blob: db0dbbc9060ca31e3c2bb2002f09052db9fb654b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var Alarm = require('./alarm.js');
var LightSwitch = require('./lightswitch.js');
var Sprinkler = require('./sprinkler.js');
var Speaker = require('./speaker.js');
var SmokeDetector = require('./smokedetector.js');
var PoolHeater = require('./poolheater.js');
var PetFeeder = require('./petfeeder.js');
var RoboDog = require('./robodog.js');
var namespaceService = require('../namespace/service.js');
var util = namespaceService.util;
module.exports = {
create: create,
getRootedName: getRootedName
var feeder = new PetFeeder();
var robodog = new RoboDog(feeder);
var SERVICES = [
['house/alarm', new Alarm()],
['house/living-room/lights', new LightSwitch()],
['house/living-room/smoke-detector', new SmokeDetector()],
['house/living-room/blast-speaker', new Speaker()],
['house/living-room/soundbar', new Speaker()],
['house/master-bedroom/desk-lamp', new LightSwitch()],
['house/master-bedroom/lights', new LightSwitch()],
['house/master-bedroom/smoke-detector', new SmokeDetector()],
['house/master-bedroom/speaker', new Speaker()],
['house/kitchen/lights', new LightSwitch()],
['house/kitchen/smoke-detector', new SmokeDetector()],
['house/pet-feeder', feeder],
['house/robo-dog', robodog],
['cottage/smoke-detector', new SmokeDetector()],
['cottage/alarm', new Alarm()],
['cottage/lights', new LightSwitch()],
['cottage/pool/heater', new PoolHeater()],
['cottage/pool/speaker', new Speaker()],
['cottage/pool/pool-lights', new LightSwitch()],
['cottage/lawn/front/sprinkler', new Sprinkler()],
['cottage/lawn/back/sprinkler', new Sprinkler()],
['cottage/lawn/master-sprinkler', new Sprinkler()],
// Creates and published a sample world under the given name prefix
// Returns a promise that is resolved when all the names are published.
function create(namePrefix) {
return namespaceService.initVanadium().then(function(runtime) {
var allServed = [];
SERVICES.forEach(function(s) {
var name = util.join(namePrefix, s[0]);
var service = s[1];
var servePromise = runtime.newServer(name, service).then(function() {
return waitUntilPublished(name, runtime);
return Promise.all(allServed);
* Returns the full rooted name where sample-world will be served.
* This is the user's home directory + '/sample-world'
* @return {Promise<string>}
function getRootedName() {
return namespaceService.getAccountName().then(function(name) {
// The account has a blessing of the form:<email>:chrome
// The object name to mount should be
// /<email>/sample-world
name = name.replace(/^, 'users/');
name = name.replace(/:chrome$/, '');
return util.join('/', name, 'sample-world');
// Helper function that waits until name is published or unpublished,
// it checks every 1000ms for a total of 30 tries before failing.
function waitUntilPublished(name, runtime) {
var WAIT_TIME = 1000;
var MAX_TRIES = 30;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var ns = runtime.getNamespace();
var count = 0;
function runResolve() {
ns.resolve(runtime.getContext(), name, function(err, s) {
if (err) {
if (count === MAX_TRIES) {
new Error('Timed out waiting for ' + name + ' to be published')
return setTimeout(runResolve, WAIT_TIME);