blob: 970ffd3795330c5dc94ffcaebbd166c7493d1256 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var test = require('tape');
var Catalog = require('../../src/verror/catalog');
test('set and lookup', function(assert) {
var catalog = new Catalog();
var fmt = 'expected format';
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en', 'bar'), 'bar{:_}');
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en-US', 'bar'), 'bar{:_}');
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en', 'foo'), 'foo{:_}');
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en-US', 'foo'), 'foo{:_}');
catalog.set('en-US', 'bar', fmt);
catalog.setWithBase('en-US', 'foo', fmt);
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en', 'bar'), 'bar{:_}');
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en-US', 'bar'), fmt);
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en', 'foo'), fmt);
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en-US', 'foo'), fmt);
// Make sure that setWithBase does not overwrite an existing base entry.
catalog.setWithBase('en-US', 'foo', 'other format');
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en', 'bar'), 'bar{:_}');
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en-US', 'bar'), fmt);
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en', 'foo'), fmt);
assert.equals(catalog.lookup('en-US', 'foo'), 'other format');
var catFile = '# In what follows we use the "languages" "fwd" and "back".\n' +
'fwd foo "{1} foo to {2}"\n' +
'# Next line has a missing trailing double quote, so will be ignored.\n' +
'back foo "{2} from foo {1}\n' +
'\n' +
'# Comment "quote"\n' +
'\n' +
'# The following two lines are ignored, since each has missing tokens.\n' +
'one\n' +
'one two\n' +
'\n' +
'fwd bar "{1} bar to {2}"\n' +
'back bar "{2} from bar {1}" extraneous word\n' +
'\n' +
'back "{2} from funny msg id {1}"\n' +
' "odd and\\b \\"funny\\""\n';
test('merge', function(assert) {
var catalog = new Catalog();
assert.equal(catalog.lookup('fwd', 'foo'), '{1} foo to {2}');
assert.equal(catalog.lookup('back', 'foo'), 'foo{:_}');
assert.equal(catalog.lookup('fwd', 'bar'), '{1} bar to {2}');
assert.equal(catalog.lookup('back', 'bar'), '{2} from bar {1}');
assert.equal(catalog.lookup('back', ''),
'{2} from funny msg id {1}');
assert.equal(catalog.lookup('', ''),
'odd and\b \"funny\"');