docs(mdtest readme): Edit readme file to match the latest version of

Add readme file to explain what is mdtest and how to use it.

Change-Id: I6b4195988480494909aff353afeb6e861896e678
diff --git a/mdtest/ b/mdtest/
index 277d33a..f5637cc 100644
--- a/mdtest/
+++ b/mdtest/
@@ -1,10 +1,211 @@
-mdtest: Multi-Device Applicatoin Testing Framework
+# mdtest: Multi-Device Applicatoin Testing Framework
-    *dart
-    *pub
-    *flutter
-    *adb
+`mdtest` is a command line tool built on top of [flutter](
+for integration testing.  The tool wraps several flutter commands and implements
+algorithms to deliver a robust end to end testing experience for multi-device
+applications.  `mdtest` is targeted at flutter apps and provides a public
+wrapper of flutter driver API and allows testers to write portable test scripts
+across platforms.
-To build mdtest in a specific revision in the git history, simply checkout
-that revision and run mdtest.
+# Requirements:
+* Supported Operating Systems
+  - Linux (64 bit)
+  - Mac OS X (64 bit)
+* Tools
+  - [Dart]( must be installed and accessible from
+   `PATH`
+  - PUB: comes with Dart
+  - [Flutter]( must be installed and accessible from `PATH`.
+   `flutter doctor` should report no error
+  - [ADB]( must be installed
+   and accessible from `PATH`
+# Installing mdtest
+## Clone from Github
+To get `mdtest`, use `git` to clone the [baku](
+repository and then add the `mdtest` tool to `PATH`
+$ git clone
+$ export PATH="$(pwd)/mdtest/bin:$PATH"
+Open mdtest/pubspec.yaml file and make the following change:
+ ```
+ dlog:
+   path: ../../../../third_party/dart/dlog
+ ```
+ ```
+ dlog:
+ ```
+ ```
+ flutter_driver:
+   path: ../deps/flutter/packages/flutter_driver
+ ```
+ ```
+ flutter_driver:
+   path: ${path/to/flutter}/packages/flutter_driver
+ ```
+The first time you run the `mdtest` command, it will build the tool ifself.  If
+you see Build Success, then `mdtest` is ready to go.
+# Quick Start
+This section introduces main features of `mdtest`.
+## Test Spec
+The test spec file is required to run `mdtest`.  In a nut shell, the test spec
+is the way to tell `mdtest` what kind of devices you want your applications to
+run on.  The spec file gives you the flexibility to choose your app device
+either uniquely by specifying the device id, or roughly by specifying some
+properties of the devices.  The device nickname refers to a device that
+satisfies your specification.  You can use the nickname to create a flutter
+driver in your test script.  The ability to roughly specify device requirements
+and refer a device by its nickname makes your test script portable to any
+platform anywhere in the world, as long as sufficient available devices are
+detected by `mdtest`.  The test scripts specified in the test spec should
+contain flutter driver tests for integration testing.
+`mdtest` uses a test spec to initialize the test runs.  The test spec is in JSON
+format and should follow the style below:
+  "test-paths": [
+    "${path/to/test_script1.dart}",
+    "${path/to/test_script2.dart}",
+    "${path/to/*_test.dart}"
+    ...
+  ],
+  "devices": {
+    "${device_nickname1}": {
+      "device-id": "${device_id}",
+      "model-name": "${device_model_name}",
+      "screen-size": "${screen_size}",
+      "app-root": "${path/to/flutter/app}",
+      "app-path": "${path/to/instrumented/app.dart}"
+    },
+    "${device_nickname2}": {
+      ...
+    }
+  }
+### `test-paths` (optional)
+All paths in the test spec should either be absolute paths or paths relative to
+the test spec file.  You can also specify test paths using glob patterns.  The
+"test-paths" attribute is optional if you specify the test script path(s) from
+the command line when invoking `mdtest`.  But you should at least specify a test
+path from either the test spec or the command line, otherwise `mdtest` will
+### `devices` (required)
+"devices" attribute is required in the test spec.  You can list a number of
+device specs inside "devices" attribute.  Each device spec has a unique
+"$device_nickname" mapping to several device/application properties.
+ * `device-id` (optional): The "device-id" property is optional and should be
+   the device id obtained by `flutter devices` if set.
+ * `model-name` (optional): The"model-name" property is optional and should be
+   the device model name (e.g. Nexus 5) if set.
+ * `screen-size` (optional): The "screen-size" property is optional and values
+   can only be one of
+   ["small"(<3.5), "normal"(>=3.5 && <5), "large"(>=5 && <8), "xlarge"(>=8)]
+   where the size is measured by screen diagonal in inches.  The screen size
+   generally follows
+   [Android Screen Support](
+   with overlapping screen ranges resolved.
