tree: 297b645ff6494132409e3d28ce49afaf58d97435 [path history] [tgz]
  1. browser/
  2. bundles/
  3. lib/
  4. public/
  5. stylesheets/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .jshintignore
  8. .jshintrc
  9. Makefile
  10. package.json


Source code for the Vanadium playground web client.

As of dec-2014, the playground doc is here.

Directory structure

  • browser - JS modules to be compiled/bundle via [browserify].
  • bundles - Default playground examples. Each combination of directory and .bundle file forms a bundle.
  • Makefile - Targets for building the client (browserifying Javascript, compile CSS, etc.).
  • node_modules - JS dependencies created by npm install.
  • package.json - Used by npm install to resolve and download dependencies.
  • public - Static assets, including bundle targets for JS/CSS served by make start.
  • stylesheets - CSS to be compiled to public/bundle.css.
  • - Script testing correctness of default playground examples.

Requires npm and Node.js.

Build the playground web client:


The command above automatically fetches node dependencies, and builds necessary assets for the client bundles to the public directory for serving.

Local server

Start a server on

make start

This command will also install any dependencies and build the required bundles.

To run the local dev server with a different configuration you can use variables:

host=`hostname` port=4080 make start

The client running on localhost needs to have the backend address configured via the pgaddr= query parameter.


The default make task will build these for you. The Makefile already has globbing targets for bundling JS and CSS in the browser and stylesheets directories. See these directories for entry points (index files). Such files are bundled into single public/bundle.* files.

The CSS/JS bundles do not rebuild automatically via the server. If you would like the effect of automatic building and seeing your changes on browser refresh you can use the watch utility.

watch make


If you do not have access to the vanadium-staging GCE account ping jasoncampbell@. Once you have access you will need to login to the account via the command line.

gcloud auth login

To deploy the playground client to use the make target deploy-staging.

make deploy-staging

This will sync the public directory to the private Google Storage bucket gs:// which gets automatically updated to the nginx front-end servers. Currently all static content is protected by OAuth. For more details on the deployment infrastructure see this doc and the infrastructure repository.