blob: f27971d1d713f5aeff00d242276835d8355a168e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Client for the vanadium service.
* Usage:
* var cl = new client(proxyConnection);
* var service = cl.bindTo('EndpointAddress', 'ServiceName');
* resultPromise = service.MethodName(arg);
* @private
var actions = require('../verror/actions');
var ByteArrayMessageWriter = require('../vom/byte-array-message-writer');
var byteUtil = require('../vdl/byte-util');
var Controller =
var context = require('../context');
var Deferred = require('../lib/deferred');
var emitStreamError = require('../lib/emit-stream-error');
var Encoder = require('../vom/encoder');
var Incoming = require('../proxy/message-type').Incoming;
var makeError = require('../verror/make-errors');
var Outgoing = require('../proxy/message-type').Outgoing;
var Promise = require('../lib/promise');
var ReservedSignature =
var RpcCallOption =
var RpcRequest =
var Stream = require('../proxy/stream');
var time = require('../gen-vdl/');
var uncapitalize = require('../vdl/util').uncapitalize;
var unwrap = require('../vdl/type-util').unwrap;
var vdl = require('../vdl');
var verror = require('../gen-vdl/');
var vlog = require('../lib/vlog');
var vom = require('../vom');
var SharedContextKeys = require('../runtime/shared-context-keys');
var vtrace = require('../vtrace');
var Blessings = require('../security/blessings');
var JsBlessings =
var OutstandingRPC = function(ctx, options, cb) {
this._ctx = ctx;
this._controller = ctx.value(SharedContextKeys.RUNTIME)._controller;
this._proxy = options.proxy;
this._id = -1;
this._name =;
this._methodName = options.methodName,
this._args = options.args;
this._outArgTypes = options.outArgTypes;
this._numOutParams = options.numOutParams;
this._isStreaming = options.isStreaming || false;
this._inStreamingType = options.inStreamingType;
this._outStreamingType = options.outStreamingType;
this._callOptions = options.callOptions;
this._cb = cb;
this._def = null;
// Helper function to convert an out argument to the given type.
function convertOutArg(arg, type, controller) {
var canonOutArg = arg;
var unwrappedArg = unwrap(arg);
if (unwrappedArg instanceof JsBlessings) {
var res =
new Blessings(unwrappedArg.handle, unwrappedArg.publicKey, controller);
return res;
// There's no protection against bad out args if it's a JSValue.
// Otherwise, convert to the out arg type to ensure type correctness.
if (!type.equals(vdl.types.JSVALUE)) {
canonOutArg = vdl.canonicalize.reduce(arg, type);
return unwrap(canonOutArg);
// Helper function to safely convert an out argument.
// The returned error, if any is useful for a callback.
function convertOutArgSafe(arg, type, controller) {
try {
return [undefined, convertOutArg(arg, type, controller)];
} catch(err) {
return [err, undefined];
OutstandingRPC.prototype.start = function() {
this._id = this._proxy.nextId();
var self = this;
var cb;
var outArgTypes = this._outArgTypes;
if (this._cb) {
// Wrap the callback to call with multiple arguments cb(err, a, b, c)
// rather than cb(err, [a, b, c]).
var origCb = this._cb;
cb = function convertToMultiArgs(err, results) { // jshint ignore:line
// If called from a deferred, the results are undefined.
// Each out argument should also be unwrapped. (results was []any)
results = results ?, i) {
var errOrArg = convertOutArgSafe(res, outArgTypes[i], self._controller);
if (errOrArg[0] && !err) {
err = errOrArg[0];
return errOrArg[1];
}) : [];
// TODO(alexfandrianto): Callbacks seem to be able to get both error and
// results, but I think we want to limit it to one or the other.
var resultsCopy = results.slice();
origCb.apply(null, resultsCopy);
var def = new Deferred(cb);
var ctx = this._ctx;
if (!this._cb) {
// If we are using a promise, strip single args out of the arg array.
// e.g. [ arg1 ] -> arg1
def.promise = def.promise.then(function(args) {
if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
throw new verror.InternalError(ctx,
'Internal error: incorrectly formatted out args in client');
// Each out argument should also be unwrapped. (args was []any)
var unwrappedArgs =, i) {
return convertOutArg(outArg, outArgTypes[i], self._controller);
// We expect:
// 0 args - return; // NOT return [];
// 1 args - return a; // NOT return [a];
// 2 args - return [a, b] ;
// Convert the results from array style to the expected return style.