+ * `app-root` (required): The "app-root" attribute specifies the path to the
+   flutter app which you want to run on the device.
+ * `app-path` (required): The "app-path" attribute points to the instrumented
+   flutter app that uses flutter driver plugin.  For more information, please
+   refer to
+   [flutter integration testing](
+You can add arbitraty number of device specs by repeatedly adding attributes
+following the rules above.
+## Commands
+Currently, `mdtest` supports two commands: `run` and `auto`.  You can run
+`mdtest run args...` or `mdtest auto args...` to invoke the commands.  Run
+`mdtest -h` to list the supported commands and `mdtest command -h` for more
+information for that command.  `mdtest` has a global verbose flag `--verbose`,
+which will report more information to the user during execution if set to true.
+### Run
+`mdtest run` command is used to run test suite(s) on devices that `mdtest` finds
+according to the test spec.  The tool computes an app-device mapping based on
+the device requirements in the test spec.  The app-device mapping is bijective
+and is used to launch each application on the mapped device `mdtest` finds.  In
+this mode, `mdtest` will use the first app-device mapping it finds, and install
+and start the applications on devices to execute test scripts.
+* Arguments
+  - `--spec` points to the path of the spec file
+  - `--coverage` collects code coverage and stores the coverage info for each
+   application under ${application_folder/coverage/code_coverage} if set
+  - `--format` report test output in TAP format if set to tap, default is none
+   which uses the default dart-lang test output format
+  - The rest of the arguments would be either paths or glob patterns for the
+    test scripts
+### Auto
+`mdtest auto` command is used to run test suite(s) in a small number of times to
+cover as many device settings for each unique application as possible.  More
+specifically, `mdtest` groups user specified applications based on the
+uniqueness of the application root path, and groups available devices based on
+model name (will support more grouping rules later).  Then, `mdtest` computes
+the maximum number of possible app group to device group mappings.  Finally,
+`mdtest` will try to compute the smallest number of test runs to cover those
+maximum possible mappings.  The heuristic here is to make sure at least one app
+in each application group runs on at least one device in each device group
+possibly according to the test spec in some test run.  However, since the
+problem is a set cover problem and is NP-complete, `mdtest` uses a approximation
+algorithm that has a complexity of O(log(n)).
+* Arguments
+  - `--spec` points to the path of the spec file
+  - `--coverage` collects code coverage and stores the coverage info for each
+   application under ${application_folder/coverage/code_coverage} if set
+  - `--format` report test output in TAP format if set to tap, default is none
+   which uses the default dart-lang test output format
+  - The rest of the arguments would be either paths or glob patterns for the
+    test scripts
+## Writing Tests
+`mdtest` provides a wrapper of flutter driver API and allows users to create a
+driver instance by a device nickname specified in the test spec.  To use this
+wrapper, you should add the following import statement in your test scripts:
+import 'package:flutter_driver/flutter_driver.dart';
+import 'package:mdtest/driver_util.dart';
+Then you can create a flutter driver instance like this:
+FlutterDriver driver = await DriverUtil.connectByName('${device_nickname}');
+The way to write integration tests for flutter apps follows
+[flutter integration testing](
diff --git a/mdtest/bin/mdtest b/mdtest/bin/mdtest
index 71a1489..3c2f60f 100755
--- a/mdtest/bin/mdtest
+++ b/mdtest/bin/mdtest
@@ -40,10 +40,11 @@
 REVISION=`(cd "$MDTEST_TOOL"; git rev-parse HEAD)`
 if [ ! -f "$SNAPSHOT_PATH" ] || [ ! -f "$STAMP_PATH" ] || [ `cat "$STAMP_PATH"` != "$REVISION" ] || [ "$MDTEST_TOOL/pubspec.yaml" -nt "$MDTEST_TOOL/pubspec.lock" ]; then
-  echo Building multi-drive tool...
+  echo Building mdtest ...
   (cd "$MDTEST_TOOL"; "$PUB" get --verbosity=warning)
   "$DART" --snapshot="$SNAPSHOT_PATH" --packages="$MDTEST_TOOL/.packages" "$SCRIPT_PATH"
+  echo Build Success
 if [ $MDTEST_DEV ]; then
diff --git a/mdtest/lib/src/runner/mdtest_command_runner.dart b/mdtest/lib/src/runner/mdtest_command_runner.dart
index 944ac4c..94c9a21 100644
--- a/mdtest/lib/src/runner/mdtest_command_runner.dart
+++ b/mdtest/lib/src/runner/mdtest_command_runner.dart
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 class MDTestCommandRunner extends CommandRunner {
   MDTestCommandRunner() : super(
-    'Launch multi-device apps and run test script'
+    'Launch mdtest and run tests'
   ) {
         abbr: 'v',