Starting from the left, the header contains a menu for changing modes. The current mode (e.g., Browse) is displayed next. There are other modes for Help and submitting Bugs. Additional modes are planned for the future.
In Browse mode, the header also shows the current entry being used as the root of the namespace. This can be a mount table or an intermediary name in a mount table. You can type a name into this field, or you can select a name using the Bookmarks or Recommendations tools.
Finally, on the right side of the header the current identity is displayed. This is initially the identity used to sign into the browser.
The left side of the toolbar contains a list of names showing what is being browsed. Initially, this is the same as the root. You can click on any name to go up the hierarchy toward the root.
Next there are three icons for the views:
Next there are two icons for Bookmarks and Recommendations. You can set a bookmark for any entry so you can access it quickly in the future. Recommendations uses machine intelligence to suggest interesting entries.
Lastly, you can use glob syntax to search for entries. (need examples)