blob: 1c1c0f7b3b169da703e82ec5ba5c623ac96b13ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'helper.dart';
import '../mobile/device.dart';
import '../mobile/device_spec.dart';
import '../mobile/key_provider.dart';
import '../mobile/android.dart';
import '../algorithms/coverage.dart';
import '../algorithms/matching.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import '../runner/mdtest_command.dart';
import '../test/coverage_collector.dart';
class AutoCommand extends MDTestCommand {
final String name = 'auto';
final String description
= 'Automatically run applications based on a subset of spec to device '
'settings that maximize the device coverage';
dynamic _specs;
List<Device> _devices;
Future<int> runCore() async {
printInfo('Running "mdtest auto command" ...');
this._specs = await loadSpecs(argResults);
if (sanityCheckSpecs(_specs, argResults['spec']) != 0) {
printError('Test spec does not meet requirements.');
return 1;
this._devices = await getDevices(groupKey: argResults['groupby']);
if (_devices.isEmpty) {
printError('No device found.');
return 1;
List<DeviceSpec> allDeviceSpecs
= await constructAllDeviceSpecs(_specs['devices']);
Map<DeviceSpec, Set<Device>> individualMatches
= findIndividualMatches(allDeviceSpecs, _devices);
List<Map<DeviceSpec, Device>> allDeviceMappings
= findAllMatchingDeviceMappings(allDeviceSpecs, individualMatches);
if(allDeviceMappings.isEmpty) {
printError('No device specs to devices mapping is found.');
return 1;
Map<String, List<Device>> deviceGroups = buildGroups(_devices);
Map<String, List<DeviceSpec>> deviceSpecGroups
= buildGroups(allDeviceSpecs);
GroupInfo groupInfo = new GroupInfo(deviceGroups, deviceSpecGroups);
Map<CoverageMatrix, Map<DeviceSpec, Device>> cov2match
= buildCoverage2MatchMapping(allDeviceMappings, groupInfo);
CoverageMatrix appDeviceCoverageMatrix = new CoverageMatrix(groupInfo);
Set<Map<DeviceSpec, Device>> chosenMappings
= findMinimumMappings(cov2match, appDeviceCoverageMatrix);
Map<String, CoverageCollector> collectorPool
= <String, CoverageCollector>{};
List<int> errRounds = [];
List<int> failRounds = [];
int roundNum = 1;
for (Map<DeviceSpec, Device> deviceMapping in chosenMappings) {
printInfo('Begining of Round #$roundNum');
MDTestRunner runner = new MDTestRunner();
if (await runner.runAllApps(deviceMapping) != 0) {
printError('Error when running applications on #Round $roundNum');
await uninstallTestedApps(deviceMapping);
await storeMatches(deviceMapping);
bool testsFailed;
if (argResults['format'] == 'tap') {
testsFailed = await runner.runAllTestsToTAP(_specs['test-paths']) != 0;
} else {
testsFailed = await runner.runAllTests(_specs['test-paths']) != 0;
assert(testsFailed != null);
if (testsFailed) {
printInfo('Some tests in Round #$roundNum failed');
} else {
printInfo('All tests in Round #${roundNum++} passed');
if (argResults['coverage']) {
printTrace('Collecting code coverage hitmap (this may take some time)');
buildCoverageCollectionTasks(deviceMapping, collectorPool);
await runCoverageCollectionTasks(collectorPool);
await uninstallTestedApps(deviceMapping);
printInfo('End of Round #$roundNum\n');
if (!briefMode) {
'App-device coverage hit matrix:',
if (errRounds.isNotEmpty) {
printInfo('Error in Round #${errRounds.join(', #')}');
return 1;
if (failRounds.isNotEmpty) {
printInfo('Some tests failed in Round #${failRounds.join(', #')}');
} else {
printInfo('All tests in all rounds passed');
if (argResults['coverage']) {
printInfo('Computing code coverage for each application ...');
if (await computeAppsCoverage(collectorPool, name) != 0)
return 1;
return failRounds.isNotEmpty ? 1 : 0;
AutoCommand() {
defaultsTo: 'device-id',
allowed: [
help: 'Device property used to group devices to'
'adjust app-device coverage criterion.'