blob: 7098f0023928810a123d746b4b5f6660e414ccdf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var registry = require('../vdl/native-type-registry');
var vdl = require('../vdl');
var Time = require('../gen-vdl/').Time;
var typeutil = require('../vdl/type-util');
var timeType = Time.prototype._type;
registry.registerFromNativeValue(Date, toDateWireValue, timeType);
registry.registerFromWireValue(timeType, fromDateWireValue);
// The javascript epoch is 1970, but in VDL it's the year 1.
var nativeEpochConversion = Math.floor(Date.parse('0001-01-01')/1000);
var epochConversion = vdl.BigInt.fromNativeNumber(nativeEpochConversion);
function fromDateWireValue(v) {
v = v || {};
if (v instanceof Date) {
return v;
var seconds;
if (v.seconds) {
var unwrapped = typeutil.unwrap(v.seconds);
if (unwrapped instanceof vdl.BigInt) {
// TODO(bprosnitz) We should always have big int once we canonicalize
// before calling this.
seconds = unwrapped.add(epochConversion).toNativeNumberApprox();
} else {
seconds = unwrapped + nativeEpochConversion;
} else {
seconds = nativeEpochConversion;
// TODO(bprosnitz) Remove the undefined cases because they
// shouldn't be required after canonicalized is changed to canonicalized the
// input before passing to this function.
var nanos = typeutil.unwrap(v.nanos) || 0;
var epochInMillis = seconds * 1000 +
nanos / 1000000;
var out = new Date(epochInMillis);
return out;
function toDateWireValue(v) {
if (v instanceof Date) {
var time = v ? v.getTime() : 0;
var jssecs = Math.floor(time / 1000);
var nanos = (time - jssecs * 1000) * 1000000;
var vdlsecs = vdl.BigInt.fromNativeNumber(jssecs).subtract(epochConversion);
return new Time({seconds: vdlsecs, nanos: nanos}, true);
return v;