blob: b6428ea5156061be8dc530f0a6130e9fed812408 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var errorMap = require('./../runtime/error-map');
var VanadiumError = require('./../verror/vanadium-error');
var defaultLanguage = require('./../runtime/default-language');
var defaultCatalog = require('./../runtime/default-catalog');
var unwrap = require('./type-util').unwrap;
var verror = require('../gen-vdl/');
var canonicalize = require('./canonicalize');
var registry = require('./native-type-registry');
var Types = require('./types');
var defaultLanguage = require('../runtime/default-language');
module.exports = {
fromWireValue: fromWireValue,
fromNativeValue: fromNativeValue,
// VanadiumErrors already have the right type description. We registered Error
// in case anyone tries to pass a non-vanadium error as an argument to a
// function.
registry.registerFromNativeValue(Error, fromNativeValue, Types.ERROR.elem);
// We register both the optional and the concrete type for the error depending
// on what gets sent on the wire.
registry.registerFromWireValue(Types.ERROR.elem, fromWireValue);
var unknown = (new verror.UnknownError(null));
* Converts from a verror standard struct which comes from wspr to JavaScript
* Error object ensuring message and name are set properly
* @private
* @param {_standard} verr verror standard struct
* @return {Error} JavaScript error object
function fromWireValue(verr) {
// We have to unwrap verr, because it could either be of type Types.ERROR
// or Types.ERROR.elem The first type is an optional version of the
// second type.
verr = unwrap(verr);
if (verr instanceof VanadiumError) {
return verr.clone();
if (!verr) {
return null;
var id =;
var retry = verr.retryCode;
var msg = verr.msg;
verr.paramList = verr.paramList || [];
var Ctor = errorMap[id] || VanadiumError;
var err = Object.create(Ctor.prototype);
Object.defineProperty(err, 'constructor', { value: Ctor }); = id;
err.retryCode = retry;
err.msg = msg;
err.paramList = verr.paramList || [];
// TODO(bjornick): We should plumb the context into the decoder so we can
// get the correct langid.
err._langId = defaultLanguage;
Object.defineProperty(err, 'message', { value: msg });
if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') {
Error.captureStackTrace(err, VanadiumError);
} else {
Object.defineProperty(err, 'stack', { value: (new Error()).stack });
return err;
* Converts from a JavaScript error object to verror standard struct which
* wspr expects as error format.
* @private
* @param {Error} err JavaScript error object
* @param {string} appName name of the app
* @param {string} operation operation name.
* @return {_standard} verror standard struct
function fromNativeValue(err, appName, operation) {
var paramList = [];
if (err instanceof VanadiumError) {
var res = err.clone();
// We need to call fill on the paramList. We know what
// the expected for the defined parameters are so, we should
// use that rather than JSValue when encoding them.
paramList = unwrap(res.paramList);
if (paramList.length > 0) {
paramList[0] = canonicalize.fill(
canonicalize.reduce(paramList[0], Types.STRING),
if (paramList.length > 1) {
paramList[1] = canonicalize.fill(
canonicalize.reduce(paramList[1], Types.STRING),
var argTypes = res._argTypes || [];
// The first two arguments, if they exist are strings
for (var i = 2; i < paramList.length; i++) {
var argType = argTypes[i-2];
// Do our best to guess the type. This avoids revealing JSValue in our
// errors when sending native value parameters. Note: This is very hacky.
// TODO(alexfandrianto): We need to do this because other languages will
// print out the JSValue when they get it as an ANY. The resulting errors
// are quite unreadable. If we guess string, number, or bool, then at
// least they will receive something they know how to print. The cost to
// us is that these parameters will become wrapped upon decode.
// Issue:
if (!argType) {
if (typeof paramList[i] === 'string') {
argType = Types.STRING;
} else if (typeof paramList[i] === 'boolean') {
argType = Types.BOOL;
} else if (typeof paramList[i] === 'number') {
argType = Types.FLOAT64;
// If the arg has a type, canonicalize.
if (argType) {
paramList[i] = canonicalize.fill(
canonicalize.reduce(paramList[i], argType),
return res;
if (!err) {
return null;
var message = '';
var errID = ||;
var errRetryCode = err.retryCode || unknown.retryCode;
if (err instanceof Error) {
message = err.message;
paramList = ['app', 'call', message];
} else if (err !== undefined && err !== null) {
paramList = unwrap(err.paramList) || [appName, operation, err + ''];
message = err.message || err.msg || defaultCatalog.format(
defaultLanguage, errID, paramList);
if (!paramList[0] && appName) {
paramList[0] = appName;
if (!paramList[1] && operation) {
paramList[1] = operation;
// Make a copy of paramList
var args = paramList.slice(0);
// Add a null context to the front of the args.
// Pick the correct Error Constructor. If there isn't one, use Unknown.
var EConstructor = errorMap[errID] || verror.UnknownError;
var e = new EConstructor(args);
// Fill the remaining error parameters. By using new on an Error, we will have
// a stack trace. Add the correct id, retryCode, message, etc. = errID;
e.retryCode = errRetryCode;
e.resetArgs.apply(e, paramList);
e.message = message;
e.msg = message;
return e;