blob: 99e1a52036d403893d390da8d3689ebcadd3494c [file] [log] [blame]
var _ = require('lodash');
var fs = require('fs');
var glob = require('glob');
var path = require('path');
// Filename to write the data to.
var BUNDLE_NAME = 'bundle.json';
module.exports = {run: run};
// TODO(nlacasse): Improve this.
function usage() {
console.log('Usage: pgbundle [options] <path> [<path> <path> ...]');
console.log('Options: --verbose: Enable verbose output.');
// If the first line is "// +build OMIT", strip the line and return the
// remaining lines.
function stripBuildOmit(lines) {
if (lines[0] === '// +build OMIT') {
return lines;
// If the first line is an index comment, strip the line and return the index
// and remaining lines.
function getIndex(lines) {
var index = null;
var match = lines[0].match(/^\/\/\s*index=(\d+)/);
if (match && match[1]) {
index = match[1];
lines =;
return {
index: index,
lines: lines
function shouldIgnore(fileName) {
// Ignore directories.
if (_.last(fileName) === '/') {
return true;
// Ignore bundle files.
if (fileName === BUNDLE_NAME) {
return true;
// Ignore generated .vdl.go files.
if ((/\.vdl\.go$/i).test(fileName)) {
return true;
// Ignore files inside "bin" and "pkg" directories.
if (fileName.indexOf('bin/') === 0 ||
fileName.indexOf('pkg/') === 0) {
return true;
return false;
// Main function.
function run() {
// Get the paths from process.argv.
var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
var dirs = argv._;
// Make sure there is at least one path.
if (!dirs || dirs.length === 0) {
return usage();
// Loop over each path.
_.each(dirs, function(dir) {
var relpaths = glob.sync('**', {
cwd: dir,
mark: true // Add a '/' char to directory matches.
if (relpaths.length === 0) {
return usage();
var out = {files: []};
// Loop over each file.
_.each(relpaths, function(relpath) {
if (shouldIgnore(relpath)) {
var abspath = path.resolve(dir, relpath);
var text = fs.readFileSync(abspath, {encoding: 'utf8'});
var lines = text.split('\n');
lines = stripBuildOmit(lines);
var indexAndLines = getIndex(lines);
var index = indexAndLines.index;
lines = indexAndLines.lines;
name: relpath,
body: lines.join('\n'),
index: index
out.files = _.sortBy(out.files, 'index');
// Drop the index fields -- we don't need them anymore.
out.files =, function(f) {
return _.omit(f, 'index');
// Write the bundle.json.
var outFile = path.resolve(dir, BUNDLE_NAME);
fs.writeFileSync(outFile, JSON.stringify(out));
if (argv.verbose) {
console.log('Wrote ' + outFile);