blob: 631988c0d6ffd6b5215f93753f08842359f19b5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var domready = require('domready');
var test = require('prova');
// Simulates a click event on an element.
function click(elt) {
if (!elt) {
throw new Error('Error calling "click": element is undefined.');
elt.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {
view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
// Checks that an element contains text.
function contains(elt, text) {
if (!elt) {
throw new Error('Error calling "contains": element is undefined.');
return elt.innerHTML.indexOf(text) >= 0;
var chan;
function onReady(cb) {
domready(function listener() {
chan =;
if (!chan) {
// Channel has not loaded yet. Wait 100ms.
return setTimeout(listener, 100);
// Channel has loaded, but is not yet ready.
if (!chan.ready_) {
return chan.once('ready', cb);
// Channel is loaded and ready.
test('Basic UI elements', function(t) {
onReady(function() {
t.ok(contains(document.body, 'Vanadium Chat'), 'header exists');
t.ok(contains(document.body, 'Enter message'), 'message input exists');
test('Members list', function(t) {
onReady(function() {
var membersList = document.querySelector('.members ul');
// NOTE(nlacasse): We check for *at least* one member (as opposed to
// *exactly* one member) because if you run the tests multiple times in
// the same browser instance, the old members stick around until they time
// out of the mounttable, which causes multiple members to be in the list
// temporarily.
t.ok(membersList.children.length >= 1, 'at least one member in list');
test('Sending a message', function(t) {
onReady(function() {
var form = document.querySelector('.compose form');
var input = form.querySelector('input');
var button = form.querySelector('button');
var messages = document.querySelector('.messages');
var newMessage = 'Hello Vanadium world!';
input.value = newMessage;
// NOTE(nlacasse): I tried using React TestUtils to submit the form with
// Simulate.submit(form) and Simululate.keyPress(input, {key: 'Enter'}),
// but neither method caused the onSubmit handler the fire. The only
// thing I could make work was to create a hidden 'submit' button, and
// send a fake click there.
t.equal(input.value, '', 'input is empty after sending message');
// Wait for the message to be received.
chan.once('message', function() {
t.ok(contains(messages, newMessage),
'message is contained in message list');