blob: 6f698e4bfe7015ce24573f9930f444c395310cd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'runner.dart';
import '../mobile/device.dart';
import '../mobile/device_spec.dart';
import '../algorithms/matching.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import '../runner/mdtest_command.dart';
class RunCommand extends MDTestCommand {
final String name = 'run';
final String description = 'Run multi-device driver tests';
dynamic _specs;
List<Device> _devices;
Future<int> runCore() async {
print('Running "mdtest run command" ...');
this._specs = await loadSpecs(argResults['specs']);
this._devices = await getDevices();
if (_devices.isEmpty) {
printError('No device found.');
return 1;
List<DeviceSpec> allDeviceSpecs
= await constructAllDeviceSpecs(_specs['devices']);
Map<DeviceSpec, Set<Device>> individualMatches
= findIndividualMatches(allDeviceSpecs, _devices);
Map<DeviceSpec, Device> deviceMapping
= findMatchingDeviceMapping(allDeviceSpecs, individualMatches);
if(deviceMapping == null) {
printError('No device specs to devices mapping is found.');
return 1;
MDTestRunner runner = new MDTestRunner();
if (await runner.runAllApps(deviceMapping) != 0) {
printError('Error when running applications');
return 1;
await storeMatches(deviceMapping);
if (await runner.runTest(_specs['test-path']) != 0) {
printError('Test execution exit with error.');
return 1;
return 0;
RunCommand() {