| /* |
| * smart-service-implementation includes this application's specific |
| * implementations of the smart-service. |
| */ |
| |
| var addAttributes = require('../../lib/addAttributes'); |
| var hashInterface = require('../namespace/interface-util').hashInterface; |
| var log = require('../../lib/log')('services:smart-service'); |
| var perceptron = require('../../lib/learning/perceptron'); |
| var rank = require('../../lib/learning/rank'); |
| var _ = require('lodash'); |
| |
| var LEARNER_AUTORPC = 2; |
| |
| // Associate the learner types with the constructor |
| var LEARNER_MAP = {}; |
| LEARNER_MAP[LEARNER_SHORTCUT] = shortcutLearner; |
| |
| // Associate the learner types with additional functions. |
| // Note: update and predict are required. |
| var LEARNER_METHODS = {}; |
| featureExtractor: shortcutLearnerFeatureExtractor, |
| update: shortcutLearnerUpdate, |
| predict: shortcutLearnerPredict |
| }; |
| featureExtractor: autoRPCLearnerFeatureExtractor, |
| update: autoRPCLearnerUpdate, |
| predict: autoRPCLearnerPredict |
| }; |
| computeKey: methodInputLearnerComputeKey, |
| update: topKLearnerUpdate, |
| predict: topKLearnerPredict |
| }; |
| |
| computeKey: methodInvocationLearnerComputeKey, |
| update: topKLearnerUpdate, |
| predict: topKLearnerPredict |
| }; |
| |
| // Export the implementation constants |
| module.exports = { |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Create a shortcut learner that analyzes directory paths visited and predicts |
| * the most useful shortcuts. |
| * The expected attributes in params include: |
| * - k, the max # of shortcuts to return |
| */ |
| function shortcutLearner(type, params) { |
| this.directoryCount = {}; |
| this.type = type; |
| this.params = params; |
| addAttributes(this, LEARNER_METHODS[type]); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given an input name, return relevant features for the shortcut learner. |
| */ |
| function shortcutLearnerFeatureExtractor(name) { |
| return pathFeatureExtractor(name); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given an input, extract the relevant feature vector and update the weights |
| * of the learner. |
| * input contains name and weight (default 1). Note: weight can be negative. |
| */ |
| function shortcutLearnerUpdate(input) { |
| var features = this.featureExtractor(input.name); |
| input.weight = input.weight || 1; |
| _.forOwn(features, function(value, key) { |
| if (this.directoryCount[key] === undefined) { |
| this.directoryCount[key] = 0; |
| } |
| this.directoryCount[key] += features[key] * input.weight; |
| }, this); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given an input, determine which children are most popular. |
| * The input should have "name" (string) and "exclude" (Array<string>). |
| */ |
| function shortcutLearnerPredict(input) { |
| // Make sure to set proper defaults for bad input. |
| var defaults = { |
| name: '', |
| exclude: [], |
| penalize: true |
| }; |
| input = _.assign({}, defaults, input); |
| |
| // Also ensure that k, the number of children to return, is defined. |
| var k = this.params.k || 1; |
| var penalize = input.penalize; |
| |
| log.debug('Predict top', k, 'children under', input.name, 'excluding', |
| input.exclude); |
| |
| // First score the items that are prefixed by the input name. |
| // Separate the scored items from the excluded items. |
| var scoredItems = []; |
| var excludedItems = []; |
| _.forOwn(this.directoryCount, function(score, item) { |
| if (item.indexOf(input.name) === 0) { |
| var scoredItem = { |
| item: item, |
| score: score |
| }; |
| if (input.exclude.indexOf(item) === -1) { |
| scoredItems.push(scoredItem); |
| } else { |
| excludedItems.push(scoredItem); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| // Next, penalize all scoredItems by the excludedItems. |
| if (penalize) { |
| excludedItems.forEach(function(excludedItem) { |
| rank.applyDiversityPenalty( |
| scoredItems, |
| excludedItem, |
| shortcutLearnerFeatureExtractor, |
| excludedItem.score |
| ); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Then determine the top k items including diversity. |
| // TODO(alexfandrianto): This step forces us to take O(kn) runtime. Is there a |
| // faster way to find the 'best' shortcuts? |
