veyron-browser: Stop Chrome from Refreshing on certain href

When using the pound key for href, one usually does not expect the
page to refresh. It seems likely that Chrome now always refreshes.

Since the original intent was to simply show a link-cursor when
hovering over clickable items, we now use javascript:; instead.

Note that this means we must allow scripturl in jshint.

Change-Id: Ic10fc0cca69453a6e31df0fc4fdbcc3a525402da
3 files changed
tree: d90241bec5dea38a60dc5956837ae3d0ae7006f9
  1. go/
  2. public/
  3. scripts/
  4. src/
  5. test/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .jshintrc
  8. bower.json
  9. css-transform.js
  10. main-transform.js
  11. Makefile
  12. md-transform.js
  13. package.json
  15. web-component-dependencies.html

Mounttable Browser

Mountable browser is a browser application that lets the user view and traverse mounttables.


Before you can run Mounttable Browser, you need to build. Simply run:


The Extension

You must have the Veyron Extension installed to run this.

Get it here:


make start

and navigate to http://localhost:9000

to stop simply CTRL-C the console running the make start