namespace_browser: Mercury (specifically virtual hyper dom) has started
behaving strange when patching textContent on div (possibly all block elements)
as work around we MUST ensure textContent is only on non-block elements
like span.
I will try to pin this down and create an issue on Mercury side.

Change-Id: Iac5fa6b8f1470d8d54e51abadee3d5dfe35e147d
4 files changed
tree: 6c829a887ee71ee1bc51527a2e23d602d154db7d
  1. go/
  2. public/
  3. scripts/
  4. src/
  5. test/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .jshintrc
  8. bower.json
  9. css-transform.js
  10. main-transform.js
  11. Makefile
  12. md-transform.js
  13. package.json
  15. web-component-dependencies.html

Mounttable Browser

Mountable browser is a browser application that lets the user view and traverse mounttables.


Before you can run Mounttable Browser, you need to build. Simply run:


The Extension

You must have the Veyron Extension installed to run this.

Get it here:


make start

and navigate to http://localhost:9000

to stop simply CTRL-C the console running the make start