blob: dd5c3545384b2509e291dd3908233da0c75d938b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var Kind = require('./../../src/vdl/kind.js');
var Type = require('./../../src/vdl/type.js');
var Types = require('./../../src/vdl/types.js');
var recursiveType = new Type();
recursiveType.kind = Kind.LIST; = 'recList';
recursiveType.elem = recursiveType;
var secondLevelRecursiveTypeA = new Type();
secondLevelRecursiveTypeA.kind = Kind.SET; = 'recSet';
var secondLevelRecursiveTypeB = new Type(); = 'recArray';
secondLevelRecursiveTypeB.kind = Kind.ARRAY;
secondLevelRecursiveTypeB.len = 4;
secondLevelRecursiveTypeB.elem = secondLevelRecursiveTypeA;
secondLevelRecursiveTypeA.key = secondLevelRecursiveTypeB;
var tests = [
type: Types.ANY,
toString: 'any'
type: Types.BOOL,
toString: 'bool'
type: Types.BYTE,
toString: 'byte'
type: Types.UINT16,
toString: 'uint16'
type: Types.UINT32,
toString: 'uint32'
type: Types.UINT64,
toString: 'uint64'
type: Types.INT16,
toString: 'int16'
type: Types.INT32,
toString: 'int32'
type: Types.INT64,
toString: 'int64'
type: Types.FLOAT32,
toString: 'float32'
type: Types.FLOAT64,
toString: 'float64'
type: Types.COMPLEX64,
toString: 'complex64'
type: Types.COMPLEX128,
toString: 'complex128'
type: Types.STRING,
toString: 'string'
type: Types.TYPEOBJECT,
toString: 'typeobject'
type: {
kind: Kind.BOOL,
name: 'Boolean'
toString: 'Boolean bool'
type: {
kind: Kind.ENUM,
name: 'EnumName',
labels: ['labelOne', 'labelTwo']
toString: 'EnumName enum{labelOne;labelTwo}'
type: {
kind: Kind.ARRAY,
name: 'namedArray',
elem: {
kind: Kind.STRING,
name: 'namedString'
len: 10
toString: 'namedArray [10]namedString string'
type: {
kind: Kind.LIST,
name: 'namedList',
elem: {
kind: Kind.UINT16,
name: 'namedUint16'
toString: 'namedList []namedUint16 uint16'
type: {
kind: Kind.SET,
name: 'setName',
key: {
kind: Kind.UINT32,
name: 'namedUint32'
toString: 'setName set[namedUint32 uint32]'
type: {
kind: Kind.MAP,
name: 'mapName',
key: {
kind: Kind.INT16,
name: 'namedInt16'
elem: {
kind: Kind.INT32,
name: 'namedInt32'
toString: 'mapName map[namedInt16 int16]namedInt32 int32'
type: {
kind: Kind.STRUCT,
name: 'structName',
fields: [
name: 'FirstField',
type: Types.STRING
name: 'SecondField',
type: {
name: 'innerList',
kind: Kind.LIST,
elem: Types.INT16
'structName struct{FirstField string;SecondField innerList []int16}'
type: {
kind: Kind.UNION,
name: 'unionName',
fields: [
name: 'A',
type: Types.INT16
name: 'B',
type: {
name: 'innerSet',
kind: Kind.SET,
key: Types.BOOL
toString: 'unionName union{A int16;B innerSet set[bool]}'
type: {
name: 'shouldNotBeNamed', // NOTE: Optional should normally not be named.
kind: Kind.OPTIONAL,
elem: Types.UINT64
toString: 'shouldNotBeNamed ?uint64'
type: recursiveType,
toString: 'recList []recList'
type: secondLevelRecursiveTypeA,
toString: 'recSet set[recArray [4]recSet]'
type: secondLevelRecursiveTypeB,
toString: 'recArray [4]recSet set[recArray]'
module.exports = tests;