blob: 38e2ca67bd5e93d201e5166b0f2db1fecc51f40f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:dlog/dlog.dart' show Table;
import '../mobile/device.dart' show Device;
import '../mobile/device_spec.dart' show DeviceSpec;
import '../util.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
class GroupInfo {
Map<String, List<Device>> _deviceClusters;
Map<String, List<DeviceSpec>> _deviceSpecClusters;
List<String> _deviceClustersOrder;
List<String> _deviceSpecClustersOrder;
Map<String, List<Device>> deviceClusters,
Map<String, List<DeviceSpec>> deviceSpecClusters
) {
_deviceClusters = deviceClusters;
_deviceSpecClusters = deviceSpecClusters;
_deviceClustersOrder = new List.from(_deviceClusters.keys);
_deviceSpecClustersOrder = new List.from(_deviceSpecClusters.keys);
Map<String, List<Device>> get deviceClusters => _deviceClusters;
Map<String, List<DeviceSpec>> get deviceSpecClusters => _deviceSpecClusters;
List<String> get deviceClustersOrder => _deviceClustersOrder;
List<String> get deviceSpecClustersOrder => _deviceSpecClustersOrder;
// -1 indicates that an app-device path can never be covered given the available
// devices. 0 indicates that an app-device path can be covered, but not covered
// yet. (No test script is run under this setting) A positive number indicates
// the number of times an app-device path is hit by some test runs.
const int cannotBeCovered = -1;
const int isNotCovered = 0;
class CoverageMatrix {
CoverageMatrix(this.groupInfo) {
this.matrix = new List<List<int>>(groupInfo.deviceSpecClusters.length);
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
= new List<int>.filled(groupInfo.deviceClusters.length, cannotBeCovered);
GroupInfo groupInfo;
// Coverage matrix, where a row indicats an app group and a column
// indicates a device group
List<List<int>> matrix;
/// Fill the corresponding elements baesd on the given match in the
/// matrix with [value].
void fill(Map<DeviceSpec, Device> match, int value) {
match.forEach((DeviceSpec spec, Device device) {
int rowNum = groupInfo.deviceSpecClustersOrder
int colNum = groupInfo.deviceClustersOrder
matrix[rowNum][colNum] = value;
/// Increate the corresponding elements' values by 1 given the match
void hit(Map<DeviceSpec, Device> match) {
match.forEach((DeviceSpec spec, Device device) {
int rowNum = groupInfo.deviceSpecClustersOrder
int colNum = groupInfo.deviceClustersOrder
/// Merge the new coverage matrix with this. Each element value in the
/// matrix is set to [isNotCovered] if the matching algorithm finds that
/// the corresponding app-device path is reachable. The goal is to accumulate
/// reachable app-device paths.
void merge(CoverageMatrix newCoverage) {
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
List<int> row = matrix[i];
for (int j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
if (matrix[i][j] == cannotBeCovered
newCoverage.matrix[i][j] == isNotCovered) {
matrix[i][j] = isNotCovered;
/// Convert coverage matrix into JSON format. Return a dictionary that
/// stores the title, data and legend of the table.
dynamic toJson(String title, f(int e)) {
List<List<String>> data = <List<String>>[];
List<String> firstRow = <String>[];
firstRow.add('app key \\ device key');
int startIndx = beginOfDiff(groupInfo.deviceSpecClustersOrder);
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
List<String> row = <String>[];
CoverageScore coverageScore = computeCoverageScore(this);
return {
'title': title,
'data': data,
'legend': legend,
'reachable-score': coverageScore.reachablePathsPercentage,
'covered-score': coverageScore.coverageScore
class CoverageScore {
NumberFormat _scoreFormat;
final double _reachablePathsPercentage;
final double _coverageScore;
String get reachablePathsPercentage
=> _scoreFormat.format(_reachablePathsPercentage);
String get coverageScore
=> _scoreFormat.format(_coverageScore);
CoverageScore(this._reachablePathsPercentage, this._coverageScore) {
this._scoreFormat = new NumberFormat('%##.0#', 'en_US');
int _countNumberInCoverageMatrix(List<List<int>> matrix, bool test(int e)) {
int result = 0;
matrix.forEach((List<int> row) {
result += row.where((int element) => test(element)).length;
return result;
/// Compute the percentage of reachable app-device paths and app-device
/// coverage score. Return null if coverage matrix is null.
