"physical-lock": listkeys

This CL makes two changes:
1) Streamlines the naming of lock devices. Lock devices are always
named by the name using which they were claimed. This is also the
name that the device authenticates as and a prefix of every key for
the lock.
2) Adds 'listkeys' command to the command-line client that lists
the set of keys bound to the principal invoking the command and the
and the locks to the which they apply.

Change-Id: If3e8bbef4efdec910ebd69b7184478b26fbac229
4 files changed
tree: de24f7426e3008706647f72dcbe76c18870662bc
  1. go/
  2. .gitignore
  7. README.md

Physical lock

This is an example application built on the Vanadium stack.


Features to add to the Lock server:

  1. Auditing: This is one of the strong features of our model, so I‘d imagine that we’d want a:
AuditLog(startTime, endTime time.Time) []AuditLog | error
type AuditLog struct {
  Blessing string
  Action LockStatus
  Timestamp time.Time

We'd also have to work out how to control access to this AuditLog. One option is to use caveats - so when “making” a new key one can choose to insert the “noadmin” caveat?

Features to add to the Lock client:

  1. sendkey <lockname> <email> sendkey sends a key for the specified lock and any principal with the specified <email> who is currently running a recvkey command.

Circuitry with the RaspberryPi


  • 10KΩ resistor
  • 1KΩ resistor
  • Magnetic switch (normally open circuit - closed when the sensor moves away) (e.g. P/N 8601 Magnetic Switch)
  • For now, an active buzzer to simulate a relay. Will fill in the relay details here once we have that setup.
  • Breadboard, jumper cables, ribbon cable - or whatever is needed to connect to the RPi's GPIO pins


Apologies for this unconventional, possibly unreadable circuit representation. Putting it down so that the author can remember! TODO(ashankar): Clean it up!

The pin number assignments here work both for RaspberryPi Model B/B+ and RaspberryPi2-ModelB.

---(Pin 1)-------/\/\(10KΩ)/\/\---------(COM port of magnetic switch)
                                   \----/\/\(1KΩ)/\/\---------(Pin 15 = GPIO22)
                                          (N.O. port of magnetic switch)--|
                                         (-ve terminal of active buzzer)--|
                                                           (Pin 6 = GND)--|

---(Pin 11 = GPIO17)-----------(+ terminal of active buzzer)


To build for the RaspberryPi setup with the circuitry mentioned above:

v23 go get -u github.com/davecheney/gpio
V23_PROFILE=arm v23 go install v.io/x/lock/lockd
scp $V23_ROOT/release/projects/physical-lock/go/bin/lockd <rpi_scp_location>

If building without the arm profile, there are no physical switches/relays and instead a simulated hardware is used that uses the interrupt signal (SIGINT) to simulate locking/unlocking externally.