blob: fdf5357b369dae78ae66d95aaf0109c3dc6dc455 [file] [log] [blame]
var util = require('./util');
module.exports = {
getBestKItems: getBestKItems,
getBestItem: getBestItem,
getBestItemIndex: getBestItemIndex,
applyDiversityPenalty: applyDiversityPenalty
* Given an array of scored items, find and return the top k scored items.
* These top k scored items should be sorted from highest to lowest.
* A scored item has an item and score attribute.
* Note: Order is not specified for ties.
* Note: Returns null in invalid scenarios.
* TODO(alexfandrianto): We can improve this algorithm by using a heap O(n*logk)
* or using Hoare's algorithm and median of medians O(n + k*logk).
function getBestKItems(scoredItems, k) {
if (k < 0 || scoredItems.length === 0) {
return null;
// Shallow copy the scoredItems array to avoid modifying it.
var sItems = scoredItems.slice(0, scoredItems.length);
// Sort and return the top k items.
sItems.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.score - a.score; // descending sort
// Return the top k items
return sItems.slice(0, Math.min(k, scoredItems.length));
* Given an array of scored items, find the highest scored item.
* A scored item has an item and score attribute.
* Note: Order is not specified for ties.
* Note: Returns null if there is no best item.
function getBestItem(scoredItems) {
var index = getBestItemIndex(scoredItems);
if (index === -1) {
return null;
return scoredItems[index];
* Given an array of scored items, find the index of the highest scored item.
* A scored item has an item and score attribute.
* Note: Order is not specified for ties.
* Note: Returns -1 if there is no best item.
function getBestItemIndex(scoredItems) {
var maxScoredItemIndex = -1;
var maxScoredItem = null;
for (var i = 0; i < scoredItems.length; i++) {
var scoredItem = scoredItems[i];
if (maxScoredItem === null || scoredItem.score > maxScoredItem.score) {
maxScoredItemIndex = i;
maxScoredItem = scoredItem;
return maxScoredItemIndex;
* Given scored items, penalize the scored items based on their similarity to
* a reference scored item.
* A scored item has an item and score attribute.
* The extractor takes an item and returns a map[string]float64
* The penalty is a float64.
function applyDiversityPenalty(scoredItems, otherItem, extractor, penalty) {
var oFeatures = extractor(otherItem.item);
// Penalize the other item's score based on the cosine similarity.
for (var i = 0; i < scoredItems.length; i++) {
var iFeatures = extractor(scoredItems[i].item);
var cossim = util.cossim(iFeatures, oFeatures);
scoredItems[i].score -= cossim * penalty;