blob: 11a47b54d8ab21af3f51e6de647c3d89f993addd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var mercury = require('mercury');
var insertCss = require('insert-css');
var displayMountPointDetails = require('./display-mountpoint-details');
var mountPointManager = require('./manage-mountpoint');
var dialogClickHook = require('../../../../lib/mercury/dialog-click-hook');
var FieldItem = require('../field-item');
var ErrorBox = require('../../../error/error-box');
var log = require('../../../../lib/log')(
var css = require('./index.css');
var h = mercury.h;
module.exports = create;
module.exports.render = render;
module.exports.displayMountPointDetails = displayMountPointDetails;
* MountPointDetails component provides user interfaces for displaying
* details about a mount point such the permissions, its parent mounttable
* and the full name of the mount point.
* TODO(aghassemi) Add UI for manipulating the mountpoint such as mount,
* unmount, setPermissions, etc..
function create() {
var state = mercury.varhash({
* namespace item to display mount point details for.
* @see services/namespace/item
* @type {namespaceitem}
item: mercury.value(null),
* Name of the item.
* @type {string}
itemName: mercury.value(''),
* Any fatal error while getting the mount point details.
* Note: will be displayed to user.
* @type Error
error: mercury.value(null),
* Whether a loading indicator should be displayed instead of content
* @type {mercury.value<boolean>}
showLoadingIndicator: mercury.value(false),
* Map of permissions for the mount point.
* @type {map<string,>}
permissions: mercury.value(null),
* Whether user is even authorized to see the permission for the mount point
* @type {boolean}
notAuthorizedToSeePermissions: mercury.value(false),
* The objectAddresses as resolveToMounttable
* @type {mercury.array<string>}
objectAddresses: mercury.array([]),
* Whether we should render a dialog prompting for an action.
* @type {boolean}
promptAction: mercury.value(false),
* The text for the prompt.
* @type {string}
promptActionText: mercury.value(''),
* The text for the positive button of the prompt.
* @type {string}
promptActionButtonText: mercury.value(''),
* The event handler that will be called when confirmed.
* @type {function}
promptActionCallback: mercury.value()
var events = mercury.input([
wireUpEvents(state, events);
return {
state: state,
events: events
* Render the mount point details page.
function render(state, events, browseState, navEvents) {
var content = [];
// Details can only be shown if there is an item.
if (state.item) {
var displayItems = [];
displayItems.push(renderActionsField(state, events, navEvents));
content.push(h('div', displayItems));
// Show any errors from getting the details
if (state.error) {
var errorTitle = 'Unable to connect to ' + state.itemName;
content.push(ErrorBox.render(errorTitle, state.error.toString()));
// Show the loading indicator if it's available.
if (state.showLoadingIndicator) {
content.push(h('paper-spinner', {
attributes: {
'active': true,
'aria-label': 'Loading'
return content;
* Renders the Full Name field
function renderNameField(state) {
return FieldItem.render('Full Name', (state.itemName || '<Home>'));
* Renders the ObjectAddresses field which should be the objectAddresses at the
* parent mount table (i.e. result of call to resolveToMounttable())
function renderObjectAddressesField(state) {
return FieldItem.render(
'Mount Point Object Addresses', (state.objectAddresses), {
contentTooltip: 'Object addresses at the parent mount table'
* Renders the permissions field
function renderPermissionsField(state) {
var content;
if (state.notAuthorizedToSeePermissions) {
content = h('span', 'Not authorized to see the permissions');
} else if (state.permissions && state.permissions.size > 0) {
content = formatPermissions(state.permissions);
} else if (state.permissions) {
content = h('span', 'No specific permissions set');
return FieldItem.render('Permissions', content);
* Renders the mountpoint actions.
function renderActionsField(state, events, navEvents) {
var actions = [
renderDeleteAction(state, events, navEvents)
var filteredActions = actions.filter(function(a) {
return !!a;
if (filteredActions.length === 0) {
return [
FieldItem.render('Manage', h('div', filteredActions)),
renderPrompt(state, events)
* Renders a modal prompt dialog if an action is taking place to confirm.
function renderPrompt(state, events) {
return h('paper-action-dialog', {
attributes: {
'autoCloseDisabled': true,
'layered': true,
'backdrop': true,
'opened': state.promptAction
}, [
h('p', state.promptActionText),
h('paper-button', {
attributes: {
'dismissive': true,
'click-hook': dialogClickHook(mercury.send(events.promptCanceled))
}, 'Cancel'),
h('paper-button', {
attributes: {
'affirmative': true,
'autofocus': true
'click-hook': dialogClickHook(mercury.send(events.promptConfirmed))
}, state.promptActionButtonText)
* Renders the mountpoint delete action.
function renderDeleteAction(state, events, navEvents) {
/* TODO(aghassemi) We really should only render items user has access to.
* This was attempted by trying to match remoteBlessings with peerBlessings
* but we intentionally do not expose blessing names for peerBlessings so
* approach did not work.
* This needs to be fixed first.
var action = h('paper-button', {
'ev-click': mercury.send(events.promptDeleteMountPoint, {
cb: navEvents.reload,
name: state.itemName
}, 'Delete');
return action;
* Formats a permissions object to string
* TODO(aghassemi): we need a nicer permission formatter
* @param {} perms
function formatPermissions(perms) {
var results = [];
perms.forEach(function(p, key) {
h('div.permission-item', [
h('div.permission-name', key),
h('div', formatPermission(p))
return h('div', results);
* Formats a single permission object to string
* @param {} perm
function formatPermission(perm) {
var results = [];
if ( && > 0) {
h('div.permissions-wrapper', [
h('span.permission-in', 'In: '),
if (perm.notIn && perm.notIn.length > 0) {
h('div', [
h('span.permission-out', 'Not In: '),
function renderBlessingsList(list) {
var items = {
return h('li', item);
return h('ul', items);
return h('div', results);
// Wire up events that we know how to handle
function wireUpEvents(state, events) {
events.promptDeleteMountPoint(function(data) {
'Are you sure you want to delete ' + + ' ?'
state.promptActionCallback.set(deleteMountPoint.bind(null, data));
events.promptCanceled(function() {
events.promptConfirmed(function() {
var cb = state.promptActionCallback();
function deleteMountPoint(data) {
mountPointManager.deleteMountPoint(state, events).then(function() {
if (data.cb) {
}, function(err) {
log.error('Could not delete mount point', err);