blob: 6b1742ed3f990f9b537170728f1afe928a807db6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var mercury = require('mercury');
var insertCss = require('insert-css');
var extend = require('extend');
var namespaceService = require('../../../../services/namespace/service');
var polymerEvent = require('../../../../lib/mercury/polymer-event');
var expand = require('./expand');
var getServiceIcon = require('../../get-service-icon');
var css = require('./index.css');
var h = mercury.h;
module.exports = create;
module.exports.render = render;
module.exports.expand = expand;
module.exports.clearCache = clearCache;
function create() {
var state = mercury.varhash({
* Map of objectNames to child namespace items
* @see services/namespace/item
* @type {varhash<string,Array<namespaceitem>>}
* Always contains the children for every item in the tree (including
* leaf nodes) so we can know whether to display the expand icon
childrenMap: mercury.varhash({}),
* Map of objectNames to Boolean flag showing if tree view is expanded
* @type {varhash<string,Boolean>}
* For each item, says whether it is expanded in the tree view.
* If there is no value, assumes false.
expandedMap: mercury.varhash({}),
* Map of objectNames to Boolean flag for whether this is being loaded.
* @type {varhash<string,Boolean>}
* If the item is not present, it is not considered to be loading.
isLoadingMap: mercury.varhash({}),
* The current item to be used as the root of the tree
* @see services/namespace/item
* @type {namespaceitem}
rootItem: mercury.value(null)
var events = mercury.input([
'openChange', // expand / collapse of tree node
'activate' // tap on tree node
wireUpEvents(state, events);
return {
state: state,
events: events
function render(state, events, browseState, browseEvents) {
var item = state.rootItem; // start at the root
if (item === null) {
} // TODO(wm) Maybe show "Loading..."?
var rootEvents = { // events to attach to root of tree
'ev-openchange': polymerEvent(events.openChange),
'ev-activate': polymerEvent(
events.activate, {
browseEvents: browseEvents
return h('div#tree-container',
createTreeNode(state, browseState.selectedItemName, item, rootEvents)
* Recursively render tree from the bottom up
* Has to be from bottom up because virtual DOM is immutable.
* extraprops is extra properties to add (used for root events)
function createTreeNode(state, selected, item, extraprops) {
var childrenArr = state.childrenMap[item.objectName];
var descendants = []; // all viewed descendants of this item
if (childrenArr) {
descendants = {
return createTreeNode(state, selected, child);
var iconInfo = getServiceIcon(item);
var props = {
attributes: {
label: item.mountedName || '<Home>',
emptytext: 'No visible children',
icon: iconInfo.icon,
itemTitle: iconInfo.title,
open: !!state.expandedMap[item.objectName],
highlight: (item.objectName === selected),
isExpandable: !item.isLeaf,
loading: state.isLoadingMap[item.objectName]
objectName: item.objectName
if (extraprops) { // root of tree
extend(props, extraprops);
return h('tree-node', props, descendants);
function wireUpEvents(state, events) {
// expand or collapse item
events.openChange(function(data) {
var objectName = data.polymerDetail.node.objectName;
var openMe =;
if (openMe) {
expand(state, objectName);
} else { // collapse this item
// highlight item and display details
events.activate(function(data) {
var objectName = data.polymerDetail.node.objectName;
name: objectName
* Given a name, it clears local cache of any items that match the name or
* are a suffix of it.
function clearCache(state, namespace) {
deleteFromVarHashByPrefix(state.childrenMap, namespace);
function deleteFromVarHashByPrefix(varhash, prefix) {
var childrenKeys = Object.keys(varhash());
childrenKeys.forEach(function(ck) {
// Ideally we want a transaction here but VarHash does not support it yet
if (namespaceService.prefixes(prefix, ck)) {