blob: deca4288f9b65869972083df6eec94b3ab11a934 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package messenger defines interfaces for peer-to-peer messaging where the
// originator of the message and its recipient don't necessarily have a direct
// network connection.
// Messages are opportunistically relayed from device to device until they
// reach their destination.
package ifc
import (
// Messenger defines the interface to talk to nodes that can relay messages.
// This interface is EXPERIMENTAL and can change at any time.
type Messenger interface {
// Diff compares the set of messages on the sender with the set of
// messages on the receiver. The sender streams batches of message IDs
// and the receiver reponds with one bool for each message ID. A true
// value means the receiver has the message, a false value means it
// doesn't.
Diff() stream<[]string,[]bool> error
// Push accepts a message. The receiver may be the final recipient
// or a relay. If the receiver has already seen this message or
// if it cannot relay the message, it should return a error.
// The message content is streamed to the receiver. The content is
// opaque to everyone except the final recipient.
Push(Msg Message, Offset int64) stream<[]byte,_> error
// ResumeOffset returns the size of the partially transferred message.
// The caller will use it to resume the transfer. If the message doesn't
// exist yet, the returned offset will be 0.
ResumeOffset(Msg Message) (Offset int64 | error)
// MessageRepository defines the interface to talk to a node that holds
// messages.
// This interface is EXPERIMENTAL and can change at any time.
type MessageRepository interface {
// Manifest shows all messages in the receiver's repository.
Manifest() stream<_, Message> error
// Pull retrieves the message with the given ID. The message content
// is streamed to the caller.
Pull(Id string, Offset int64) stream<_, []byte> (Message | error)
// MessengerRepository combines the Messenger and MessageRepository interfaces.
type MessengerRepository interface {
// Message contains the metadata of a message, not the content of the message.
// It is EXPERIMENTAL and can change at any time.
type Message struct {
// The list of nodes that have relayed this message. Each node
// must add its own name to the list before sending it to another
// node, either via Push() or Pull().
Hops []string
// The identity of the sender. Can be used to both authenticate
// the message and to authorize sending or relaying it.
SenderBlessings security.WireBlessings
// Any required discharges to prove the sender blessings are still
// valid.
SenderDischarges map[string]security.WireDischarge
// Proof that the sender sent this message. The signature covers
// all the fields below.
Signature security.Signature
// The unique ID of this message.
Id string
// The intended recipient of the message.
// TBD: blessing pattern or email? Or something else?
Recipient string
// When the message was created.
CreationTime time.Time
// The lifespan of the message. The message can be deleted by everyone
// when CreationTime + Lifespan has been reached.
Lifespan time.Duration
// The length of the message's content.
Length int64
// The sha256 hash of the message's content.
Sha256 []byte
error (
AlreadySeen(Id string) {"en": "message id already seen: {Id}"}
Busy(Id string) {RetryBackoff, "en": "message is already opened"}
ContentMismatch() {"en": "the sha256 hash doesn't match the message content"}
Expired(CreationTime time.Time, Lifespan time.Duration, Now time.Time) {"en": "message lifespan expired: {CreationTime} + {Lifespan} < {Now}"}
IncorrectOffset(Offset, Size int64) {"en": "the specified file offset is incorrect ({Offset} != {Size})"}
InvalidSignature() {"en": "message signature is invalid"}
MessageIdCollision(Id string) {"en": "message id already seen with different content: {Id}"}
NoRoute(Recipient string) {"en": "no route for recipient: {Recipient}"}
RateLimitExceeded(Limit float32) {RetryBackoff, "en": "request rate limit exceeded: {Limit} req/s"}
TooBig(Limit int64) {"en": "message is too big, limit: {Limit}"}
TooManyHops(Limit int32) {"en": "too many hops, limit: {Limit}"}