.INT32
outStream: {
name: '',
doc: '',
type: vdl.Types.STRING
tags: []