| var topK = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < k; i++) { |
| var bestItemIndex = rank.getBestItemIndex(scoredItems); |
| if (bestItemIndex >= 0) { |
| topK.push(scoredItems[bestItemIndex]); |
| } else { |
| return topK; // return early since there are no more top items. |
| } |
| |
| // If we haven't yet found all topK, penalize similar items. |
| if (i < k - 1) { |
| // Remove the most recent top item, and return early if we can. |
| scoredItems.splice(bestItemIndex, 1); |
| if (scoredItems.length === 0) { |
| return topK; |
| } |
| |
| // Otherwise, penalize all remaining items. |
| if (penalize) { |
| rank.applyDiversityPenalty( |
| scoredItems, |
| topK[i], |
| shortcutLearnerFeatureExtractor, |
| topK[i].score |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return topK; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * TODO(alexfandrianto): Don't ignore 'params'. Improve this algorithm. |
| * Create an autorpc learner that learns which RPCs should be performed |
| * automatically. |
| */ |
| function autoRPCLearner(type, params) { |
| this.weights = {}; |
| this.type = type; |
| this.learningRate = 0.05; |
| addAttributes(this, LEARNER_METHODS[type]); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given input data, return an appropriate feature vector for RPCs. |
| * Input must have: methodName, interface, and name. |
| */ |
| function autoRPCLearnerFeatureExtractor(input) { |
| var features = {}; |
| |
| // The user may have an innate bias for making RPCs. |
| features['_biasTerm'] = 1; |
| |
| // Same-named methods may act similarly and might want to be queried too. |
| features[input.methodName] = 1; |
| |
| // Same-named methods that share service interfaces are likely similar. |
| features[input.methodName + '|' + hashInterface(input.interface)] = 1; |
| |
| // Services in the same namespace subtree may be queried similarly. |
| var pathFeatures = pathFeatureExtractor(input.name); |
| addAttributes(features, pathFeatures); |
| |
| // Services in the same namespace subtree with this method name are also |
| // likely to be queried similarly. |
| for (var key in pathFeatures) { |
| if (pathFeatures.hasOwnProperty(key)) { |
| features[input.methodName + '|' + key] = pathFeatures[key]; |
| } |
| } |
| return features; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given input data, update the learner's weights. |
| * Input must have: methodName, interface, name, and reward. |
| * TODO(alexfandrianto): Remove the weights printout. |
| */ |
| function autoRPCLearnerUpdate(input) { |
| perceptron.update( |
| this.weights, |
| this.featureExtractor(input), |
| input.reward, |
| this.learningRate |
| ); |
| log.debug('Final weights: ', this.weights); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given input data, return the predicted reward. |
| */ |
| function autoRPCLearnerPredict(input) { |
| return perceptron.predict(this.weights, this.featureExtractor(input)); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Create a method input learner that suggests the most likely inputs to a |
| * given argument of a method. |
| * Params can optionally include: |
| * - minThreshold, the minimum score of a suggestable value |
| * - maxValues, the largest number of suggestable values that may be returned |
| * - penalty, a constant for the rate to penalize incorrect suggestions |
| * - reward, a constant for the rate to reward chosen values |
| * |
| * Uses a simple topK Update and Prediction function. |
| * This learner's input needs to have argName, methodName, and interface. |
| * Update also needs an argument value. |
| */ |
| function methodInputLearner(type, params) { |
| this.type = type; |
| this.inputMap = {}; // map[string]map[string]number |
| |
| // Override the default params with relevant fields from params. |
| this.params = { |
| penalty: 0.1, |
| reward: 0.4 |
| }; |
| _.assign(this.params, params); |
| |
| addAttributes(this, LEARNER_METHODS[type]); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given input data, compute the appropriate lookup key. |
| */ |
| function methodInputLearnerComputeKey(input) { |
| var keyArr = [ |
| hashInterface(input.interface), |
| input.methodName, |
| input.argName |
| ]; |
| return keyArr.join('|'); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Create a method invocation learner that suggests the most likely invocations |
