blob: f1cb0b9e3e06a5a0810d065962b3a0b56589b1f8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved. */
/* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style */
/* license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */
/* CSS variables for the color theme of the application.
* Many color values come from Material Design and Vanadium Style Guide
* See
* See
:root {
--font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
* Text colors
/* Regular text such as paragraphs, values. Off-black */
--color-text-primary: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87);
/* Secondary text such as labels, action icons. Lighter grey than text-primary */
--color-text-secondary: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54);
/* Hint text such as inline help text. Lighter grey than text-secondary */
--color-text-hint: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26);
/* Invert of text-primary to be used for regular text on darker backgrounds or to indicate highlighting. White */
--color-text-primary-invert: var(--color-white);
/* Link text. */
--color-text-link: var(--color-secondary-800);
/* Link hover text. */
--color-text-link-hover: var(--color-secondary-700);
/* Heading text. */
--color-text-heading: var(--color-secondary-700);
* Layout colors
/* White. Use where-ever traditionally regular white is used such as reading backgrounds. White */
--color-white: #ffffff;
/* Primary brand color. Use this icons and icon */
--color-primary-600: #00ACC1;
/* Secondary color 1. Use this for navbar backgrounds, primary buttons */
--color-secondary-800: #00838F;
/* Secondary color 2. Use this for header text, tabs, and contrasting backgrounds */
--color-secondary-700: #0097A7;
/* Bright accent background color for highlighting */
--color-bright: #FF6E40;
/* Divider color for separators and borders */
--color-divider: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
* Button colors
/* Primary button colors, main dark color background with white text */
--color-button-primary: var(--color-secondary-800);
--color-button-primary-text: var(--color-white);
/* Primary button colors, white background with main dark color text */
--color-button-secondary: var(--color-white);
--color-button-secondary-text: var(--color-secondary-800);
/* Very Light Grey. Use as background color where-ever darker shade of white is needed such as toolbars and secondary reading backgrounds */
--color-grey-very-light: #ECEFF1;
/* Icon button colors. Use as background color for actionable icons. */
--color-icon-button: var(--color-grey-very-light);
* Shadows
--color-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
--shadow-bottom: 0px 3px 2px var(--color-shadow);
--shadow-all-around: 0 2px 10px 0 var(--color-shadow);
* Borders
--border: solid 1px var(--color-divider);
* Miscellaneous colors
/* Redish color used to indicate errors. */
--color-error: #D32F2F;
/* Greenish color used to indicate success or an action the user can initiate */
--color-ok: #388E3C;
/* Blueish color used to indicate neutral information */
--color-info: var(--color-button-primary);
/* hover color for menus, like context menus */
--color-menu-hover: rgba(236, 239, 241, 0.8);