blob: 74ad248eaf26e49a72e112e3a5aece09922f2734 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
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**AndroidViewClient** was originally conceived as an extension to [monkeyrunner]( but lately evolved
as a pure python tool that automates or simplifies test script creation.
It is a test framework for Android applications that:
<li>Automates driving Android applications</li>
<li><b>Generates</b> re-usable scripts</li>
<li>Provides view-based <i>device independent</i> UI interaction</li>
<li>Uses 'logical' screen comparison (UI Automator Hierarchy based) over image comparison (Avoiding extraneous
detail issues, such as time or data changes)</li>
<li>Supports running on multiple devices</li>
<li>Provides simple control for high level operations like language change and activity start</li>
<li>Supports all Android APIs</li>
<li>Is written in python</li>
:rage: **NOTE**: Pypi statistics are broken see [here]( This does not reflect the number of downloads.
[![Latest Version](](
Want to learn more? Detailed information can be found in the [AndroidViewClient/culebra wiki](