| * for a given method. |
| * Params can optionally include: |
| * - minThreshold, the minimum score of a suggestable value |
| * - maxValues, the largest number of suggestable values that may be returned |
| * - penalty, a constant for the rate to penalize incorrect suggestions |
| * - reward, a constant for the rate to reward chosen values |
| * |
| * Uses a simple topK Update and Prediction function. |
| * This learner's input needs to have a methodName and interface. |
| * Update also needs a JSON-encoded arguments string. |
| */ |
| function methodInvocationLearner(type, params) { |
| this.type = type; |
| this.inputMap = {}; // map[string]map[string]number |
| |
| // Override the default params with relevant fields from params. |
| this.params = { |
| penalty: 0.1, |
| reward: 0.4 |
| }; |
| _.assign(this.params, params); |
| |
| addAttributes(this, LEARNER_METHODS[type]); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given input data, compute the appropriate lookup key |
| * Input must have: methodName and interface. |
| */ |
| function methodInvocationLearnerComputeKey(input) { |
| var keyArr = [ |
| hashInterface(input.interface), |
| input.methodName |
| ]; |
| return keyArr.join('|'); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given input data, boost the rank of the given value and penalize others. |
| * Note: Learners using this predict function need to be similar structurally. |
| */ |
| function topKLearnerUpdate(input) { |
| var key = this.computeKey(input); |
| var predValues = this.predict(input); |
| var value = input.value; |
| |
| // Setup the inputMap and values if not yet defined. |
| if (this.inputMap[key] === undefined) { |
| this.inputMap[key] = {}; |
| } |
| var values = this.inputMap[key]; |
| if (values[value] === undefined) { |
| values[value] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| // Give a reward to the chosen value. |
| values[value] += this.params.reward * (1 - values[value]); |
| |
| // Induce a penalty on failed predictions. |
| for (var i = 0; i < predValues.length; i++) { |
| var pred = predValues[i]; |
| if (pred !== value) { |
| values[pred] += this.params.penalty * (0 - values[pred]); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given input data, predict the most likely values. |
| * Note: Learners using this predict function need to be similar structurally. |
| */ |
| function topKLearnerPredict(input) { |
| var key = this.computeKey(input); |
| var values = this.inputMap[key]; |
| |
| // Immediately return nothing if there are no values to suggest. |
| if (values === undefined) { |
| return []; |
| } |
| |
| // Convert the values to scored items for ranking. |
| var scoredItems = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(values).map( |
| function getScoredItem(value) { |
| return { |
| item: value, |
| score: values[value] |
| }; |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| // Filter the scored items by minThreshold |
| if (this.params.minThreshold !== undefined) { |
| scoredItems = scoredItems.filter(function applyThreshold(scoredItem) { |
| return scoredItem.score >= this.params.minThreshold; |
| }, this); |
| } |
| |
| // Rank the scored items and return the top values (limit to maxValues) |
| var maxValues = this.params.maxValues; |
| if (maxValues === undefined || maxValues < 0) { |
| maxValues = scoredItems.length; |
| } |
| var bestK = rank.getBestKItems(scoredItems, maxValues); |
| return bestK === null ? [] : bestK.map(function(goodItem) { |
| return goodItem.item; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Given a path string, this feature extractor assigns diminishing returns |
| * credit to each ancestor along the path. |
| */ |
| function pathFeatureExtractor(path) { |
| var vector = {}; |
| var split = path.split('/'); |
| var growingPath = ''; |
| for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { |
| if (split[i] === '') { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (i === 0) { |
| growingPath += split[i]; |
| } else { |
| growingPath += '/' + split[i]; |
| } |
| // give 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, ... credit assignment |
| vector[growingPath] = Math.pow(2, i+1-split.length); |
| } |
| return vector; |
| } |