blob: 6d588230ebd37b28b7665a6cf2011f23b4584c9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var test = require('prova');
var mercury = require('mercury');
var proxyquire = require('proxyquireify')(require);
var browseComponent = proxyquire('../../../../src/components/browse/index', {
'./item-details/index': itemDetailsComponentMock
* Create mocks for namespaceService used by browseNamespace.
* One mock that resolves in both glob and signature methods.
* One mock that rejects in both glob and signature methods.
var mockItem = {
mountedName: 'mockItem',
objectName: 'foo/bar/mockItem',
isLeaf: true,
hasServer: true,
hasMountPoint: true
var namespaceServiceMock = {
isGlobbable: function(name) {
return Promise.resolve(true);
search: function(name, globQuery) {
return Promise.resolve(mercury.array([mockItem]));
function itemDetailsComponentMock() {
return {
state: {},
events: {
displayItemDetails: function(data) {
// Require the browseNamespace using the proxy so mock is used
var browseNamespace =
'../../services/namespace/service': namespaceServiceMock
test('Updates state.namespace', function(t) {
var state = browseComponent().state;
var events = browseComponent().events;
// Should update state.namespace with data.namespace
browseNamespace(state, events, {
namespace: 'foo/bar'
t.equal(state.namespace(), 'foo/bar');
// Should reset state.namespace if data.namespace is null
browseNamespace(state, events, {
namespace: null
t.equal(state.namespace(), '');
// Should reset state.namespace if data.namespace is undefined
browseNamespace(state, events, {});
t.equal(state.namespace(), '');
// Should update state.namespace if data.namespace is empty string
browseNamespace(state, events, {
namespace: ''
t.equal(state.namespace(), '');
test('Updates state.globQuery', function(t) {
var state = browseComponent().state;
var events = browseComponent().events;
// Should update state.globQuery with data.globQuery
browseNamespace(state, events, {
globQuery: '**/*'
t.equal(state.globQuery(), '**/*');
// Should reset state.globQuery if data.globQuery is null
browseNamespace(state, events, {
globQuery: null
t.equal(state.globQuery(), '');
// Should reset state.globQuery if data.globQuery is undefined
browseNamespace(state, events, {});
t.equal(state.globQuery(), '');
// Empty glob keeps it empty in the state but behind the scenes does a '*'
browseNamespace(state, events, {
globQuery: ''
t.equal(state.globQuery(), '');