Makefile fixes.

The most important is deleting .packages and pubspec.lock in "make
clean".  Otherwise "pub get" will fetch old versions of libs that were
installed previously, instead of fetching new versions.

Change-Id: Ic77ffd3bfd21d5353cc24c344a9f329854d89a76
1 file changed
tree: 3fc7568dd78ab4d32b40554a4bc5b09238c6d05b
  1. go/
  2. lib/
  3. test/
  4. .gitignore
  5. Makefile
  6. mojoconfig
  7. pubspec.yaml

This is the basic Getting Started with Sky + some Widgets.

To run this, just do ./packages/sky/sky_tool start

when your phone is connected. Add --install to the end if this is the first run.

You may also want to debug any problems. Use dartanalyzer. dartanalyzer lib/main.dart