blob: a53558cf72d49e53b6f9d9fc2d952308928298bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = sortedPush;
* sortedPush can be used to push an item to a sorted array without messing up
* the ordering. It uses binary search to find the index to insert, so it is
* faster than re-sorting on every push or using indexOf. It also supports
* custom sorter functions or string sorters that specify a property on the
* item to sort based on.
* @param {mercury.array} obsArray Observable array to push item to.
* @param {object} item Item to push to array. Can be observable itself.
* @sorter {string|function} if provided, it will be used to compute the sort
* ranking of each item, including the item you pass. The sorter may also be the
* string name of the property to sort by
function sortedPush(obsArray, item, sorter) {
var valueList = obsArray();
// If item is an observable itself, get its value
var valueItem = item;
if( typeof item === 'function' ) {
valueItem = item();
var sortedIndex = _.sortedIndex(valueList, valueItem, sorter);
obsArray.splice(sortedIndex, 0, item);