// undefined, a, [a, b], [a, b, c] etc
switch(unwrappedArgs.length) {
case 0:
return undefined;
case 1:
return unwrappedArgs[0];
return unwrappedArgs;
var streamingDeferred = null;
if (this._isStreaming) {
streamingDeferred = new Deferred();
// Clients read data of type outStreamingType and write data of type
// inStreamingType. = new Stream(this._id, streamingDeferred.promise, true,
this._outStreamingType, this._inStreamingType); =;
var message = this.constructMessage();
this._def = def;
this._proxy.cancelFromContext(this._ctx, this._id);
this._proxy.sendRequest(message, Outgoing.REQUEST, this, this._id);
if (streamingDeferred) {
this._proxy.senderPromise.then(function(ws) {
}, function(err) {
return def.promise;
OutstandingRPC.prototype.handleResponse = function(type, data) {
switch (type) {
case Incoming.FINAL_RESPONSE:
case Incoming.STREAM_RESPONSE:
case Incoming.ERROR_RESPONSE:
case Incoming.STREAM_CLOSE:
new verror.InternalError(
this._ctx, 'Received unknown response type from wspr'));
OutstandingRPC.prototype.handleCompletion = function(data) {
var response;
try {
response = vom.decode(byteUtil.hex2Bytes(data));
} catch (e) {
new verror.InternalError(this._ctx, 'Failed to decode result: ', e));
if ( {;
OutstandingRPC.prototype.handleStreamData = function(data) {
if ( {
try {
data = vom.decode(byteUtil.hex2Bytes(data));
} catch (e) {
new verror.InternalError(this._ctx, 'Failed to decode result: ', e));
} else {
vlog.logger.warn('Ignoring streaming message for non-streaming flow : ' +
OutstandingRPC.prototype.handleStreamClose = function() {
if ( {;
OutstandingRPC.prototype.handleError = function(err) {
if ( {
emitStreamError(, err);;
* Construct a message to send to the vanadium native code
* @private
* @return {string} json string to send to jspr
OutstandingRPC.prototype.constructMessage = function() {
var deadline = this._ctx.deadline();
var timeout = new time.WireDeadline();
if (deadline !== null) {
var millis = deadline -;
var seconds = Math.floor(millis / 1000);
timeout.fromNow = new time.Duration({
seconds: seconds,
nanos: (millis - seconds * 1000) * 1000000
} else {
timeout.noDeadline = true;
var language = this._ctx.value(SharedContextKeys.LANG_KEY) || '';
var jsonMessage = {
name: this._name,
method: this._methodName,
numInArgs: this._args.length,
// TODO(bprosnitz) Is || 0 needed?
numOutArgs: this._numOutParams || 0,
isStreaming: this._isStreaming,
traceRequest: vtrace.request(this._ctx),
deadline: timeout,
callOptions: this._callOptions,
context: {
language: language,
var header = new RpcRequest(jsonMessage);
var writer = new ByteArrayMessageWriter();
var encoder = new Encoder(writer);
for (var i = 0; i < this._args.length; i++) {
var o = this._args[i];
if (o instanceof Blessings) {
o = o.convertToJsBlessings();
return byteUtil.bytes2Hex(writer.getBytes());
* @summary Client represents the interface for making RPC calls.
* There may be multiple outstanding Calls associated with a single Client.
* @description
* <p>Private Constructor, use
* [Runtime#newClient]{@link module:vanadium~Runtime#newClient}</p>
* @inner
* @constructor
* @memberof module:vanadium.rpc
function Client(proxyConnection) {
if (!(this instanceof Client)) {
return new Client(proxyConnection);
this._proxyConnection = proxyConnection;
this._controller = this.bindWithSignature(
'__controller', [Controller.prototype._serviceDescription]);
// TODO(bprosnitz)
var IncorrectArgCount = makeError(
'{1:}{2:} Client RPC call {3}({4}) had an incorrect number of ' +
'arguments. Expected format: {5}({6})');
* A callback that is called when
* [bindTo]{@link module:vanadium.rpc~Client#bindTo} finishes.
* @callback module:vanadium.rpc~Client~bindToCb
* @param {Error} err If set the error that occurred.
* @param {object} service The stub object containing the exported
* methods of the remote service.
* <p>Performs client side binding of a remote service to a native JavaScript
* stub object.</p>
* Usage:
* <pre>
* client.bindTo(context, 'Service/Name').then(function(service) {
* service.fooMethod(fooArgs).then(function(methodCallResult) {
* // Do stuff with results.
* }).catch(function(err) {
* // Calling fooMethod failed.
* });
* }).catch(function(err) {
* // Binding to Service/Name failed.
