blob: 6b58f10a677a17c8e5e3245df0875a6b6a9a0dcb [file] [log] [blame]
module.exports = function enableAutofillDirective($rootElement, $cookies) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
compile: function compile(tElement, tAttrs) {
// Creates hidden iFrame for auto-fill forms if there isn't one already
if ($rootElement.find('iframe').attr('name') !== '_autofill') {
'<iframe src="about:blank" name="_autofill" style="display:none">'
// Add attribute method POST to the current form
if (!tAttrs.method) {
tElement.attr('method', 'post')
} else {
if (!tAttrs.method.match(/post/i)) {
throw new Error('Auto-fill only works with form POST method')
// Add attribute target to the current form
if (! {
tElement.attr('target', '_autofill')
// Add action attribute if not present
if (!tAttrs.action) {
// Use a dummy url because 'about:blank' trick doesn't work with HTTPS
// Also 'javascript: void(0)' doesn't work neither
var dummyUrl = '/app/api/v1/dummy'
// Adds the CSRF token to the url from cookies if present
var xsrfToken = $cookies['XSRF-TOKEN']
if (xsrfToken) {
// Note: At least for Express CSURF, it only works with url-set tokens
// it doesn't happen to work with hidden form input elements
dummyUrl += '?_csrf=' + xsrfToken
tElement.attr('action', dummyUrl)
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs) {
// Angular needs this so the form action doesn't get removed
// Also, trying to set a url at this time doesn't work neither
attrs.action = ''