"physical-lock": Send and receive keys

This CL adds the following three commands to the
physical-lock CLI.
- 'scanusers': Scans the neighborhood for physical-lock
  users. Physical-lock users advertise themselves over
  the neighborhood using the user identity encapsulated
  in their default blessings. Here, user identity is
  defined as the portion of the blessing after 'dev.v.io/u'
  if the blessing name matches 'dev.v.io/u'; otherwise it
  is the entire blessing name. The user names obtained
  via this command would be supplied to the 'sendkey' command
  to send physical-lock keys to other users.

- 'recvkey': Sets up the client to receive physical-lock keys
  from other users. On receiving a key it asks for permission
  before saving it.

- 'sendkey': Send a specific key to another physical-lock user
  present in the neighborhood. The specific key to send is identified
  based on the name of the lock supplied as an argument to this command.
  The user is one of the names returned by a prior 'scanusers' call.

Change-Id: Ieb921ed703e59cedf1b9f33c69c6d016578e76d5
5 files changed
tree: 87516a88a952a63783fefc309e7c9dd560e2f813
  1. go/
  2. .gitignore
  7. README.md

Physical lock

This is an example application built on the Vanadium stack.



  • The name used to claim a lock cannot contain slashes. It is also the blessing name that the lock subsequently authenticates with.
  • A key to a claimed lock is a blessing with a name matching the pattern “/key”

Features to add to the Lock server:

  1. Auditing: This is one of the strong features of our model, so I‘d imagine that we’d want a:
AuditLog(startTime, endTime time.Time) []AuditLog | error
type AuditLog struct {
  Blessing string
  Action LockStatus
  Timestamp time.Time

We'd also have to work out how to control access to this AuditLog. One option is to use caveats - so when “making” a new key one can choose to insert the “noadmin” caveat?

Features to add to the Lock client:

  1. Support more caveats in sendkey
  • TimeRange Caveat
  • AskForPermission Caveat

Circuitry with the RaspberryPi


  • 10KΩ resistor
  • 1KΩ resistor
  • Magnetic switch (normally open circuit - closed when the sensor moves away) (e.g. P/N 8601 Magnetic Switch)
  • For now, an active buzzer to simulate a relay. Will fill in the relay details here once we have that setup.
  • Breadboard, jumper cables, ribbon cable - or whatever is needed to connect to the RPi's GPIO pins


Apologies for this unconventional, possibly unreadable circuit representation. Putting it down so that the author can remember! TODO(ashankar): Clean it up!

The pin number assignments here work both for RaspberryPi Model B/B+ and RaspberryPi2-ModelB.

---(Pin 1)-------/\/\(10KΩ)/\/\---------(COM port of magnetic switch)
                                   \----/\/\(1KΩ)/\/\---------(Pin 15 = GPIO22)
                                          (N.O. port of magnetic switch)--|
                                         (-ve terminal of active buzzer)--|
                                                           (Pin 6 = GND)--|

---(Pin 11 = GPIO17)-----------(+ terminal of active buzzer)


To build for the RaspberryPi setup with the circuitry mentioned above:

v23 go get -u github.com/davecheney/gpio
V23_PROFILE=arm v23 go install v.io/x/lock/lockd
scp $V23_ROOT/release/projects/physical-lock/go/bin/lockd <rpi_scp_location>

If building without the arm profile, there are no physical switches/relays and instead a simulated hardware is used that uses the interrupt signal (SIGINT) to simulate locking/unlocking externally.