blob: d1179562ef377a3ffbd0e2d39c51cf29b31388eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var extend = require('xtend');
var isBrowser = require('is-browser');
var parallel = require('run-parallel');
var test = require('prova');
var config = require('./default-config');
var vanadium = require('../../');
test('Test vanadium.init({authenticate: true}) gives runtime with account name',
function(t) {
var c = extend({authenticate: true}, config);
vanadium.init(c, function(err, rt) {
if (!isBrowser) {
t.ok(err, 'should error in node');
return t.end();
if (err) {
return t.end(err);
t.ok(rt, 'runtime exists');
t.ok(rt.accountName, 'runtime has accountName property');
t.ok(typeof rt.accountName === 'string', 'rt.accountName is string');
t.ok(rt.accountName.length > 0, 'rt.accountName has length > 0');
test('Test vanadium.init({authenticate: true}) twice gives two runtimes',
function(t) {
if (!isBrowser) {
return t.end();
var c = extend({authenticate: true}, config);
function vanadiumInit(cb) {
vanadium.init(c, cb);
parallel([vanadiumInit, vanadiumInit], function(err, runtimes) {
if (err) {
runtimes.forEach(function(rt) {
t.ok(rt, 'runtime exists');
t.ok(rt.accountName, 'runtime has accountName property');
t.ok(typeof rt.accountName === 'string', 'rt.accountName is string');
t.ok(rt.accountName.length > 0, 'rt.accountName has length > 0');
test('Test config logLevel INFO sets the vlog logLevel', function(t) {
var c = extend({logLevel: vanadium.vlog.levels.INFO }, config);
vanadium.init(c, function(err, rt) {
if (err) {
return t.end(err);
t.equal(vanadium.vlog.logger.level, vanadium.vlog.levels.INFO);
test('Test config logLevel ERROR sets the vlog logLevel', function(t) {
var c = extend({logLevel: vanadium.vlog.levels.ERROR }, config);
vanadium.init(c, function(err, rt) {
if (err) {
return t.end(err);
t.equal(vanadium.vlog.logger.level, vanadium.vlog.levels.ERROR);
test('Test vanadium.init({authenticate: false}) gives runtime ' +
'with unknown name', function(t) {
var c = extend({authenticate: false}, config);
vanadium.init(c, function(err, rt) {
if (err) {
return t.end(err);
t.ok(rt, 'runtime exists');
t.equal(rt.accountName, 'unknown', 'rt.accountName is "unknown"');
test('Test passing namespaceRoots to vanadium.init() sets the namespaceRoots',
function(t) {
var roots = ['/some-root.tld:1234', '/other-root.tld:80'];
var c = extend({namespaceRoots: roots}, config);
vanadium.init(c, function(err, rt) {
if (!isBrowser) {
t.ok(err, 'should error in node');
return t.end();
if (err) {
t.error(err, 'should not error');
return t.end();
rt.namespace().roots(function(err, gotRoots) {
if (err) {
return rt.close(t.end);
t.ok(gotRoots, 'runtime.namespace has roots');
t.deepEqual(gotRoots.sort(), roots.sort(),
'runtime.namespace has the correct roots');
// Helper that remounts a server at 'from' to a name 'to'.
function remount(from, to, cb) {
vanadium.init(config, function(err, rt) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
var ns = rt.namespace();
var ctx = rt.getContext().withTimeout(5000);
ns.resolve(ctx, from, function(err, servers) {
if (err) {
return end(err);
ns.mount(ctx, to, servers[0], 0, false, end);
function end(err) {
test('Test passing proxy to vanadium.init() sets the proxy',
function(t) {
// Remount the proxy under a new name.
var existingProxyName = 'test/proxy';
var newProxyName = 'new/name/for/proxy';
remount(existingProxyName, newProxyName, function(err) {
if (err) {
return t.end(err);
// Initialize a new runtime with the new proxy name.
var c = extend({proxy: newProxyName}, config);
vanadium.init(c, function(err, rt) {
if (!isBrowser) {
t.ok(err, 'should error in node');
return t.end();
if (err) {
t.error(err, 'should not error');
return t.end();
// Create a new server, and verify that we can call it.
var serverName = 'pingpong';
var service = {
ping: function(ctx, serverCall){
return 'pong';
var server = rt.newServer();
server.serve(serverName, service, function(err) {
if (err) {
return end(err);
var client = rt.newClient();
var ctx = rt.getContext().withTimeout(5000);
client.bindTo(ctx, serverName, function(err, pingpong) {
if (err) {
return end(err);
t.ok(pingpong, 'bindTo returns the correct service');
function end(err) {