blob: 7939794b3c9d3d8fd50426a3c04c9542f9752e6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var test = require('prova');
var store = require('../../../src/lib/store');
var _ = require('lodash');
test('store !hasValue', function(t) {
// A key not present in the store has no value.
store.hasValue('not in store').then(function(has) {
t.notOk(has, 'not set => no value');
test('store hasValue', function(t) {
var key = 'recoveringKey';
// Run hasValue between other operations and verify hasValue's output.
store.setValue('recoveringKey', 'willLoseValue').then(function(value) {
return store.hasValue(key);
}).then(function(has) {
t.ok(has, 'set => has value');
return store.removeValue(key);
}).then(function() {
return store.hasValue(key);
}).then(function(has) {
t.notOk(has, 'set => remove => no value');
return store.setValue(key, 'nowHasValue');
}).then(function(value) {
return store.hasValue(key);
}).then(function(has) {
t.ok(has, 'set => remove => set => has value');
test('store get', function(t) {
// A key not present in the store has null value.
store.getValue('not in store').then(function(value) {
t.equal(value, null, 'not in store => null value');
var setGetTestCases = {
'simple string is recovered': {
key: 'key1',
givenValue: 'potato soup',
expectedValue: 'potato soup'
'simple object is recovered': {
key: 'key2',
givenValue: { attr: 'red' },
expectedValue: { attr: 'red' }
'functions are not stored': {
key: 'key3',
givenValue: function() { return 3; },
expectedValue: null
'object methods are not stored': {
key: 'key4',
givenValue: {
ok: 1,
lost: function() { return 1; }
expectedValue: {
ok: 1
'functions in arrays are nulled': {
key: 'key5',
givenValue: ['a', 'b', function() { return 'removed'; }, 'd'],
expectedValue: ['a', 'b', null, 'd']
_.forOwn(setGetTestCases, function run(data, msg) {
'store set=>get - ' + msg,
testSetGetExpectations.bind(null, data)
function testSetGetExpectations(data, t) {
store.setValue(data.key, data.givenValue).then(function(value) {
return store.getValue(data.key);
}).then(function(value) {
t.deepEqual(value, data.expectedValue);
test('store setA=>setB=>get', function(t) {
var key1 = 'key1';
var key2 = 'key2';
var value1 = 'artificial flavors';
var value2 = { attribute: 'organic' };
// The last value set wins regardless of the actual values stored.
store.setValue(key1, value1).then(function(value) { // Store 1 first then 2
return store.setValue(key1, value2);
}).then(function(value) {
return store.getValue(key1);
}).then(function(value) {
t.deepEqual(value, value2, 'last value set wins'); // Expect 2
return store.setValue(key2, value2); // Store 2 first then 1
}).then(function(value) {
return store.setValue(key2, value1);
}).then(function(value) {
return store.getValue(key2);
}).then(function(value) {
t.deepEqual(value, value1, 'last value set wins'); // Expect 1
test('store set=>remove=>get', function(t) {
// A removed key will have no value in the store.
var key = 'will be removed';
var value = 'not null';
store.setValue(key, value).then(function(value) {
return store.removeValue(key);
}).then(function() {
return store.getValue(key);
}).then(function(value) {
t.equal(value, null, 'a removed key has no value');
test('store remove=>set=>get', function(t) {
// A removed key is not permanent; it can be set to again.
var key = 'will be removed and set again';
var val = 'not null';
store.removeValue(key).then(function() {
return store.setValue(key, val);
}).then(function(value) {
return store.getValue(key);
}).then(function(value) {
t.deepEqual(value, val, 'a removed key can still set a value');
test('store getKeysWithPrefix', function(t) {
// Set abc, abcd, ab, and rea in the store.
// Then verify prefix matches for abc, a, and x.
store.setValue('abc', 4).then(function(value) { // Preload data at abc
return store.setValue('abcd', 'a'); // Preload data at abcd
}).then(function(value) {
return store.setValue('ab', []); // Preload data at ab
}).then(function(value) {
return store.setValue('rea', false); // Preload data at rea
}).then(function(value) {
return store.getKeysWithPrefix('abc'); // Verify prefix matches for abc
}).then(function(keys) {
t.deepEqual(keys.sort(), ['abc', 'abcd'], 'abc => abc and abcd');
return store.getKeysWithPrefix('a'); // Verify prefix matches for a
}).then(function(keys) {
t.deepEqual(keys.sort(), ['ab', 'abc', 'abcd'], 'a => ab, abc, and abcd');
return store.getKeysWithPrefix('x'); // Verify prefix matches for x
}).then(function(keys) {
t.deepEqual(keys.sort(), [], 'x => empty array');