blob: 547bf2c542b57755670ed10a1b4c831b83a0acc8 [file] [log] [blame]
ag-data-grid-column defines a column of data and provides the template to render
the cells for that column.
a variable named ```item``` is in scope for the cell renderer template that refers
to the JavaScript object, as defined by the dataSource, being rendered currently.
<div>{{ }}</div>
@element ag-data-grid-column
<link rel="import" href="../../polymer/polymer.html">
<polymer-element name="ag-data-grid-column" grid-column attributes="label sortable key primary wrap flex minFlex priority align">
Polymer('ag-data-grid-column', {
* Label text for the column
* @attribute label
* @type string
* @default ''
label: '',
* number specifying how flexible the width of the column is
* compared to other columns. For instance for a grid with three columns
* flex values of 1, 3, 1. means the middle column needs to be three times
* as wide as the other two.
* Flex value of 0 means the column should not be displayed.
* Flex values for all the columns can add up to any value.
* @attribute flex
* @type integer
* @default 1
flex: 1,
* minimum Flex value that this column can be reduced to by the responsive data grid
* Defaults to 1 meaning column can be reduced to 1 flex as available space shrinks.
* @attribute minFlex
* @type integer
* @default 1
minFlex: 1,
* specifies the importance of this column. Responsive grid uses this number
* to decide which columns to reduce/hide when available space shrinks.
* Lower number means more important.
* @attribute priority
* @type integer
* @default 1
priority: 1,
* whether this column is sortable
* @attribute sortable
* @type boolean
* @default false
sortable: false,
* whether this the primary column of the grid.
* Normally there is a single column that other columns are dependents on
* @attribute primary
* @type boolean
* @default false
primary: false,
* whether text inside the cells of this columns are allowed to wrap.
* @attribute wrap
* @type boolean
* @default false
wrap: false,
* Key that will be pass as sort.key to fetch() function of your data source.
* @attribute key
* @type string
* @default ''
key: '',
* How the text context of the column is aligned horizontally.
* Default to left aligned, can be center, right
* @attribute align
* @type string
* @default 'left'
align: 'left'