#ag-data-grid Experimental Work ag-data-grid is an Web Component to display tabular data. It has built-in support for paging, search, filters, sortable columns and custom cell renderer.

ag-data-grid is responsive and can automatically hide columns on smaller screens based on a few simple attributes defined by developer such as “importance” of a particular column.

demo of data grid in action

##Demo Contacts List Grid Demo


bower install aghassemi/ag-data-grid


Please see full API documentation on the Component Page ###Basic

  <ag-data-grid summary="Displays each person's score"
    <ag-data-grid-column label="Name">
    <ag-data-grid-column label="Score">

DataSource attribute expects an object that has a fetch(search, sort, filters) method. Please see documentation on DataSource property for details.

###Full Featured Please see demo.html for a full featured example.

##License MIT