blob: 1785a89bb38131291f4840889337c1386123542a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var vdl = require('./ifc');
module.exports = RoboDog;
// List of RoboDog constants
var HUNGER_DELAY = 60000; // hunger worsens every 60s
var MOOD_DELAY_BASE = 40000; // mood worsens every 40s to 85s
var EAT_DELAY = 500; // dog's eating progress updates every 0.5s
var EAT_SPEED = 0.02; // dog eats 0.02 of the dog bowl every interval
var HUNGER_BAND = 0.2; // hunger improves in increments of 0.2
var PLAY_MINIMUM = 3; // playtime must last at least 3s for mood to improve
// The dog's initial name.
var START_NAME = 'VDog';
// A low mood score is worse than high one.
var MIN_MOOD = 0;
var START_MOOD = 2;
var MAX_MOOD = 4;
// A low hunger score is worse than a high one.
var MIN_HUNGER = 0;
var MAX_HUNGER = 6;
var moods = [
['angry', 'sullen', 'depressed'],
['bored', 'tired', 'unhappy'],
['content', 'at-ease', 'lazy'],
['happy', 'friendly', 'playful'],
['exuberant', 'loving', 'excited']
var responses = [
['*whine*', '*whimper*', '*growl*'],
['<ignores you>', '*bark*', '<turns away>'],
['<yawns>', '<pants>', '<looks at you>'],
['*playful bark*', '<lick>', '<wags tail>'],
['*<tackle hug>*', '<brushes up>', '*woof! woof!*']
var hungers = [
'starving', 'famished', 'hungry', 'not hungry', 'satiated', 'full', 'bloated'
// RoboDog allows clients to play with a virtual robotic dog.
function RoboDog(feeder) { = START_NAME;
this.mood = START_MOOD;
this.hunger = START_HUNGER;
this.eating = false;
this.feeder = feeder;
RoboDog.prototype = new vdl.RoboDog();
// Status returns the state of the robotic dog.
RoboDog.prototype.status = function(context, serverCall) {
var dogMoods = moods[this.mood];
var dogMood = dogMoods[Math.floor(Math.random() * dogMoods.length)];
return new vdl.RoboDogStatus({
mood: dogMood,
hunger: hungers[this.hunger],
eating: this.eating
// Speak allows a client to speak with the robotic dog.
RoboDog.prototype.speak = function(context, serverCall, words) {
// If dog is eating, the dog cannot listen or respond.
if (this.eating) {
return '*munch* *munch*';
// Secret: If the dog's name was spoken, mood improves!
if (words.indexOf( !== -1) {
changeMood(this, 1);
// The dog's respondse depends on mood.
return respond(this);
// Play allows a client to play with the robotic dog.
// Errors if the dog does not want to play. = function(context, serverCall, duration, cb) {
if (this.eating) {
cb(new Error( + ' is busy eating right now.'));
} else if (this.mood === MIN_MOOD) {
cb(new Error( + ' is in a bad mood; try speaking its name.'));
// Delay for a while... and mood improves!
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
if (duration > PLAY_MINIMUM) {
changeMood(self, 1);
}, duration * 1000);
// SetName allows a client to set the robotic dog's name.
RoboDog.prototype.setName = function(context, serverCall, name) { = name;
// Helper to emulate the dog's hunger cycle.
function hungerCycle(r) {
setInterval(function() {
changeHunger(r, -1);
// Helper to emulate the dog's mood cycle.
function moodCycle(r) {
var delay = MOOD_DELAY_BASE + MOOD_DELAY_SCALING * r.hunger;
setTimeout(function() {
changeMood(r, -1);
}, delay);
// Helper to emulate the dog's eating cycle.
function eatCycle(r) {
var eaten = 0;
// Check in on the dog at intervals to update the amount eaten.
setInterval(function() {
// If the dog is eating, empty the feeder by the same amount.
if (r.eating) {
var eat = Math.min(r.feeder.state, EAT_SPEED);
r.feeder.state -= eat;
eaten += eat;
if (eaten >= HUNGER_BAND) {
eaten -= HUNGER_BAND;
changeHunger(r, 1);
// Eat if there's any food and hunger is not at max.
r.eating = (r.feeder.state > 0 && r.hunger !== MAX_HUNGER);
// Helper to pick a random response based on the dog's mood.
function respond(r) {
var responseList = responses[r.mood];
return responseList[Math.floor(Math.random() * responseList.length)];
// Helper to change the dog's mood.
function changeMood(r, amount) {
r.mood += amount;
if (r.mood > MAX_MOOD) {
r.mood = MAX_MOOD;
} else if (r.mood < MIN_MOOD) {
r.mood = MIN_MOOD;
// Helper to change the dog's hunger.
function changeHunger(r, amount) {
r.hunger += amount;
if (r.hunger > MAX_HUNGER) {
r.hunger = MAX_HUNGER;
} else if (r.hunger < MIN_HUNGER) {
r.hunger = MIN_HUNGER;