blob: 52f360075d36e8e029b72e682e79448fb1262a8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var mercury = require('mercury');
var insertCss = require('insert-css');
var Sidebar = require('../sidebar/index');
var MainContent = require('../main-content/index');
var ReportBug = require('../bug-report/index');
var UserAccount = require('../user-account/index');
var css = require('./index.css');
var h = mercury.h;
module.exports = create;
module.exports.render = render;
module.exports.setSplashMessage = setSplashMessage;
* Page level layout of the application
function create() {
var state = mercury.varhash({
* Whether the sidebar drawer is visible
* @type {boolean}
sidebarOpened: mercury.value(false),
* Title text to display in the toolbar
* @type {string}
title: mercury.value(''),
* Toast messages to display
* @type {Array<Object>}
toasts: mercury.array([])
var events = mercury.input([
wireUpEvents(state, events);
return {
state: state,
events: events
* Draw the full page of the application, which consists of a sidebar and main
* panel. The sidebar is usually hidden but acts as a selector for the content
* shown in the main panel. This content is rendered in the full browser window.
* See @app.js for the state definition. See @sidebar/index.js and
* @main-content/index.js for their rendering functions.
function render(state, events) {
if (!state.initialized) {
return h('div');
} else {
if (!state.navigation.pageKey) {
return mercury.h('paper-spinner', {
attributes: {
'active': true,
'aria-label': 'Loading'
var panelAttributes = {
attributes: {
// Keep the drawer collapsed for any width size
'responsiveWidth': '10000px',
'selected': state.viewport.sidebarOpened ? 'drawer' : 'main'
// If drawer is open, clicking anywhere should close it
'ev-click': (state.viewport.sidebarOpened ?
mercury.event(events.viewport.closeSidebar) : null),
return h('core-drawer-panel.panel', panelAttributes, [
h('core-header-panel.drawer', {
attributes: {
'drawer': true
}, [
renderSideToolbar(state, events),
Sidebar.render(state, events)
h('core-header-panel.main', {
attributes: {
'main': true
}, [
renderMainToolbar(state, events),
MainContent.render(state, events),
renderToasts(state, events),
* The title of the sidebar.
function renderSideToolbar(state, events) {
return h('core-toolbar.toolbar', [
h('h1.title', 'Vanadium Namespace Browser')
* The title of the main content.
function renderMainToolbar(state, events) {
return h('core-toolbar.toolbar', [
h('paper-icon-button.drawer-toggle', {
attributes: {
'icon': 'menu'
'id': 'drawerToggle',
'ev-click': mercury.event(events.viewport.openSidebar)
h('h2.title', state.viewport.title),
MainContent.renderHeader(state, events),
* Draws all the toasts stored in the state. Old toasts remain hidden.
* TODO(alexfandrianto): In order to limit mercury state, we attempt to purge
* state.viewport.toasts. core-overlay-close-completed isn't always fired if
* too many occur in the same time range, so setTimeout upon core-overlay-open-
* completed works to solve that.
* TODO(alexfandrianto): Try to get autoCloseDisabled accepted by Polymer so
* that the paper-toast behavior is more consistent.
function renderToasts(state, events) {
return h('div.toasts', {
return renderToast(toast, events);
* Draws a short duration toast to inform the user.
var toastDuration = 3000; // ms
function renderToast(toast, events) {
// The toast type affects the css class
var cssClass = toast.type || 'info';
// If there is an event attached to the toast, draw it here.
var children = [];
if (toast.actionText) {
children.push(h('div', {
'ev-click': toast.action
}, toast.actionText));
return h('paper-toast.' + cssClass, {
'key': toast.key, // unique per toast => only drawn once
attributes: {
'text': toast.text,
'opened': true,
'duration': toastDuration,
'autoCloseDisabled': true
// Clean up the old toasts after enough time has passed.
'ev-core-overlay-open-completed': mercury.event(
}, children);
* Wire up events that we know how to handle.
function wireUpEvents(state, events) {
events.openSidebar(function() {
events.closeSidebar(function() {
events.deferRemoveToast(function(key) {
// Remove the toast after a reasonable delay.
setTimeout(function() {
// Filter out the toast whose key matches.
state.put('toasts', state.toasts.filter(function(toast) {
return toast.key !== key;
}, toastDuration);
* Removes the splash screen once and then becomes a noop
* Splash screen fades so it is removed on animation end.
var splashDomNode = document.querySelector('#splash');
function removeSplashScreen() {
if (splashDomNode) {
// keep a reference for the webkitAnimationEnd event handler
// since splashDomNode gets nuked after this to make this function a noop
var node = splashDomNode;
node.addEventListener('webkitAnimationEnd', function() {
splashDomNode = null;
* Sets a message on the slash screen.
* @param {string} message Text of message to sent
* @param {boolean} isError Boolean indicating whether this is an error message
function setSplashMessage(message, isError) {
if (!splashDomNode) {
var messageNode = splashDomNode.querySelector('#splashMessage');
var progressbar = splashDomNode.querySelector('#splashProgressbarWrapper');
if (isError) {
} else {
messageNode.textContent = message;