blob: 56d270b7deeea1bcbf7dca0675f73086c763f8b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Arguments inspector module
* @module vanadium/src/lib/arg-inspector
* @private
module.exports = ArgumentInspector;
* ArgumentInspector - Creates a helper object for inspecting a functions
* arguments
* @constructor
* @param {Function} fn The function whose arguments need to be inspected.
* @return {ArgumentInspector} The ArgumentInspector instance.
function ArgumentInspector(fn) {
if (!(this instanceof ArgumentInspector)) {
return new ArgumentInspector(fn);
var inspector = this;
// Get the original array of argument names from the function.
var names = getArgumentNamesFromFunction(fn);
inspector.names = names;
inspector.filteredNames = filter(names);
* ArgumentInspector.prototype.position - Returns the position of an
* argument name in the original `inspector.names` list.
* @param {String} Name of the argument being tested.
* @returns {Integer} Position of the argument name.
ArgumentInspector.prototype.position = function(name) {
return this.names.indexOf(name);
* ArgumentInspector.prototype.contains - Helper that returns a Boolean value
* to check wether or not the `name` is in the `inspector.names` list of
* original argument names.
* @param {String} Name of the argument being tested.
ArgumentInspector.prototype.contains = function(name) {
return this.position(name) >= 0;
* ArgumentInspector.prototype.hasContext - Helper to know if a context is in
* the argument list and is in the right position.
* @return {Boolean} Wether or not the
ArgumentInspector.prototype.hasContext = function() {
var hasCtx = this.contains('ctx') && this.position('ctx') === 0;
var hasContext = this.contains('context') && this.position('context') === 0;
return hasCtx || hasContext;
* Helper to know if a call is in the argument position and is in the right
* position.
ArgumentInspector.prototype.hasCall = function() {
return this.contains('serverCall') && this.position('serverCall') === 1;
* ArgumentInspector.prototype.hasCallback - Helper to know if a context is in
* the argument list and is in the right position.
* @return {Boolean} Wether or not the
ArgumentInspector.prototype.hasCallback = function() {
var lastIndex = this.names.length - 1;
var hasCb = this.contains('cb') && this.position('cb') === lastIndex;
var hasCallback = this.contains('callback') &&
this.position('callback') === lastIndex;
return hasCb || hasCallback;
* ArgumentInspector.prototype.arity - Returns the inspected arguments airty
* sans context and callback.
* @return {type} description
ArgumentInspector.prototype.arity = function() {
var args = this;
return args.filteredNames.length;
* Returns an array of argument names for a function.
* from go/fypon (stack overflow) and based on angularjs's implementation
* @param {function} func the function object
* @return {string[]} list of the arguments
function getArgumentNamesFromFunction(func) {
var fnStr = func.toString().replace(/((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg, '');
// get the arguments from the string
var result = fnStr.slice(fnStr.indexOf('(') + 1, fnStr.indexOf(')'))
if (!result) {
result = [];
return result;
* filter - Returns an array of filtered argument
* names that has been scrubbed for the first argument named context/ctx, the
* last argument named callback/cb, and a potentially randomly injected
* $stream argument.
* @param {Array} names - An array of string names to filter
* @retrun {Array} filtered array of names.
function filter(names) {
// clone the arg names
var results = names.slice(0);
var first = results[0];
var last = results[results.length - 1];
// Filter $stream wherever it lives
var position = names.indexOf('$stream');
if (position >= 0) {
var deleteCount = 1;
results.splice(position, deleteCount);
// only filter ctx/context if it is the first argument
if (first === 'ctx' || first === 'context') {
if (results[0] === 'serverCall') {
// only filter cb/callback if it is the last
if (last === 'cb' || last === 'callback') {
return results;