blob: da0f12b9f589868863f0528c9ecac680c11f8b81 [file] [log] [blame]
var Routes = require('routes');
var registerRoutes = require('./routes/register-routes');
module.exports = router;
* Implements a hash(#) router.
* Using # instead of regular routes to eliminate any configuration dependency
* on the server. Otherwise servers need to be configured to return index
* instead of 404. Although that's reasonable, for simplicity of deployment,
* hash-based routing is picked.
function router(state, events) {
// Match the path to a route and trigger the route handler for it
var handleRouteChange = function(data) {
var path = normalizePath(data.path);
var route = routes.match(path);
if (!route) {
//TODO(aghassemi) Needs to be 404 error when we have support for 404
if (!data.skipHistoryPush) {
window.history.pushState(null, null, '#' + path);
}, state, events, route.params);
// Triggers a navigate event using the current location as the path
var navigateToCurrentLocation = function() {
path: window.location.hash,
skipHistoryPush: true
// Create and register routes
var routes = new Routes();
// Route and push to history when navigation event fires
// Fire navigation event when hash changes
window.addEventListener('hashchange', navigateToCurrentLocation);
// Kick off the routing by navigating to current Url
function normalizePath(path) {
// Remove #
if (path.indexOf('#') === 0) {
path = path.substr(1);
// Empty means root
if (path === '') {
path = '/';
return path;