blob: e2ff9ad70c45ff7d9dd67725db039947b95e6d1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @summary A TraceRecord is the wire format for a Trace.
* @name TraceRecord
* @constructor
* @property {module:vanadium.uniqueId.Id} id
* @property {module:vanadium.vtrace.SpanRecord[]} spans
* @memberof module:vanadium.vtrace
* @summary An Annotation represents data that is relevant at a specific moment.
* @description
* Private Constructor, call {@link module:vanadium.vtrace.Span#annotate}
* @name Annotation
* @constructor
* @property {Date} when When the annotation was added.
* @property {string} message The annotation.
* message.
* @memberof module:vanadium.vtrace
* @summary A SpanRecord is the wire format for a Span.
* @name SpanRecord
* @constructor
* @property {module:vanadium.uniqueId.Id} id The Id of the Span.
* @property {module:vanadium.uniqueId.Id} parent The Id of this Span's parent.
* @property {string} name The Name of this span.
* @property {Date} start The start time of this span.
* @property {Date} end The end time of this span.
* @property {module:vanadium.vtrace.Annotation[]} annotations A series of
* annotations.
* @memberof module:vanadium.vtrace
* @summary TraceFlags specify options for how traces should be collected.
* @name TraceFlags
* @constructor
* @param {integer} flag
* @memberof module:vanadium.vtrace
* @summary Request is attached to RPC calls to request that servers reply with
* trace information.
* @description Private constructor. Use {@link module:vanadium.vtrace.request}
* to create an instance.
* @name Request
* @constructor
* @property {module:vanadium.uniqueId.Id} spanId The Id of the span that
* originated the RPC call.
* @property {module:vanadium.uniqueId.Id} traceId The Id of the trace this call
* is a part of.
* @property {module:vanadium.vtrace.TraceFlags} flags
* @memberof module:vanadium.vtrace
* @inner
* @summary
* Response is attached to RPC responses and provides the caller with tracing
* information for the completed call.
* @description Private constructor. Use {@link module:vanadium.vtrace.response}
* to create an instance.
* @name Response
* @constructor
* @property {module:vanadium.vtrace.TraceFlags} flags Flags give options for
* trace collection, the client should alter its collection for this trace
* according to the flags sent back from the originated the RPC call.
* @property {module:vanadium.vtrace.TraceRecord} trace Trace is collected
* trace data. This may be empty.
* @memberof module:vanadium.vtrace
* @inner