CoverageScore computeCoverageScore(CoverageMatrix coverageMatrix) {
if (coverageMatrix == null) {
printError('Coverage matrix is null');
return null;
List<List<int>> matrix = coverageMatrix.matrix;
int rowNum = matrix.length;
int colNum = matrix[0].length;
int totalPathNum = rowNum * colNum;
int reachableCombinationNum
= _countNumberInCoverageMatrix(matrix, (int e) => e != cannotBeCovered);
int coveredCombinationNum
= _countNumberInCoverageMatrix(matrix, (int e) => e > isNotCovered);
double reachableCoverageScore = reachableCombinationNum / totalPathNum;
double coveredCoverageScore
= coveredCombinationNum / reachableCombinationNum;
return new CoverageScore(reachableCoverageScore, coveredCoverageScore);
/// Print the coverage score
void printCoverageScore(CoverageScore coverageScore) {
if (coverageScore == null) {
printError('Coverage score is null');
'App-Device Path Coverage (ADPC) score:\n'
'Reachable ADPC score: ${coverageScore.reachablePathsPercentage}, '
'defined by #reachable / #total.\n'
'Covered ADPC score: ${coverageScore.coverageScore}, '
'defined by #covered / #reachable.\n'
const String legend =
'Meaning of the number in the coverage matrix:\n'
'$cannotBeCovered: an app-device path is not reachable '
'given the connected devices.\n'
' $isNotCovered: an app-device path is reachable but '
'not covered by any test run.\n'
'>$isNotCovered: the number of times an app-device path '
'is covered by some test runs.\n'
void printLegend() {
void printCoverageMatrix(String title, CoverageMatrix coverageMatrix) {
(int e) {
if (e == -1) {
return 'unreachable';
} else {
return 'reachable';
void printHitmap(String title, CoverageMatrix coverageMatrix) {
if (briefMode) {
(int e) {
return '$e';
void printMatrix(String title, CoverageMatrix coverageMatrix, f(int e)) {
if (coverageMatrix == null) {
GroupInfo groupInfo = coverageMatrix.groupInfo;
List<List<int>> matrix = coverageMatrix.matrix;
Table prettyMatrix = new Table(1);
prettyMatrix.columns.add('app key \\ device key');
int startIndx = beginOfDiff(groupInfo.deviceSpecClustersOrder);
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
Map<CoverageMatrix, Map<DeviceSpec, Device>> buildCoverage2MatchMapping(
List<Map<DeviceSpec, Device>> allMatches,
GroupInfo groupInfo
) {
Map<CoverageMatrix, Map<DeviceSpec, Device>> cov2match
= <CoverageMatrix, Map<DeviceSpec, Device>>{};
for (Map<DeviceSpec, Device> match in allMatches) {
CoverageMatrix cov = new CoverageMatrix(groupInfo);
cov.fill(match, isNotCovered);
cov2match[cov] = match;
return cov2match;
/// Find a small number of mappings which cover the maximum app-device coverage
/// feasible in given the available devices and specs. The problem can be
/// treated as a set cover problem which is NP-complete and the implementation
/// follow the spirit of greedy algorithm which is O(log(n)).
/// [ref link]:
Set<Map<DeviceSpec, Device>> findMinimumMappings(
Map<CoverageMatrix, Map<DeviceSpec, Device>> cov2match,
CoverageMatrix base
) {
Set<CoverageMatrix> minSet = new Set<CoverageMatrix>();
while (true) {
CoverageMatrix currentBestCoverage = null;
int maxReward = 0;
for (CoverageMatrix coverage in cov2match.keys) {
if (minSet.contains(coverage)) continue;
int reward = computeReward(base, coverage);
if (maxReward < reward) {
maxReward = reward;
currentBestCoverage = coverage;
if (currentBestCoverage == null) break;
if (!briefMode) {
'Best app-device coverage matrix:',
Set<Map<DeviceSpec, Device>> bestMatches = new Set<Map<DeviceSpec, Device>>();
for (CoverageMatrix coverage in minSet) {
return bestMatches;
int computeReward(CoverageMatrix base, CoverageMatrix newCoverage) {
int reward = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < base.matrix.length; i++) {
List<int> row = base.matrix[i];
for (int j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
if (base.matrix[i][j] == cannotBeCovered
newCoverage.matrix[i][j] == isNotCovered)
return reward;