blob: 750fb42bdf068bc771e69df0abd6b71cc6332c2d [file] [log] [blame]
var _ = require('lodash')
var filterOps = {
'<': function(a, filterValue) {
return a < filterValue
, '<=': function(a, filterValue) {
return a <= filterValue
, '>': function(a, filterValue) {
return a > filterValue
, '>=': function(a, filterValue) {
return a >= filterValue
, '=': function(a, filterValue) {
return a === filterValue
module.exports = function DeviceColumnService($filter, gettext) {
// Definitions for all possible values.
return {
state: DeviceStatusCell({
title: gettext('Status')
, value: function(device) {
return $filter('translate')(device.enhancedStateAction)
, model: DeviceModelCell({
title: gettext('Model')
, value: function(device) {
return device.model || device.serial
, name: DeviceNameCell({
title: gettext('Product')
, value: function(device) {
return || device.model || device.serial
, operator: TextCell({
title: gettext('Carrier')
, value: function(device) {
return device.operator || ''
, releasedAt: DateCell({
title: gettext('Released')
, value: function(device) {
return device.releasedAt ? new Date(device.releasedAt) : null
, version: TextCell({
title: gettext('OS')
, value: function(device) {
return device.version || ''
, compare: function(deviceA, deviceB) {
var va = (deviceA.version || '0').split('.')
var vb = (deviceB.version || '0').split('.')
var la = va.length
var lb = vb.length
for (var i = 0, l = Math.max(la, lb); i < l; ++i) {
var a = i < la ? parseInt(va[i], 10) : 0
var b = i < lb ? parseInt(vb[i], 10) : 0
var diff = a - b
// One of the values might be something like 'M'. If so, do a string
// comparison instead.
if (isNaN(diff)) {
diff = compareRespectCase(va[i], vb[i])
if (diff !== 0) {
return diff
return 0
, filter: function(device, filter) {
var va = (device.version || '0').split('.')
var vb = (filter.query || '0').split('.')
var la = va.length
var lb = vb.length
var op = filterOps[filter.op || '=']
// We have a single value and no operator or field. It matches
// too easily, let's wait for a dot (e.g. '5.'). An example of a
// bad match would be an unquoted query for 'Nexus 5', which targets
// a very specific device but may easily match every Nexus device
// as the two terms are handled separately.
if (filter.op === null && filter.field === null && lb === 1) {
return false
if (vb[lb - 1] === '') {
// This means that the query is not complete yet, and we're
// looking at something like "4.", which means that the last part
// should be ignored.
lb -= 1
for (var i = 0, l = Math.min(la, lb); i < l; ++i) {
var a = parseInt(va[i], 10)
var b = parseInt(vb[i], 10)
// One of the values might be non-numeric, e.g. 'M'. In that case
// filter by string value instead.
if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)) {
if (!op(va[i], vb[i])) {
return false
else {
if (!op(a, b)) {
return false
return true
, network: TextCell({
title: gettext('Network')
, value: function(device) {
return ? : ''
, display: TextCell({
title: gettext('Screen')
, defaultOrder: 'desc'
, value: function(device) {
return device.display && device.display.width
? device.display.width + 'x' + device.display.height
: ''
, compare: function(deviceA, deviceB) {
var va = deviceA.display && deviceA.display.width
? deviceA.display.width * deviceA.display.height
: 0
var vb = deviceB.display && deviceB.display.width
? deviceB.display.width * deviceB.display.height
: 0
return va - vb
, browser: DeviceBrowserCell({
title: gettext('Browser')
, value: function(device) {
return device.browser || {apps: []}
, serial: TextCell({
title: gettext('Serial')
, value: function(device) {
return device.serial || ''
, manufacturer: TextCell({
title: gettext('Manufacturer')
, value: function(device) {
return device.manufacturer || ''
, sdk: NumberCell({
title: gettext('SDK')
, defaultOrder: 'desc'
, value: function(device) {
return device.sdk || ''
, abi: TextCell({
title: gettext('ABI')
, value: function(device) {
return device.abi || ''
, phone: TextCell({
title: gettext('Phone')
, value: function(device) {
return ? : ''
, imei: TextCell({
title: gettext('Phone IMEI')
, value: function(device) {
return ? : ''
, iccid: TextCell({
title: gettext('Phone ICCID')
, value: function(device) {
return ? : ''
, batteryHealth: TextCell({
title: gettext('Battery Health')
, value: function(device) {
return device.battery
? $filter('translate')(device.enhancedBatteryHealth)
: ''
, batterySource: TextCell({
title: gettext('Battery Source')