* });
* </pre>
* @param {module:vanadium.context.Context} ctx A context.
* @param {string} name The vanadium name of the service to bind to.
* @param {module:vanadium.rpc~Client~bindToCb} [cb] If given, this function
* will be called on completion of the bind.
* @return {Promise<object>} Promise that resolves to the stub object containing
* the exported methods of the remote service.
Client.prototype.bindTo = function(ctx, name, cb) {
var client = this;
var last = arguments.length - 1;
// grab the callback
if (typeof arguments[last] === 'function') {
cb = arguments[last];
var def = new Deferred(cb);
// Require first arg to be a Context
if (! (ctx instanceof context.Context)) {
var err = new Error('First argument must be a Context object.');
return def.promise;
client.signature(ctx, name).then(function(serviceSignature) {
vlog.logger.debug('Received signature for:', name, serviceSignature);
def.resolve(client.bindWithSignature(name, serviceSignature));
}).catch(function(err) {
return def.promise;
* <p>Performs client side binding of a remote service to a native JavaScript
* stub object when you already have the service signature.</p>
* Usage:
* <pre>
* var service = client.bindWithSignature('Service/Name', signature);
* service.fooMethod(fooArgs).then(function(methodCallResult) {
* // Do stuff with results.
* }).catch(function(err) {
* // Calling fooMethod failed.
* });
* </pre>
* @param {string} name The vanadium name of the service to bind to.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.signature.Interface} signature The service
* signature of a vanadium service.
* @param {module:vanadium.rpc~Client~bindToCb} [cb] If given, this function
* will be called on completion of the bind.
* @return {Promise<object>} Promise that resolves to the stub object containing
* the exported methods of the remote service.
Client.prototype.bindWithSignature = function(name, signature, cb) {
var client = this;
var boundObject = {};
function bindMethod(methodSig) {
var method = uncapitalize(;
boundObject[method] = function(ctx /*, arg1, arg2, ..., callback*/) {
var args =, 0);
var callback;
var err;
// Callback is the last function argument, pull it out of the args
var lastType = typeof args[args.length - 1];
if (lastType === 'function' || lastType === 'undefined') {
callback = args.pop();
// Require first arg to be a Context
if (args.length >= 1 && args[0] instanceof context.Context) {
ctx = args.shift();
} else {
err = new Error('First argument must be a Context object.');
if (callback) {
return callback(err);
} else {
return Promise.reject(err);
// Remove ClientCallOptions from args and build array of callOptions.
var callOptions = [];
args = args.filter(function(arg) {
if (arg instanceof ClientCallOption) {
callOptions = callOptions.concat(
arg._toRpcCallOption(ctx, client._proxyConnection));
return false;
return true;
ctx = vtrace.withNewSpan(ctx, '<jsclient>"'+name+'".'+method);
if (args.length !== methodSig.inArgs.length) {
var expectedArgs = {
// TODO(jasoncampbell): Create an constructor for this error so it
// can be created with less ceremony and checked in a
// programatic way:
// service
// .foo('bar')
// .catch(ArgumentsArityError, function(err) {
// console.error('invalid number of arguments')
// })
// The given arguments exclude the ctx and (optional) cb.
var givenArgs =, 1);
if (typeof givenArgs[givenArgs.length - 1] === 'function') {
err = new IncorrectArgCount(
if (callback) {
return callback(err);
} else {
return Promise.reject(err);
// The inArgs need to be converted to the signature's inArg types.
var canonArgs = new Array(args.length);
try {
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
canonArgs[i] = vdl.canonicalize.fill(args[i],
} catch(err) {
vlog.logger.error('rpc failed - invalid arg(s)', err);
if (callback) {
return callback(err);
} else {
return Promise.reject(err);
// The OutstandingRPC needs to know streaming information.
var inStreaming = (typeof methodSig.inStream === 'object' &&
methodSig.inStream !== null);
var outStreaming = (typeof methodSig.outStream === 'object' &&
methodSig.outStream !== null);
var isStreaming = inStreaming || outStreaming;
// The OutstandingRPC needs to know the out arg types.
var outArgTypes = {
return outArg.type;
var rpc = new OutstandingRPC(ctx, {
proxy: client._proxyConnection,
name: name,
args: canonArgs,
outArgTypes: outArgTypes,
numOutParams: methodSig.outArgs.length,
isStreaming: isStreaming,
inStreamingType: inStreaming ? methodSig.inStream.type : null,
outStreamingType: outStreaming ? methodSig.outStream.type : null,
callOptions: callOptions
}, callback);
return rpc.start();
// Setup the bindings to every method in the service signature list.
signature.forEach(function(sig) {
sig.methods.forEach(function(meth) {
Object.defineProperty(boundObject, '__signature', {
value: signature,
writable: false,
return boundObject;
* A callback that is called with either signature interfaces or an error.
