blob: 5379fb4dcd8cfaf7515e72595d816d8ef8fe260f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Helpers for manipulating vanadium names.
* See vanadium/release/go/src/ for the
* corresponding operations in golang.
* @private
module.exports = {
clean: clean,
join: join,
isRooted: isRooted,
basename: basename,
stripBasename: stripBasename,
splitAddressName: splitAddressName,
* Normalizes a name by collapsing multiple slashes and removing any
* trailing slashes.
* @param {string} name The vanadium name.
* @returns {string} The clean name.
* @memberof module:vanadium.naming
function clean(name) {
return _removeTailSlash(_squashMultipleSlashes(name));
* <p>Joins parts of a name into a whole. The joined name will be cleaned; it
* only preserved the rootedness of the name components.</p>
* <p>Examples:</p>
* <pre>
* join(['a, b']) -> 'a/b'
* join('/a/b/', '//d') -> '/a/b/d'
* join('//a/b', 'c/') -> '/a/b/c'
* </pre>
* @param {...string} parts Either a single array that contains the strings
* to join or a variable number of string arguments that will be joined.
* @return {string} A joined string.
* @memberof module:vanadium.naming
function join(parts) {
if (Array.isArray(parts)) {
while (parts.length > 0 && parts[0] === '') {
parts.splice(0, 1); // Remove empty strings; they add nothing to the join.
var joined = parts.join('/');
return clean(joined);
return join(;
* Determines if a name is rooted, that is beginning with a single '/'.
* @param {string} name The vanadium name.
* @return {boolean} True iff the name is rooted.
* @memberof module:vanadium.naming
function isRooted(name) {
return name[0] === '/';
* SplitAddressName takes an object name and returns the server address and
* the name relative to the server.
* The name parameter may be a rooted name or a relative name; an empty string
* address is returned for the latter case.
* @param {string} name The vanadium name.
* @return {Object.<string, string>} An object with the address and suffix
* split. Returned object will be in the format of:
* <pre>
* {address: string, suffix: string}
* </pre>
* Address may be in endpoint format or host:port format.
* @memberof module:vanadium.naming
function splitAddressName(name) {
name = clean(name);
if (!isRooted(name)) {
return {
address: '',
suffix: name
name = name.substr(1); // trim the beginning "/"
if (name.length === 0) {
return {
address: '',
suffix: ''
if (name[0] === '@') { // <endpoint>/<suffix>
var split = _splitIntoTwo(name, '@@/');
if (split.suffix.length > 0) { // The trailing "@@" was stripped, restore
split.address = split.address + '@@';
return split;
if (name[0] === '(') { // (blessing)@host:[port]/suffix
var tmp = _splitIntoTwo(name, ')@').suffix;
var suffix = _splitIntoTwo(tmp, '/').suffix;
return {
address: _trimEnd(name, '/' + suffix),
suffix: suffix
// host:[port]/suffix
return _splitIntoTwo(name, '/');
function _splitIntoTwo(str, separator) {
var elems = str.split(separator);
return {
address: elems[0],
suffix: elems.splice(1).join(separator)
* Gets the basename of the given vanadium name.
* @param {string} name The vanadium name.
* @return {string} The basename of the given name.
* @memberof module:vanadium.naming
function basename(name) {
name = clean(name);
var split = splitAddressName(name);
if (split.suffix !== '') {
return split.suffix.substring(split.suffix.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
} else {
return split.address;
* Retrieves the parent of the given name.
* @param {string} name The vanadium name.
* @return {string | null} The parent's name or null, if there isn't one.
* @memberof module:vanadium.naming
function stripBasename(name) {
name = clean(name);
var split = splitAddressName(name);
if (split.suffix !== '') {
return name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('/'));
} else {
return '';
// Replace every group of slashes in the string with a single slash.
function _squashMultipleSlashes(s) {
return s.replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/');
// Remove the last slash in the string, if any.
function _removeTailSlash(s) {
return s.replace(/\/$/g, '');
// Helper util that removes the given suf from the end of str
function _trimEnd(str, suf) {
var index = str.lastIndexOf(suf);
if (index + suf.length === str.length) {
return str.substring(0, index);
} else {
return str;