blob: b5c960c4bdfa0210b081b401b45222aa7cf7787a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module discovery;
// Copied from
struct Service {
// The 128 bit (16 byte) universal unique identifier of a service instance.
// If this is not specified, a random UUID will be used.
array<uint8> InstanceUuid;
// Optional name of the service instance.
string InstanceName;
// The interface that the service implements.
// E.g., ''.
string InterfaceName;
// The service attributes.
// E.g., {'resolution': '1024x768'}.
map<string, string> Attrs;
// The addresses that the service is served on.
// E.g., '/host:port/a/b/c'.
array<string> Addrs;
struct Error {
string id;
int32 action;
string msg;
// Advertiser provides methods to do Vanadium Advertising.
interface Advertiser {
// Advertise advertises the service to be discovered by "Scanner" implementations.
// visibility is used to limit the principals that can see the advertisement. An
// empty set means that there are no restrictions on visibility (i.e, equivalent
// to []security.BlessingPattern{security.AllPrincipals}). Advertising will continue
// until the context is canceled or exceeds its deadline.
Advertise(Service s, array<string> visibility) => (uint32 Handle, Error? Err);
// Stop Stops the advertisement associated with the given handle.
Stop(uint32 h);
// Scanner provides methods to scan for Vanadium advertisements.
interface Scanner {
// Scan scans for services matching the query passed and calls ScanHandler with updates.
// Returns a handle to the active scanner that can be used to stop the scanning.
Scan(string query, ScanHandler scanHandler) => (uint32 Handle, Error? Err);
// StopScan stops the scanner associated weith the given handle.
Stop(uint32 h);
// ScanHandler is used to pass updates about Services that are found/lost during the
// scan.
interface ScanHandler {
// Found will be called when a Service is found.
Found(Service s);
// Lost will be called when a service is lost.
Lost(array<uint8> instanceId);