* @callback module:vanadium.rpc~Client~signatureCb
* @param {Error} err If set, the error that occurred.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.signature.Interface[]} signature The signature
* interfaces.
* Returns the object signatures for a given object name.
* @param {module:vanadium.context.Context} ctx A context.
* @param {string} name The vanadium name of the service to bind to.
* @param {module:vanadium.rpc~Client~signatureCb} [cb] If given, this
* function will be called on completion.
* @return {Promise<module:vanadium.vdl.signature.Interface[]>} Promise that
* will be resolved with the signature interfaces or rejected with an error
* if there is one.
Client.prototype.signature = function(ctx, name, cb) {
var last = arguments.length - 1;
// grab the callback
if (typeof arguments[last] === 'function') {
cb = arguments[last];
var deferred = new Deferred(cb);
if (!(ctx instanceof context.Context)) {
deferred.reject(new Error('First argument must be a Context object.'));
return deferred.promise;
var cache = this._proxyConnection.signatureCache;
var cacheEntry = cache.get(name);
if (cacheEntry) {
return deferred.promise;
this._controller.signature(ctx, name).then(function(signature){
cache.set(name, signature);
}).catch(function(err) {
return deferred.promise;
* A callback that will be called on completion of the
* [remoteBlessings]{@link module:vanadium.rpc~Client#remoteBlessings}
* function.
* @callback module:vanadium.rpc~Client~remoteBlessingsCb
* @param {Error} err If set, the error that occurred.
* @param {string[]} blessingNames The blessings of the remote server.
* Returns the remote blessings of a server at the given name.
* @param {module:vanadium.context.Context} ctx A context.
* @param {string} name The vanadium name of the service to get the remote
* blessings of.
* @param {string} [method] The name of the rpc method that will be started in
* order to read the blessings. Defaults to 'Signature'. This only matters in
* the case when a server responds to different method calls with different
* blessings.
* @param {module:vanadium.rpc~Client~remoteBlessingsCb} [cb] If given, this
* function will be called on completion.
* @return {Promise<string[]>} Promise that will be resolved with the
* blessing names or rejected with an error if there is one.
Client.prototype.remoteBlessings = function(ctx, name, method, cb) {
var last = arguments.length - 1;
// grab the callback
if (typeof arguments[last] === 'function') {
cb = arguments[last];
// method defaults to Signature.
if (typeof method !== 'string') {
method = ReservedSignature;
return this._controller.remoteBlessings(ctx, name, method, cb);
* Create a ClientCallOption object.
* Client call options can be passed to a service method and are used to
* configure the RPC call. They are not passed to the Vanadium RPC service.
* Currently the only supported key is 'allowedServersPolicy'.
* @param {object} opts Map of call options.
* @param {string[]} opts.allowedServersPolicy Array of blessing patterns that
* the allowed server must match in order for the RPC to be initiated.
Client.prototype.callOption = function(opts) {
// TODO(nlacasse): Support other CallOption types.
var allowedOptions = ['allowedServersPolicy', 'useGranter'];
// Validate opts.
var keys = Object.keys(opts);
keys.forEach(function(key) {
if (allowedOptions.indexOf(key) < 0) {
throw new verror.BadArgError(null, 'Invalid call option ' + key);
return new ClientCallOption(opts);
* Constructor for ClientCallOption object.
* @constructor
* @private
* @param {Object} opts call options.
function ClientCallOption(opts) {
this.opts = opts;
* Convert ClientCallOption object to array of RpcCallOption VDL values.
* @private
* @return {Array} Array of RpcCallOption VDL values.
ClientCallOption.prototype._toRpcCallOption = function(ctx, proxy) {
var rpcCallOptions = [];
var keys = Object.keys(this.opts);
keys.forEach(function(key) {
var opt = {};
if (key === 'useGranter') {
var runtime = ctx.value(SharedContextKeys.RUNTIME);
var granterRouter = runtime._getGranterRouter();
var fn = this.opts[key];
var granterId = granterRouter.addGranter(fn);
opt[key] = granterId;
} else {
opt[key] = this.opts[key];
rpcCallOptions.push(new RpcCallOption(opt));
}, this);
return rpcCallOptions;
* Export the module
module.exports = Client;