blob: 7fc6de9451c9cfe7efcfad0484fa97463805aa7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var test = require('prova');
var vanadium = require('../../');
var config = require('./default-config');
var leafDispatcher = require('../../src/rpc/leaf-dispatcher');
var Blessings = require('../../src/security/blessings');
var serve = require('./serve');
var security =;
function validateBlessings(t, blessings) {
t.ok(blessings instanceof Blessings, 'Blessings have correct type');
t.ok(blessings.chains.length > 0, 'Non-empty chains');
t.ok(blessings.publicKey, 'Public key is set');
test('Test bless self without Caveat', function(t) {
var rt;
vanadium.init(config, function(err, runtime) {
if (err) {
rt = runtime;
runtime.principal.blessSelf(runtime.getContext(), 'blessedname')
.then(function(blessings) {
validateBlessings(t, blessings);
t.equal(blessings.chains.length, 1, 'Has exactly one chain');
t.equal(blessings.chains[0].length, 1, 'Chain has exactly one blessing');
t.equal(blessings.chains[0][0].extension, 'blessedname',
'Has correct extension');
t.equal(blessings.chains[0][0].caveats.length, 0, 'Has no caveats');
}).catch(function(err) {
test('Test bless self with Caveat', function(t) {
var rt;
vanadium.init(config, function(err, runtime) {
if (err) {
rt = runtime;
var cav = security.createExpiryCaveat(new Date());
runtime.principal.blessSelf(runtime.getContext(), 'blessedname', cav,
function(err, blessings) {
validateBlessings(t, blessings);
t.equal(blessings.chains.length, 1, 'Has exactly one chain');
t.equal(blessings.chains[0].length, 1, 'Chain has exactly one blessing');
t.equal(blessings.chains[0][0].extension, 'blessedname',
'Has correct extension');
t.equal(blessings.chains[0][0].caveats.length, 1, 'Has one caveat');
t.deepEqual(blessings.chains[0][0].caveats[0], cav, 'Has correct caveat');
test('Test bless without Caveat from server', function(t) {
var service = {
method: function(ctx, serverCall, cb) {
var secCall = serverCall.securityCall;
var rt = vanadium.runtimeForContext(ctx);
var remoteKey = secCall.remoteBlessings.publicKey;
rt.principal.bless(ctx, remoteKey, secCall.localBlessings,
'ext', function(err) {
t.ok(err, 'Expected at least one caveat must be specified error');
cb(null, null);
serve('testing/blessnocav', leafDispatcher(service),
function(err, res) {
if (err) {
res.end(t, err);
res.service.method(res.runtime.getContext(), function(err) {
test('Test bless with Caveat from server', function(t) {
var service = {
method: function(ctx, serverCall, cb) {
var rt = vanadium.runtimeForContext(ctx);
var secCall = serverCall.securityCall;
var remoteKey = secCall.remoteBlessings.publicKey;
var expiryCav = security.createExpiryCaveat(new Date( - 1000));
var constCav = security.createConstCaveat(true);
rt.principal.bless(ctx, remoteKey, secCall.localBlessings,
'ext', expiryCav, constCav, function(err, blessings) {
t.notOk(err, 'No error expected during bless');
validateBlessings(t, blessings);
for (var i = 0; i < blessings.chains.length; i++) {
var chain = blessings.chains[i];
t.equal(chain[chain.length - 1].extension, 'ext',
'Expected final extension to match');
t.deepEqual(chain[chain.length - 1].caveats.sort(objectSorter),
[expiryCav, constCav].sort(objectSorter),
'Has correct caveats');
cb(null, null);
serve('testing/blesscav', leafDispatcher(service),
function(err, res) {
if (err) {
res.end(t, err);
res.service.method(res.runtime.getContext(), function(err) {
test('Test bless without Caveat from client (with Granter)', function(t) {
var expectedBlessing;
var service = {
method: function(ctx, serverCall) {
t.ok(serverCall.grantedBlessings, 'Expect to get granted blessing');
t.deepEqual(serverCall.grantedBlessings, expectedBlessing,
'Expect to get blessing that was granted.');
return 'aResponse';
serve('testing/clientblessgranter', leafDispatcher(service),
function(err, res) {
if (err) {
var client = res.runtime.newClient();
var fiveSecondsInFuture = new Date( + 5000);
var granterCalled = false;
var granterOption = client.callOption({
granter: function(ctx, call, cb) {
granterCalled = true;
function(err, blessing) {
expectedBlessing = blessing;
cb(err, blessing);
res.service.method(res.runtime.getContext(), granterOption, function(err){
t.ok(granterCalled, 'Granter should be called');
// Tests add roots by trying to invoke a method with a blessing not in the
// roots and then adding it to the roots.
test('Test add roots', function(t) {
var service = {
method: function(ctx, serverCall) {
return 'aResponse';
var authorizer = function(ctx, securityCall) {
var hasBlessedName = securityCall.remoteBlessingStrings.some(function(str) {
return str === 'blessedname';
if (hasBlessedName) {
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject(new Error('Expected blessedname in blessings'));
serve('testing/addroots', leafDispatcher(service, authorizer),
function(err, res) {
if (err) {
var runtime = res.runtime;
var ctx = runtime.getContext();
var blessings;
var origDefault;
var origTripDot;
runtime.principal.blessSelf(ctx, 'blessedname')
.then(function(selfBlessings) {
blessings = selfBlessings;
validateBlessings(t, blessings);
// Get the original blessings used for '...' and save them for later.
return runtime.principal.blessingStore.forPeer(ctx, '...');
}).then(function(oldBlessings) {
origTripDot = oldBlessings;
// Replace it with the union of the old and the new self-blessing
return, oldBlessings, blessings);
}).then(function(unionedBlessings) {
return runtime.principal.blessingStore.set(ctx, unionedBlessings, '...');
}).then(function() {
// Get the original default blessings and save them for later.
return runtime.principal.blessingStore.getDefault(ctx);
}).then(function(oldDefault) {
origDefault = oldDefault;
// Replace it with the union of the old and the new self-blessing
return, oldDefault, blessings);
}).then(function(unionedBlessings) {
return runtime.principal.blessingStore.setDefault(ctx, unionedBlessings);
}).catch(function(err) {
t.error('Failed to configure blessings: ' + err);
}).then(function() {
// Attempt to call the method; it should fail.
return res.service.method(ctx);
}).then(function() {
t.error('Method call unexpectedly succeeded without valid roots');
}).catch(function() {
return runtime.principal.addToRoots(ctx, blessings);
}).then(function() {
// Call the method after addToRoots; it should succeed.
return res.service.method(ctx);
}).then(function(result) {
t.equal(result, 'aResponse', 'Got correct result');
}).catch(function(err) {
t.error('either blessSelf or addToRoots errored ' + err);
}).then(function() {
// Reset the blessingStore for default blessings.
return runtime.principal.blessingStore.setDefault(ctx, origDefault);
}).then(function() {
// Reset the blessingStore for peer '...'
return runtime.principal.blessingStore.set(ctx, origTripDot, '...');
}).catch(function(err) {
t.error('Unexpected error resetting blessing store');
function objectSorter(a, b) {
return JSON.stringify(a) < JSON.stringify(b);