, value: function(device) {
return device.battery
? $filter('translate')(device.enhancedBatterySource)
: ''
, batteryStatus: TextCell({
title: gettext('Battery Status')
, value: function(device) {
return device.battery
? $filter('translate')(device.enhancedBatteryStatus)
: ''
, batteryLevel: TextCell({
title: gettext('Battery Level')
, value: function(device) {
return device.battery
? Math.floor(device.battery.level / device.battery.scale * 100) + '%'
: ''
, compare: function(deviceA, deviceB) {
var va = deviceA.battery ? deviceA.battery.level : 0
var vb = deviceB.battery ? deviceB.battery.level : 0
return va - vb
, batteryTemp: TextCell({
title: gettext('Battery Temp')
, value: function(device) {
return device.battery ? device.battery.temp + '°C' : ''
, compare: function(deviceA, deviceB) {
var va = deviceA.battery ? deviceA.battery.temp : 0
var vb = deviceB.battery ? deviceB.battery.temp : 0
return va - vb
, provider: TextCell({
title: gettext('Location')
, value: function(device) {
return device.provider ? : ''
, notes: DeviceNoteCell({
title: gettext('Notes')
, value: function(device) {
return device.notes || ''
, owner: LinkCell({
title: gettext('User')
, target: '_blank'
, value: function(device) {
return device.owner ? : ''
, link: function(device) {
return device.owner ? device.enhancedUserProfileUrl : ''
function zeroPadTwoDigit(digit) {
return digit < 10 ? '0' + digit : '' + digit
function compareIgnoreCase(a, b) {
var la = (a || '').toLowerCase()
var lb = (b || '').toLowerCase()
if (la === lb) {
return 0
else {
return la < lb ? -1 : 1
function filterIgnoreCase(a, filterValue) {
var va = (a || '').toLowerCase()
var vb = filterValue.toLowerCase()
return va.indexOf(vb) !== -1
function compareRespectCase(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return 0
else {
return a < b ? -1 : 1
function TextCell(options) {
return _.defaults(options, {
title: options.title
, defaultOrder: 'asc'
, build: function() {
var td = document.createElement('td')
return td
, update: function(td, item) {
var t = td.firstChild
t.nodeValue = options.value(item)
return td
, compare: function(a, b) {
return compareIgnoreCase(options.value(a), options.value(b))
, filter: function(item, filter) {
return filterIgnoreCase(options.value(item), filter.query)
function NumberCell(options) {
return _.defaults(options, {
title: options.title
, defaultOrder: 'asc'
, build: function() {
var td = document.createElement('td')
return td
, update: function(td, item) {
var t = td.firstChild
t.nodeValue = options.value(item)
return td
, compare: function(a, b) {
return options.value(a) - options.value(b)
, filter: (function() {
return function(item, filter) {
return filterOps[filter.op || '='](
, Number(filter.query)
function DateCell(options) {
return _.defaults(options, {
title: options.title
, defaultOrder: 'desc'
, build: function() {
var td = document.createElement('td')
return td
, update: function(td, item) {
var t = td.firstChild
var date = options.value(item)
if (date) {
t.nodeValue = date.getFullYear()
+ '-'
+ zeroPadTwoDigit(date.getMonth() + 1)
+ '-'
+ zeroPadTwoDigit(date.getDate())
else {
t.nodeValue = ''
return td
, compare: function(a, b) {
var va = options.value(a) || 0
var vb = options.value(b) || 0
return va - vb
, filter: (function() {
function dateNumber(d) {
return d
? d.getFullYear() * 10000 + d.getMonth() * 100 + d.getDate()
: 0
return function(item, filter) {
var filterDate = new Date(filter.query)
var va = dateNumber(options.value(item))
var vb = dateNumber(filterDate)
return filterOps[filter.op || '='](va, vb)
function LinkCell(options) {
return _.defaults(options, {
title: options.title
, defaultOrder: 'asc'
, build: function() {
var td = document.createElement('td')
var a = document.createElement('a')
return td
, update: function(td, item) {
var a = td.firstChild
var t = a.firstChild
var href =
if (href) {
a.setAttribute('href', href)
else {
} = || ''
t.nodeValue = options.value(item)
return td
, compare: function(a, b) {
return compareIgnoreCase(options.value(a), options.value(b))
, filter: function(item, filter) {
return filterIgnoreCase(options.value(item), filter.query)
function DeviceBrowserCell(options) {
return _.defaults(options, {
title: options.title
, defaultOrder: 'asc'
, build: function() {
var td = document.createElement('td')
var span = document.createElement('span')
span.className = 'device-browser-list'
return td
, update: function(td, device) {
