TBR namespace-browser: Fix makeRPC test

Recently, veyron.js changed 0-output RPCs to return undefined instead
of the empty array.

The corresponding makeRPC test was updated.

Change-Id: Icfd04297ca856f1d17084206933534f4945a3c6b
diff --git a/test/integration/services/namespace/service.js b/test/integration/services/namespace/service.js
index a754494..e60cc47 100644
--- a/test/integration/services/namespace/service.js
+++ b/test/integration/services/namespace/service.js
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@
 // Make RPC: outputs have the expected # of outputs
 test('makeRPC returns output properly', function(t) {
   namespaceService.makeRPC('cottage/alarm', 'panic', []).then(
-    function got0Outputs(res) { // 0 outputs: has [] as a result.
-      t.ok(res instanceof Array && res.length === 0, '0 outputs => []');
+    function got0Outputs(res) { // 0 outputs: has no result.
+      t.ok(res === undefined, '0 outputs => is undefined');
       return namespaceService.makeRPC('house/alarm', 'status', []);