blob: e92ead67a8e964e49a53a324f79a60178504accf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var test = require('prova');
var Promise = require('../../src/lib/promise');
var asyncCall = require('../../src/lib/async-call');
var InspectableFunction = require('../../src/lib/inspectable-function');
test('Test async validate call that returns a resolving promise',
function(t) {
function promiseResolver(a, b) {
t.equal(a, 'A', 'expected A');
t.equal(b, 'B', 'expected B');
return Promise.resolve();
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(promiseResolver);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, [], ['A', 'B'], function(err, res) {
t.notOk(err, 'err should be falsy');
t.deepEqual(res, [], 'Expected empty list result');
test('Test async call that returns a rejecting promise', function(t) {
function promiseRejector() {
return Promise.reject('BadLuck');
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(promiseRejector);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, [], [], function(err) {
t.deepEqual(err, new Error('BadLuck'), 'Expected same rejection result');
test('Test async call that uses success callback', function(t) {
function succeedingCallback(a, b, cb) {
t.equal(a, 'A', 'expected A');
t.equal(b, 'B', 'expected B');
cb(null, 'O');
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(succeedingCallback);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a'], ['A', 'B'], function(err, res) {
t.notOk(err, 'err should be falsy');
t.deepEqual(res, ['O'], 'expected single item output');
test('Test async call that uses failing callback', function(t) {
function failingCallback(cb) {
cb(new Error('failingMessage'));
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(failingCallback);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a'], [], function(err) {
t.deepEqual(err, new Error('failingMessage'),
'Expected same rejection result');
test('Test async call that throws', function(t) {
function asyncThrow() {
throw 'thrown val';
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(asyncThrow);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, [], [], function(err) {
t.deepEqual(err, new Error('thrown val'),
'expected to get thrown value as error arg in callback');
test('Test no results with callback', function(t) {
function noResCallback(cb) {
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(noResCallback);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, [], [], function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, [], 'expected empty list when no results');
test('Test single result with callback', function(t) {
function singleResCallback(cb) {
cb(null, 'A');
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(singleResCallback);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a'], [], function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, ['A'], 'expected single item list');
test('Test multiple results with callback', function(t) {
function multiCallback(cb) {
cb(null, 'A', 'B', 'C');
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(multiCallback);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a', 'b', 'c'], [], function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'expected all args in array');
test('Test fewer than expected results with callback', function(t) {
function fewerCallback(cb) {
cb(null, 'A', 'B');
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(fewerCallback);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a', 'b', 'c'], [], function(err, res) {
'expected error when providing too few results with callback');
test('Test greater than expected results with callback', function(t) {
function greaterCallback(cb) {
cb(null, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D');
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(greaterCallback);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a', 'b', 'c'], [], function(err, res) {
'expected error when providing too many results with callback');
test('Test no results with promise', function(t) {
function noResPromise() {
return Promise.resolve();
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(noResPromise);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, [], [], function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, [], 'expected empty list when no results');
test('Test single result with promise', function(t) {
function singleResPromise() {
return Promise.resolve('A');
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(singleResPromise);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a'], [], function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, ['A'], 'expected single item list');
test('Test multiple results with promise', function(t) {
function multiPromise() {
return Promise.resolve(['A', 'B', 'C']);
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(multiPromise);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a', 'b', 'c'], [], function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'expected all args in array');
test('Test fewer than expected results with promise', function(t) {
function fewerPromise() {
return Promise.resolve(['A', 'B']);
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(fewerPromise);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a', 'b', 'c'], [], function(err) {
'expected error when providing too few results with promise');
test('Test greater than expected results with promise', function(t) {
function greaterPromise() {
return Promise.resolve(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']);
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(greaterPromise);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a', 'b', 'c'], [], function(err, res) {
'expected error when providing too many results with promise');
test('Test no results returning directly', function(t) {
function noRes() {
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(noRes);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, [], [], function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, [], 'expected empty list when no results');
test('Test single result returning directly', function(t) {
function singleRes() {
return 'A';
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(singleRes);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a'], [], function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, ['A'], 'expected single item list');
test('Test multiple results returning directly', function(t) {
function multiRes() {
return ['A', 'B', 'C'];
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(multiRes);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a', 'b', 'c'], [], function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'expected all args in array');
test('Test fewer than expected results returning directly', function(t) {
function fewerRes() {
return ['A', 'B'];
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(fewerRes);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a', 'b', 'c'], [], function(err) {
'expected error when providing too few results with promise');
test('Test greater than expected results returning directly', function(t) {
function greaterRes() {
return ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(greaterRes);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a', 'b', 'c'], [], function(err, res) {
'expected error when providing too many results with promise');
test('Test returning non-undefined to zero out arg function fails',
function(t) {
function returnNonUndefined() {
return 5;
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(returnNonUndefined);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, [], [], function(err) {
'Non-undefined value returned from function with 0 out args') !== -1,
'Expected error when non-undefined value returned');
test('Test callback only called once',
function(t) {
function callbackOnce(cb) {
cb(null, 'A');
cb(null, 'B');
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(callbackOnce);
asyncCall(null, null, inspectFn, ['a'], [], function(err, res) {
t.deepEqual(res, ['A'], 'expected to get result of first callback');
test('Test setting "this" for invocation', function(t) {
var obj = {
set: false,
f: function() {
this.set = true;
return Promise.resolve();
var inspectFn = new InspectableFunction(obj.f);
asyncCall(null, obj, inspectFn, [], [], function(err) {
t.notOk(err, 'did not expect error');
t.equal(obj.set, true, 'should set to true');