var span = td.firstChild
var browser = options.value(device)
var apps = browser.apps.slice().sort(function(appA, appB) {
return compareIgnoreCase(,
for (var i = 0, l = apps.length; i < l; ++i) {
var app = apps[i]
var img = span.childNodes[i] || span.appendChild(document.createElement('img'))
var src = '/static/app/browsers/icon/36x36/' + (app.type || '_default') + '.png'
// Only change if necessary so that we don't trigger a download
if (img.getAttribute('src') !== src) {
img.setAttribute('src', src)
img.title = + ' (' + app.developer + ')'
while (span.childNodes.length > browser.apps.length) {
return td
, compare: function(a, b) {
return options.value(a).apps.length - options.value(b).apps.length
, filter: function(device, filter) {
return options.value(device).apps.some(function(app) {
return filterIgnoreCase(app.type, filter.query)
function DeviceModelCell(options) {
return _.defaults(options, {
title: options.title
, defaultOrder: 'asc'
, build: function() {
var td = document.createElement('td')
var span = document.createElement('span')
var image = document.createElement('img')
span.className = 'device-small-image'
image.className = 'device-small-image-img pointer'
return td
, update: function(td, device) {
var span = td.firstChild
var image = span.firstChild
var t = span.nextSibling
var src = '/static/app/devices/icon/x24/' +
(device.image || '_default.jpg')
// Only change if necessary so that we don't trigger a download
if (image.getAttribute('src') !== src) {
image.setAttribute('src', src)
t.nodeValue = options.value(device)
return td
, compare: function(a, b) {
return compareRespectCase(options.value(a), options.value(b))
, filter: function(device, filter) {
return filterIgnoreCase(options.value(device), filter.query)
function DeviceNameCell(options) {
return _.defaults(options, {
title: options.title
, defaultOrder: 'asc'
, build: function() {
var td = document.createElement('td')
var a = document.createElement('a')
return td
, update: function(td, device) {
var a = td.firstChild
var t = a.firstChild
if (device.using) {
a.className = 'device-product-name-using'
a.href = '#!/control/' + device.serial
else if (device.usable) {
a.className = 'device-product-name-usable'
a.href = '#!/control/' + device.serial
else {
a.className = 'device-product-name-unusable'
t.nodeValue = options.value(device)
return td
, compare: function(a, b) {
return compareIgnoreCase(options.value(a), options.value(b))
, filter: function(device, filter) {
return filterIgnoreCase(options.value(device), filter.query)
function DeviceStatusCell(options) {
var stateClasses = {
using: 'state-using btn-primary'
, busy: 'state-busy btn-warning'
, available: 'state-available btn-primary-outline'
, ready: 'state-ready btn-primary-outline'
, present: 'state-present btn-primary-outline'
, preparing: 'state-preparing btn-primary-outline btn-success-outline'
, unauthorized: 'state-unauthorized btn-danger-outline'
, offline: 'state-offline btn-warning-outline'
return _.defaults(options, {
title: options.title
, defaultOrder: 'asc'
, build: function() {
var td = document.createElement('td')
var a = document.createElement('a')
return td
, update: function(td, device) {
var a = td.firstChild
var t = a.firstChild
a.className = 'btn btn-xs device-status ' +
(stateClasses[device.state] || 'btn-default-outline')
if (device.usable && !device.using) {
a.href = '#!/control/' + device.serial
else {
t.nodeValue = options.value(device)
return td
, compare: (function() {
var order = {
using: 10
, available: 20
, busy: 30
, ready: 40
, preparing: 50
, unauthorized: 60
, offline: 70
, present: 80
, absent: 90
return function(deviceA, deviceB) {
return order[deviceA.state] - order[deviceB.state]
, filter: function(device, filter) {
return device.state === filter.query
function DeviceNoteCell(options) {
return _.defaults(options, {
title: options.title
, defaultOrder: 'asc'
, build: function() {
var td = document.createElement('td')
var span = document.createElement('span')
var i = document.createElement('i')
td.className = 'device-note'
span.className = 'xeditable-wrapper'
i.className = 'device-note-edit fa fa-pencil pointer'
return td
, update: function(td, item) {
var span = td.firstChild
var t = span.firstChild
t.nodeValue = options.value(item)
return td
, compare: function(a, b) {
return compareIgnoreCase(options.value(a), options.value(b))
, filter: function(item, filter) {
return filterIgnoreCase(options.value(item), filter.query)