blob: c81649a31ee8eb166ba937ea9f42b79a39a18769 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Public Vanadium API.
* @private
var extend = require('xtend');
var isBrowser = require('is-browser');
var Deferred = require('./lib/deferred');
var runtime = require('./runtime');
var vlog = require('./lib/vlog');
var defaults = {
appName: 'untitled webapp',
authenticate: isBrowser,
logLevel: vlog.levels.WARN,
wspr: process.env.WSPR || (isBrowser ? null : 'http://localhost:8124')
* <p>Module vanadium defines the [Runtime]{@link module:vanadium~Runtime}
* interface of the public Vanadium API
* and its sub namespaces define the entire Vanadium public API.
* It also defines the [init]{@link module:vanadium.init}
* method which is used to initialize a
* [runtime]{@link module:vanadium~Runtime} instance.</p>
* <p>Once we reach a '1.0' version these public APIs will be stable over
* an extended period and changes to them will be carefully managed to ensure
* backward compatibility.</p>
* <p>The current release is '0.1' and although we will do our best to maintain
* backwards compatibility we can't guarantee that until we reach the '1.0'
* milestone.
* For more details about the Vanadium project,
* please visit {@link}.</p>
* @module vanadium
module.exports = {
init: init,
verror: require('./verror'),
rpc: require('./rpc'),
vlog: require('./lib/vlog'),
naming: require('./naming'),
security: require('./security'),
context: require('./context'),
vdl: require('./vdl'),
vom: require('./vom'),
uniqueId: require('./lib/uniqueid'),
vtrace: require('./vtrace'),
runtimeForContext: require('./runtime/runtime-from-context'),
if (isBrowser) {
module.exports.extension = require('./browser/extension-utils');
* Callback passed into the {@link module:vanadium.init} that will be
* called when the initialization has finished.
* @callback module:vanadium~runtimeCb
* @param {Error?} err If set, the error that occurred during
* {@link module:vanadium.init}
* @param {module:vandium~Runtime} rt The runtime that was constructed.
* Creates a Vanadium [runtime]{@link module:vanadium~Runtime}.
* @param {Object} config Configuration options
* @param {module:vanadium~runtimeCb} [cb] If provided, the callback that will
* be called on completion.
* @return {Promise.<module:vanadium~Runtime>} A promise that resolves to the
* new Runtime.
* @memberof module:vanadium
function init(config, cb) {
if (typeof config === 'function') {
cb = config;
config = {};
config = extend(defaults, config);
if (config.logLevel) {
vlog.logger.level = config.logLevel;
var runtimeOpts = {
appName: config.appName,
namespaceRoots: config.namespaceRoots,
proxy: config.proxy,
wspr: config.wspr
var def = new Deferred(cb);
// Validate config settings.
if (isBrowser && config.wspr) {
return def.reject(new Error('config.wspr requires NodeJS environment.'));
if (!isBrowser && !config.wspr) {
return def.reject(new Error('config.wspr is required in NodeJS ' +
if (!isBrowser && config.authenticate) {
return def.reject(new Error('config.authenticate requires browser ' +
if (config.wspr && (config.namespaceRoots || config.proxy)) {
return def.reject(new Error('Cannot set config.namespaceRoots or ' +
'config.proxy when using wspr. Use --v23.namespace.root ' +
'and --v23.proxy flags to wsprd.'));
// If the user has set config.authenticate to true, get an authenticated
// (blessed-by-Blessing-server) account for the user. This requires the
// Vanadium Chrome Extension to be installed and enabled. The resulting
// runtime will have runtime.accountName set of authenticated account.
// Otherwise, create a runtime with accountName 'unknown'.
if (config.authenticate) {
getAccount(function(err, accountName) {
if (err) {
return def.reject(err);
runtimeOpts.accountName = accountName;
runtime.init(runtimeOpts, onRtInit);
} else {
runtimeOpts.accountName = 'unknown';
runtime.init(runtimeOpts, onRtInit);
function onRtInit(err, rt) {
if (err) {
return def.reject(err);
return def.promise;
// getAccounts tells the Vanadium Extension to start an OAuth flow, gets an
// access token for the user, and exchanges that access token for an account
// which is then associated with the origin of the web app.
// Once the extension has received the 'auth' message, it will perform the OAuth
// <-> WSPR identity flow, and respond with either an 'auth:success' message or
// an 'auth:error' message.
function getAccount(cb) {
var extensionEventProxy = require('./browser/event-proxy');
extensionEventProxy.sendRpc('auth', null, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
return cb(null, data.account);