blob: 50bca1427f381029b37392b2a7e023290b04fe1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var inherits = require('inherits');
var through2 = require('through2');
var vanadium = require('vanadium');
// TODO(nlacasse): We should expose unwrap and other type-util methods on the
// vanadium.vdl object.
var unwrap = require('vanadium/src/vdl/type-util').unwrap;
var nosqlVdl = require('../gen-vdl/');
var Table = require('./table');
var util = require('../util');
inherits(AbstractDatabase, util.NamedResource);
module.exports = AbstractDatabase;
* AbstractDatabase is a base class for Database and BatchDatabase. A database
* is a collection of Tables. Batches, queries, sync, watch, etc. all operate at
* the database level.
* Private constructor. Use app.noSqlDatabase() to get a Database, and
* database.beginBatch() to get a BatchDatabase.
* @param {string} parentFullName Full name of parent App.
* @param {string} relativeName Relative name for this Database.
* @param {string} batchSuffix Suffix for BatchDatabase, empty for non-batch
* Database.
* @param {number} schema Database schema expected by client.
* @constructor
* @inner
* @memberof {module:syncbase.nosql}
function AbstractDatabase(parentFullName, relativeName, batchSuffix, schema) {
if (!(this instanceof AbstractDatabase)) {
return new AbstractDatabase(parentFullName, relativeName, batchSuffix,
// Escape relativeName so that any forward slashes get dropped, thus ensuring
// that the server will interpret fullName as referring to a database object.
// Note that the server will still reject this name if util.ValidDatabaseName
// returns false.
var fullName = vanadium.naming.join(
parentFullName, util.escape(relativeName) + batchSuffix);, parentFullName, relativeName, fullName);
// TODO(sadovsky): The schema and schemaVersion fields should be private.
// Better yet, we shouldn't include any schema-related things in the JS client
// library until the design is more fully baked.
Object.defineProperty(this, 'schema', {
enumerable: false,
value: schema,
writable: false
Object.defineProperty(this, 'schemaVersion', {
enumerable: false,
value: schema ? schema.metadata.version : -1,
writable: false
* Caches the database wire object.
* @private
Object.defineProperty(this, '_wireObj', {
enumerable: false,
value: null,
writable: true
* @private
AbstractDatabase.prototype._wire = function(ctx) {
if (this._wireObj) {
return this._wireObj;
var client = vanadium.runtimeForContext(ctx).getClient();
var signature = [nosqlVdl.Database.prototype._serviceDescription];
this._wireObj = client.bindWithSignature(this.fullName, signature);
return this._wireObj;
* Returns the Table with the given relative name.
* @param {string} relativeName Table name. Must not contain slashes.
* @return {module:syncbase.table.Table} Table object.
AbstractDatabase.prototype.table = function(relativeName) {
return new Table(this.fullName, relativeName, this.schemaVersion);
* Returns a list of all Table names.
* @param {module:vanadium.context.Context} ctx Vanadium context.
* @param {function} cb Callback.
AbstractDatabase.prototype.listTables = function(ctx, cb) {
// See comment in for why we
// can't implement listTables using Glob (via util.listChildren).
this._wire(ctx).listTables(ctx, cb);
* Executes a syncQL query.
* If the query is parameterized, paramValues must contain a value for each '?'
* placeholder in the query. If there are no placeholders, paramValues must be
* empty or omitted. paramTypes should be provided in addition to paramValues
* for paramValue elements that lack VOM types, including JS primitives.
* Returns a stream of rows. The first row contains an array of headers (i.e.
* column names). Subsequent rows contain an array of values for each row that
* matches the query. The number of values returned in each row will match the
* size of the headers array.
* Concurrency semantics: It is legal to perform writes concurrently with
* Exec. The returned stream reads from a consistent snapshot taken at the
* time of the RPC, and will not reflect subsequent writes to keys not yet
* reached by the stream.
* NOTE(nlacasse): The Go client library returns the headers separately from
* the stream. We could potentially do something similar in JavaScript, by
* pulling the headers off the stream and passing them to the callback.
* However, by Vanadium JS convention the callback gets called at the *end* of
* the RPC, so a developer would have to wait for the stream to finish before
* seeing what the headers are, which is not ideal. We also cannot return the
* headers directly because reading from the stream is async.
* TODO(nlacasse): Syncbase queries don't work on values that were put without
* type information. When JavaScript encodes values with no type infomation,
* it uses "vdl.Value" for the type. Presumably, syncbase does not know how to
* decode such objects, so queries that involve inspecting the object or its
* type don't work.
* @param {module:vanadium.context.Context} ctx Vanadium context.
* @param {string} query Query string.
* @param {Object[]} [paramValues] Query parameters, one per '?' placeholder in
* the query.
* @param {module:vanadium.vdl.Type[]} [paramTypes] Query parameter types, one
* per value in paramValues. Not required if paramValues are VDL typed or if
* values being queried are JSValues.
* @param {function} cb Callback.
* @returns {stream} Stream of rows.
AbstractDatabase.prototype.exec = function(ctx, query, paramValues, paramTypes,
cb) {
if (typeof cb === 'undefined' && typeof paramValues === 'function') {
cb = paramValues;
paramValues = undefined;
paramTypes = undefined;
if (typeof cb === 'undefined' && typeof paramTypes === 'function') {
cb = paramTypes;
paramTypes = undefined;
var params;
if (typeof paramValues !== 'undefined') {
paramTypes = paramTypes || [];
try {
params =, i) {
var type = paramTypes[i] || vanadium.vdl.types.ANY;
return vanadium.vdl.canonicalize.value(param, type);
} catch (e) {
return cb(e);
var streamUnwrapper = through2({
objectMode: true
}, function(res, enc, cb) {
return cb(null,;
var stream = this._wire(ctx).exec(ctx, this.schemaVersion,
query, params, cb).stream;
var decodedStream = stream.pipe(streamUnwrapper);
stream.on('error', function(err) {
decodedStream.emit('error', err);
return decodedStream;
* Gets the ResumeMarker that points to the current end of the event log.
* @param {module:vanadium.context.Context} ctx Vanadium context.
* @param {function} cb Callback.
AbstractDatabase.prototype.getResumeMarker = function(ctx, cb) {
this._wire(ctx).getResumeMarker(ctx, cb);