blob: 151c9144722b2085381ad132a71599e41146b1be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import '../runner/mdtest_command.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
class DoctorCommand extends MDTestCommand {
final String name = 'doctor';
final String description = 'Check if all dependent tools are installed.';
Future<int> runCore() async {
printInfo('Running "mdtest doctor command" ...');
if (os.isWindows) {
print('Windows platform is not supported.');
return 1;
int result = 0;
result += printDiagnoseMessage(
'Please install dart following the link '
'and add dart/bin to your environment variable PATH.'
result += printDiagnoseMessage(
'Please install dart following the link '
'and add dart/bin to your environment variable PATH.'
result += printDiagnoseMessage(
'Please install flutter following the link '
'and add flutter/bin to your environment variable PATH. Ideally '
'`flutter doctor` should not report any problem.'
result += printDiagnoseMessage(
'Please install Android SDK following the link '
' '
'and add Android/Sdk/platform-tools to your environment variable PATH.'
if (os.isMacOS) {
result += printDiagnoseMessage(
'Please install homebrew following the link'
result += printDiagnoseMessage(
'Please install lcov using `brew install lcov`.'
result += printDiagnoseMessage(
'Please install mobiledevice following the link '
if (os.isLinux) {
result += printDiagnoseMessage(
'Please install lcov using `sudo apt-get lcov`.'
if (result > 0) {
bool singleSyntax = result == 1;
'Some tool${singleSyntax ? '' : 's'} that mdtest '
'depend${singleSyntax ? 's' : ''} on ${singleSyntax ? 'is' : 'are'} '
'not installed. Please follow the instructions above and resolve '
'all problems before using mdtest.'
return 1;
'All required tools are installed correctly. mdtest is ready to go.'
return 0;
/// Print diagnose message for the given executable and instructions on how
/// to install the tool if it is not detected or installed. Returns 0 if
/// the tool is installed and properly configured, 1 otherwise.
int printDiagnoseMessage(String exec, String instructions) {
File execFile = os.which(exec);
if (execFile == null) {
print('[x] $exec is not found. $instructions');
return 1;
print('[✓] $exec found in ${execFile.path}.');
return 0;