blob: 79c5f601b7c5d7df8ef8e7d49a792bbf3298e5c8 [file] [log] [blame]
var mercury = require('mercury');
var AttributeHook = require('../../../lib/mercury/attribute-hook');
var insertCss = require('insert-css');
var displayItemDetails = require('./display-item-details');
var h = mercury.h;
var css = require('./index.css');
var methodForm = require('./method-form/index.js');
module.exports = create;
module.exports.render = render;
* ItemDetails component provides user interfaces for displaying details for
* a browse item such is its type, signature, etc.
function create() {
var state = mercury.varhash({
* namespace item to display details for
* @see services/namespace/item
* @type {namespaceitem}
item: mercury.value(null),
* Which tab to display; 0 is for service details
* TODO(alexfandrianto): Once we have more info to display, add more tabs.
* We are currently combining service details, methods, and outputs.
* TODO(alexfandrianto): Use an enum instead of a comment to clarify the
* mapping between tab name and tab index.
* @type {integer}
selectedTabIndex: mercury.value(0),
* An associative array from item names to method outputs.
* The outputs are in RPC call-order and store render information.
* @type {map[string]Array<Object>}
methodOutputs: mercury.varhash(),
* The method form has information for each service object. It maps method
* names to the relevant state used in the renderMethod module.
* @type {map[string]mercury.struct}
methodForm: mercury.varhash(),
* Whether a loading indicator should be displayed instead of content
* @type {mercury.value<boolean>}
showLoadingIndicator: mercury.value(false)
var events = mercury.input([
wireUpEvents(state, events);
events.methodForm = mercury.varhash();
return {
state: state,
events: events
* Render the item details page, which includes tabs for details and methods.
function render(state, events) {
var tabContent;
if(state.showLoadingIndicator) {
tabContent = h('paper-loading');
} else if(state.item) {
var detailsContent = renderDetailsContent(state, events);
var methodsContent;
if (state.item.isServer && state.item.serverInfo.isAccessible) {
methodsContent = renderMethodsContent(state, events);
tabContent = [detailsContent, methodsContent];
return [h('paper-tabs.tabs', {
'selected': new AttributeHook(state.selectedTabIndex),
'noink': new AttributeHook(true)
}, [
h('', {
'ev-click': mercury.event(events.tabSelected, {
index: 0
}, 'Service Details')
h('core-selector', {
'selected': new AttributeHook(state.selectedTabIndex)
}, [
h('', tabContent),
* Renders details about the current service object.
* Note: Currently renders in the same tab as renderMethodsContent.
function renderDetailsContent(state, events) {
var item = state.item;
var typeName;
var typeDescription;
if (item.isServer) {
typeName = item.serverInfo.typeInfo.typeName;
typeDescription = item.serverInfo.typeInfo.description;
} else {
typeName = 'Intermediary Name';
var displayItems = [
renderFieldItem('Name', (item.objectName || '<root>')),
renderFieldItem('Type', typeName, typeDescription)
return [
h('div', displayItems)
* Renders the method signature forms and the RPC output area.
* Note: Currently renders in the same tab as renderDetailsContent.
function renderMethodsContent(state, events) {
return h('div', [
renderFieldItem('Methods', renderMethodSignatures(state, events)),
renderFieldItem('Output', renderMethodOutput(state))
* Renders each method signature with associated form for entering inputs and
* making RPCs to the associated service.
function renderMethodSignatures(state, events) {
var sig = state.item.serverInfo.signature;
if (!sig) {
return h('div', 'No method signature');
var methods = [];
// Render all the methods in alphabetical order.
// ES6 Map iterates in the order values were added, so we must sort them.
var methodNames = [];
sig.forEach(function(methodData, methodName) {
methodNames.sort().forEach(function(m) {
methods.push(methodForm.render(state.methodForm[m], events.methodForm[m]));
return h('div', methods); // Note: allows 0 method signatures
* Renders the method outputs received by the current service object.
* Prints each output received in reverse order; most recent is on top.
function renderMethodOutput(state) {
var outputs = state.methodOutputs[state.item.objectName];
if (outputs === undefined) {
return h('div.method-output', 'No method output');
var outputRows = [h('tr', [
h('th', '#'),
h('th', 'Method'),
h('th', 'Output')
for (var i = outputs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var output = outputs[i];
if (output.shouldShow) {
h('tr', [
h('td', {
'scope': 'row'
}, '' + (i + 1)),
h('td', h('pre', output.method)),
h('td', h('pre', output.result))
var outputTable = h('table', {
'summary': new AttributeHook('Table showing the outputs of methods run' +
'on the service. The results are shown in reverse order.')
}, outputRows);
return h('div.method-output', outputTable);
/*TODO(aghassemi) make a web component for this*/
function renderFieldItem(label, content, tooltip) {
var hlabel = h('h4', label);
if (tooltip) {
// If there is a tooltip, wrap the content in it
content = h('core-tooltip.tooltip', {
'label': new AttributeHook(tooltip),
'position': 'right'
}, content);
return h('div.field', [
h('h4', hlabel),
h('div.content', content)
// Wire up events that we know how to handle
function wireUpEvents(state, events) {
events.displayItemDetails(displayItemDetails.bind(null, state, events));
events.tabSelected(function(data) {